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給 给
to supply
提供 供应 加料 供养 供货 给水 供热 供暖 补发 供电 供水 补缺 断气 缺血 对对子 米袋子 包饭 贴牌
to provide
配备 订定 配用 出具 发放 施以 提供 供给 供应 拿出 备办 带给 压阵 放贷 遮阴 支应 给水 照管 应援 承运 包饭 支援 给养 带动 安养 养活 诱导
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
給 给
只好 折合 参阅 屈体 比为 酿成 比喻 买面子 坚守 承顺 奔赴 另加 点选 听任 谈到 通向 合乎 折腰 引发 迎合 顶风停止 有助于 移师 顺应 祭出 符合 亲赴
来讲 为了 甘苦 有福同享,有祸同当 有福同享,有难同当 同甘共苦 祖祖辈辈 免票 翘盼 怎的 有年 白白 要说 保准 无疑 负有责任 有年头 为人 面向 失踪 仅供 营利 经年累月 比方 何为 除外
for the benefit of
以飨读者 便民利民 摩顶放踵 顺水推船 顺水推舟
to give
奉送 呈给 发放 献出 予以 施与 给以 交给 寄予 给予 赋予 赐给 递交 带给 加以 参谋 着想 下崽 放出 出问题 罢手
to allow
准许 任由 听凭 许和 任随 体谅 听随 应许 任令 开许 任凭 听任 任听 容许 允许 许可 酌量 不准 备抵 不许 不容 放飞 恩准 放走
to do sth (for sb)
只能 触霉头 视为畏途 亲力亲为 搞怪 能彀 恨不得 勉为其难 不屑 应诺 舍不得 拂逆 摆样子 手滑 不易 协办 拾芥 迫于 强行 捋虎须 门道 快点 接着 乐意 有一套 勉强 使 硬着头皮 有关
(grammatical equivalent of 被)
(grammatical equivalent of 把)
(sentence intensifier)
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 动
1   give; grant; present:
- 给某人颜色看 give sb. a lesson; make it hot for sb.
- 给我一杯水喝。 Give me a cup of water (to drink).
- 公司给他一个月的假。 The company granted him a month's leave.
- 杭州给我的印象很好。 Hangzhou left a very good impression on me.
- 这本书是给你的。 This book is for you.
- 我给他一个不理睬。 I just ignored him.
2   let; allow; make:
- 给我看看。 Let me have a look.
- 开完运动会,给我累得够呛。 After the sports meet, I was tired out.
II 介
1   [after a verb, indicating the handing over of sth. ]:
- 交给他一封信 hand him a letter
- 我把钥匙留给你。 I'll leave the key with you.
2   for the benefit of; for the sake of; for:
- 给旅客送水倒茶 bring drinking water and tea for the passengers
- 我给你当翻译。 I'll act as interpreter for you.
3   [introducing the recipient of an action]:
- 他给我道歉了。 He's apologized to me.
4   [in passive sentence to introduce what has happened]:
- 衣服给汗水湿透了。 Clothes were soaked with sweat.
III 〈助〉 [before a verb for emphasis]:
- 我差点儿把这事给忘了。 I almost forgot that.
- 质量不合格给换。 Substandard products will be exchanged.

1   supply; provide:
- 补给 supply; provision
- 自给自足 self-sufficiency
2   ample; well provided for:
- 家给人足 each family is provided for and every person is well-fed and well-clothed
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 供给;供应 {supply; provide}:
- 补~ {supplies}
- 配~ {ration}
- 自~自足。 {self-sufficient}
2. 富裕充足 {ample}:
- 家~户足。 {Families have ample supplies and people live in contentment.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

1. 使对方得到某些东西或某种遭遇 {give; grant}:
- 叔叔~他一支笔 {His uncle gave him a pen.}
- 杭州~我的印象很好 {Hangzhou left a very good impression on me.}
- 我们~敌人一个沉重的打击。 {We struck a heavy blow at the enemy.}
2. 用在动词后面,表示交与,付出 {[after a verb] hand over; pay}:
- 送~他 {give him (as a gift)}
- 贡献~祖国。 {contribute to the motherland}[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian>
动词本身有给予意义的,后面可以用‘给’,也可以不用‘给’;本身没有给予意义的,后面必须用‘给’ {The word 给 can be used or not with a verb that implies “giving ”, but is required behind other verbs}, 如 {e.g.}:
- 还(~)他一本书 {return his book}
- 送(~)我一支笔 {give me a pen}
- 捎~他一个包袱 {bring him a cloth bundle}
- 留~你钥匙。 {leave the key with you}
3. same as 为(wèi)②:
- 他~我们当翻译 {He will act as an interpreter for us.}
- 医生~他们看病。 {The doctor treated them.}
4. 引进动作的对象,跟‘向’相同 {[introduce the object of a verb, same as 向 xiàng]}:
- 小朋友~老师行礼。 {The children saluted their teacher.}[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian>
这种用法,普通话有一定限制,有的说法方言里有,普通话里没有,如‘车走远了,她还在~我们招手’,普通话用‘向’或‘跟’ {In putonghua, this usage is limited. Some dialects use 给. For example:
车走远了,她还在~我们招手(She continued to wave as the car disappeared in the distance), where putonghua would use 向 xiàng or 跟 gēn.}

5. 叫;让。 {let; make}<biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>表示使对方做某件事 {enable sb. to do sth.}:
- 农场拨出一块地来~他们做试验。 {The farm set aside a field for them to carry out experiments.}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>表示容许对方做某种动作 {permit sb. to do sth.}:
- 那封信他收着不~看。 {He kept that letter and did not let others read it.}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>表示某种遭遇 {[indicate a bitter experience]}:
- 羊~狼吃了 {The sheep was eaten by the wolf.}
- 树~炮弹打断了。 {The tree was smashed by the bomb.}
6. 〈助词<posen>aux.</posen>直接用在表示被动、处置等意思的句子的谓语动词前面,以加强语气 {[used before the predicate verb in a passive sentence for emphasis]}:
- 裤腿都叫露水~湿透了 {Our trouser legs were drenched by morning dew.}
- 弟弟把花瓶~打了 {(My) brother broke the vase.}
- 我记性不好,保不住就~忘了。 {I may forget because of my poor memory.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

give; grant
- 把这封信给她 hand this letter to her
- 给他些吃的 give him something to eat
- 给她一周假 grant her a week's leave
- 给我一些时间 give me some time
- 她给我的印象很好。 She impressed me favourably.
- 这本书是给你的。 This book is for you.
make sb suffer
- 给敌人以沉重打击 strike the enemy a heavy blow; strike a heavy blow at the enemy
- 给一记耳光 give sb a slap; box sb's ears; smack sb's face
- 给一脚 give sb a kick
- 给他点儿颜色看看 teach him a lesson
allow; let; make
- 给我看看。 Let me have a look.
- 他不给大家知道他病了。 He didn't let it be known that he was ill. / He didn't reveal that he was sick.
[used in passive sentences to introduce either the doer of the action or the action if the doer is not mentioned] by; with
- 感到肋间给人捅了一下 feel a poke (by someone) in the ribs
- 花给雨打湿了。 The flowers got wet in the rain.
- 她丈夫因涉嫌谋杀给逮捕了。 Her husband was arrested for murder.
- 我们的衣服给汗水湿透了。 Our clothes were soaked with sweat.
- 这件事我完全给忘了。 I clean forgot it.
[used before a verb for emphasis]
- 花瓶给打了。 Someone broke the vase.
- 她把自行车给修好了。 She has had her bicycle repaired.
[used after a verb indicating the handing or passing over of sth] to; with
- 把球回传给守门员 pass the ball back to the goalkeeper
- 发给每个士兵一支枪。 Each soldier was issued a rifle.
- 她把盐递给了我。 She passed me the salt. / She handed the salt to me.
[used to introduce the recipient of an action] to; for
- 给孩子们讲故事 tell stories to the children
- 给客队加油 cheer/root for the visiting team
- 给老师认错 admit one's fault to the teacher
- 给某人打电话 give sb a call
- 给某人道歉 apologize to someone
- 给你添麻烦了,不好意思。 Sorry to have troubled you.
[followed by我in the imperative sentence for emphasis]
- 快给我闭嘴。 Shut up!
- 你给我走开。 Go away!

supply; provide
ample; abundant; well provided for
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

present; tip
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典

- 我哥给了我一块表。 My brother gave me a watch.
- 这件事情给了她信心。 It gave her confidence.
- 他给了我一脚。 He gave me a kick.
- 我们给敌人一个沉重的打击。 We gave the enemy a hard blow.
- 公司给了他一个月的假。 The company has granted him a month's leave.
- 银行拒绝给他长期信用贷款。 The bank refused to grant him long-term credit.
- 杭川给我的印象很好。 Hangzhou left a very good impression on me.
- 你不给我选择。 You leave me no choice.
- 在这些情况下,又给了她什么样的选择余地呢? In these circumstances, what alternatives were left to her?
- 她给旅客送茶倒水。 She brought drinking water and tea for the passengers.
- 这本书是给你的。 This book is for you.
- 你给我去寄封信。 Co and post the letter for me.
用to, with引出交付的对象。
- 我把信给他了。 I've handed the letter to him.
- 我把钥匙给你。 I'll leave the key with you.
- 把钉锤给我。 Pass the hammer to me.
- 开完运动会,我给累得够呛。 After the sports meet, I was tired out.
- 阅览室里的有些书给拿走了。 Some books in the reading room were taken away.
- 这股敌人全给游击队消灭了。 The whole horde of enemy soldiers was wiped out by the guerrillas.
- 质量不合格,给换。 Substandard products will be exchanged.
- 医生给孩子们种牛痘。 The doctor vaccinated the children.
- 小朋友给老师行礼。 The children saluted their teacher.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典