
Shaw讨论 | 贡献2024年7月29日 (一) 20:45的版本 (CSV导入)
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to retreat; to withdraw
回归 退却 撤出 撤退 撤兵 退下 撤军 后撤 后退 收兵 缩进 退路 败退 进退 消隐 退守 鸣金收兵 鸣金 鸣金收军 退散 草率收兵 退避三舍 草草收兵 羊触藩篱 羝羊触藩 江湖 进退维谷 进退为难 进退两难 进退失据 擂鼓鸣金 提取 退避 支取 退出 抽身 回避 撤走 下去 收回 脱开 撤下 回抽 龟缩 提领 提出 撤营 撤款 取现 撤离 取钱 提款 提现 淡出 退货 翻嘴
to reject; to return (sth)
否定 遐弃 罢黜 吐弃 拒收 攘除 拚除 摈斥 推开 驳回 剔除 抵制 看破 核驳 排斥 拒接 拚去 拒绝 厌弃 退件 拒斥 发好人卡 去取 一笔抹杀 发卡 违时绝俗 回过头来 回去 回路 回还 转去 回转 退回 回复 归来 复返 退还 重回 发回 回返 回来 反复 送还 复归 重返 回到 回归 返回 旋里
to decline
衰亡 下滑 走下坡路 式微 凌夷 下降 没落 积弱 降温 屈折语 滑坡 减退 衰退 败落 拒绝 衰败 陵夷 推开 走低 低落 推辞 谢却 衰微 推却
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   move back; retreat (opp. ):
- 退一步说 even if that is so; even so
- 敌人已经退了。 The enemy has retreated.
- 他往后退了几步。 He stepped back a few paces. or He backed up several steps.
2   cause to move back; withdraw; remove:
- 把子弹退出来 remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun; unload a gun
3   withdraw from; quit 退党
4   decline; recede; ebb:
- 潮水退了。 The tide has receded. or The tide is on the ebb.
5   fade 退色 tuì//shăi
6   return; give back; refund:
- 空瓶不退。 Empty bottles are not refundable.
- 把这份礼退掉。 Return this gift.
7   cancel; break off:
- 退掉订货 cancel an order (for merchandise)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 向后移动(跟‘进’相对 as opposed to ‘advance’}) {retreat; move backwards; draw back; back up}:
- 后~ {retreat; draw back; fall back}
- 倒~ {draw back; back up}
- 进~两难。 {not knowing whether to advance or retreat; in a dilemma}
2. 使向后移动 {withdraw; remove; cause to move back}:
- ~兵 {retreat; withdraw troops}
- ~敌 {repulse the enemy; force the enemy to retreat or withdraw}
- 把子弹~出来。 {remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun; unload a gun}
3. 退出 {quit; adjourn; withdraw from; retire from}:
- ~席 {leave a banquet or meeting; walk out}
- ~职 {leave a job; resign or be discharged from office}
- ~伍 {retire or be discharged from active military service; be demobilized; leave the army}
- ~伙 {withdraw from an underworld gang; stop eating in a mess}
- 引~。 {resign; quit or leave office}
4. 减退;下降 {decline; decrease; recede; ebb}:
- ~色 {fade}
- ~烧 {bring down or lower a fever; (of a person's temperature) come down}
- 潮水已经~了。 {The tidewater has receded. or The tide is on the ebb.}
5. 退还 {return; refund; give back}:
- ~钱 {refund; reimburse}
- ~货 {return products or goods}
- ~票 {return a ticket; cancel a reservation; get a refund for a ticket}
- 把这份礼~了。 {Return this present.}
6. 把已定的事撤销 {cancel; retract; break off}:
- ~佃 {(of a landlord) cancel a tenancy; evict a tenant}
- ~婚。 {break off an engagement}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
move back/backwards; retreat
- 退一步说 even if that is so; even so
- 敌人已经退了。 The enemy has retreated.
- 他往后退了几步。 He stepped back a few paces. / He backed up several steps.
cause to move back; withdraw; remove
- 把子弹退出来 unload a gun; remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun
withdraw from; quit
decline; recede; ebb
return; give back; refund
cancel; withdraw; retract; break off
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cancel; fade; move back; quit; recede; withdraw
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典