談 谈
to speak
⇒ 说 出口 做声 讲 谓 口称 啽 曰 出言 操 道出 说话 说上 出声 言语 讲话 直白 闪烁其词 不语 讷 有一说一 谈到 讲演 直言无讳 谈起 口不择言 挖苦 抬举 谗 句句实话 嗫嚅 噤
to talk
⇒ 谈话 动嘴 说上 讲话 言 说 对话 搭话 说话 含糊其词 商量 谈及 讨论 洽商 侃 犯贫 谈到 夸夸其谈 放卫星 喷粪 闲话 妄言 大言不惭 纵谈 纵论 耍嘴皮子 谈天说地 胡诌乱扯 胡扯八溜 谈起 乱讲 满嘴喷粪
to converse
⇒ 交谈 搭腔 会话 答腔 隔空喊话
to chat
⇒ 闲聊 闲聊天 叙谈 拉扯 拉呱 唠嗑 扯 叙 聊 攀谈 啦 谈天 拉话 唠 闲谈 砍大山 闲扯 聊天 说闲话 吹牛 拉 摆龙门阵 闲侃 扯家常 裸聊 打屁 私聊 语音 侃 蛋逼 喇赛 扯犊子
to discuss
⇒ 评论 筹商 念叨 搭咕 审议 说道 商计 商洽 讲论 辩 商榷 话说 商量 洽谈 讨论 论 商谈 呛咕 商讨 谈论 谈谈 评 议论 筹议 议 交谈 不论 共话 合议 谈古论今 深谈 共商
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 talk; chat; discuss:
- 第一次见面他们就谈得很投机。 They had a most agreeable chat at their first meeting.
- 他谈了自己的看法。 He offered his own views.
- 他谈到我国工业发展的前景。 He talked about the prospects for industrial development in our country.
- 我们好好谈谈。 Let's have a good chat.
- 我想同大家谈一谈文学创作问题。 I would like to discuss with you the question of creative writing.
II 名
1 what is said or talked about:
- 奇谈 strange tale
2 (Tán) a surname
I 动 talk; chat; discuss:
- 第一次见面他们就谈得很投机。 They had a most agreeable chat at their first meeting.
- 他谈了自己的看法。 He offered his own views.
- 他谈到我国工业发展的前景。 He talked about the prospects for industrial development in our country.
- 我们好好谈谈。 Let's have a good chat.
- 我想同大家谈一谈文学创作问题。 I would like to discuss with you the question of creative writing.
II 名
1 what is said or talked about:
- 奇谈 strange tale
2 (Tán) a surname
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 说话或讨论 {talk; discuss}:
- 漫~ {random talk; chit-chat}
- 面~ {speak to sb. face to face}
- ~思想。 {speak one's mind}
2. 所说的话 {remark; uttering}:
- 奇~ {strange tale}
- 传为美~ {become talk of the town}
- 无稽之~。 {cook-and-bull story; unfounded statement}
3. (Tán)姓。 {a surname}
1. 说话或讨论 {talk; discuss}:
- 漫~ {random talk; chit-chat}
- 面~ {speak to sb. face to face}
- ~思想。 {speak one's mind}
2. 所说的话 {remark; uttering}:
- 奇~ {strange tale}
- 传为美~ {become talk of the town}
- 无稽之~。 {cook-and-bull story; unfounded statement}
3. (Tán)姓。 {a surname}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 talk/chat/converse (about sth with sb); speak (about); discuss (with sb)
- 谈看法 talk about one's views/opinions
- 谈往事 talk about the old times; have a chat over the old days
- 谈正事 talk business/turkey
- 爸爸和我的老师谈了很久。 Father had a long conversation with my teacher.
- 部长在讲话中谈到了国际形势。 The minister touched on the current international affairs in his speech.
- 老朋友们彻夜长谈。 The old friends chatted deep into the night.
- 他跟我谈过此事。 He spoke of this matter to me.
- 她没机会和他谈这件事。 She had no opportunity to discuss it with him.
- 我想和你谈谈。 I want to talk to you.
- 咱们边喝茶边谈。 Let's talk over a cup of tea.
名 remark; utterance; talk
动 talk/chat/converse (about sth with sb); speak (about); discuss (with sb)
- 谈看法 talk about one's views/opinions
- 谈往事 talk about the old times; have a chat over the old days
- 谈正事 talk business/turkey
- 爸爸和我的老师谈了很久。 Father had a long conversation with my teacher.
- 部长在讲话中谈到了国际形势。 The minister touched on the current international affairs in his speech.
- 老朋友们彻夜长谈。 The old friends chatted deep into the night.
- 他跟我谈过此事。 He spoke of this matter to me.
- 她没机会和他谈这件事。 She had no opportunity to discuss it with him.
- 我想和你谈谈。 I want to talk to you.
- 咱们边喝茶边谈。 Let's talk over a cup of tea.
名 remark; utterance; talk
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
chat; talk
chat; talk
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典