
[tí qǐ]
to mention
挂齿 谈及 说起 提及 谈起 齿及 论及 提到 说到 说得上 别说 慢说 且不说 漫说 遑论 隐秘难言 指名 一笔带过 点名 报功 语焉不详 难言之隐 不提也罢 相提并论 同日而语 一字不提 难以启齿 挂一漏万 卑卑不足道
to speak of
谈起 言说 莫讲 夸赞 恭维 褒贬 上眼药 帮腔 辩护 多嘴 高抬 义正辞严 吃哑巴亏 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 扯嗓子 同日而语 寒蝉效应 言者无罪,闻者足戒
to lift
解除 掀起 掀动 提升 举起 揭举 起飞 撩起 高举 掀开 抬起 升空 解严 举重 抬举 解围 打车
to pick up
拾得 拾掇 拾取 捡拾 起色 拿起 拾获 拎起 拣起 重拾 撷取 回升 泡妞 提速 拾零 拾芥 提货 作东 把妹 串味 接活 拉活 提车 把马子
to arouse
激发 引起 激起 挑动 发动 招怨 结怨 煽情 触景生情 漏电
to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
抬高 抚养 加码 掀起 撩起 筹措 提高 拔高 加注 提及 上调 养成 提出 抚育 增高 升高 提升 增加
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   mention; speak of:
- 提起这个爱乐乐团,没有一个不夸的。 No one ever mentions the Philharmonic Orchestra without praising it.
- 昨天他还提起你来着。 He spoke of you only yesterday.
2   (-//-) raise; arouse; brace; invigorate:
- 提起精神 raise one's spirits; brace oneself
- 提起人们的注意 call (or arouse) people's attention
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 谈到;说起 {mention; speak of}:
- ~此人,没有一个不知道的。 {Everybody knew the man at the mention of his name.}
2. 奋起 {raise; arouse; brace up}:
- ~精神。 {raise one's spirits; brace oneself up}
3. 提出 {file}:
- ~诉讼。 {file a suit}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
mention; speak of
- 提起诗人的早逝没有一个人不惋惜的。 No one ever mentioned the untimely death of the poet without regret.
- 你不该当她的面提起她的亡夫。 You should not have spoken of her late husband in her presence.
- 一提起这个话题,他就愁容满面。 At the mere mention of the subject, his face clouded.
arouse; brace up; raise
- 提起精神 brace oneself up; refresh one's mind; raise one's spirits
- 提起注意力 call/arouse sb's attention
put forward; present; raise
- 提起诉讼 sue; prosecute; bring/take an action (against sb); institute/bring/file a suit (against sb); bring/file a case (against sb); bring/conduct/institute/lodge a prosecution against sb; start/institute/conduct/initiate legal proceedings (against sb)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
tí qǐ
speak of,指随便提起,不强调提起的目的。
- 他昨天还提起你来着。 He spoke of you only yesterday.
- 罗斯福夫人经常提起他。 Mrs. Roosevelt often speaks of him.
- 他认为向总统提起事实真相是他的责任。 He thought it his duty to mention the truth to the president.
- 顺便说一下,不要向我夫人提起她。 By the way, don't mention her to my wife.
refer to,指通过提起来引起注意或问题的解决。
- 声明提起了他那政治对手的讲话。 The statement refers to the remarks by his political opponent.
- 他们今天见面时谁都没有提起昨天的争吵。 No one referred to yesterday's quarrel when they met today.
lift, 指提起重物。
- 那男人提起行李走了。 The man lifted his baggage and went away.
- 这箱子太重,我提不起来。 The box is too heavy for me to lift.
- 现在咱们提起精神,准备跳舞罢。 Now let's raise our spirits and get ready for dance.
- 每当提起这一话题他仍感到尴尬。 He still feels embarrassed whenever the subject is raised.
bring up,指提出。
- 他们明天来时我希望不再提起这个问题。 I wish they would not bring up the problem again when they come tomorrow.
- 我们打算在会上提起这一点。 We have it in mind to bring up this point at the meeting.
call attention to,指提起人们的注意。
- 对这一事实,有必要提起人们的注意。 It is necessary to call attention to this fact.
- 最近的地震提起了人们对危房的注意。 The recent earthquake called attention to the unsafe buildings.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典