to rub; to scratch
⇒ 磨 捼 摩 搋 挼 扢 揉搓 揉 搓揉 搓洗 磨蹭 蹭 撋 搎 一无所有 撸 空无所有 赤贫如洗 擦澡 摩顶放踵 抹一鼻子灰 搓 摩拳擦掌 划 挠 搔痒 搔 抓挠 擦掠 抠 抓 猱 㧟 浅耕 擿 乱抓 失准 另起炉灶 抓搔 从零开始 平地起家 抓痒 白手起家 重起炉灶 归零 挠头 抠脚 互通有无 度日 隔靴搔痒 抓耳挠腮
to wipe; to polish
⇒ 揩擦 拂拭 抹消 擦掉 揩 擦抹 抆 拭 抹 擦拭 诛灭 揩拭 除 揾 追歼 擦干 拭除 夷 扫 廓清 洗刷 雪 连锅端 报销 洗雪 诛尽杀绝 扫除 湔雪 治 诛除 解决 抛光 修饰 润色 擦亮 磨光 错 磨 打磨 磋 吟哦 觷 文饰 炼句 琢磨 研磨 琯 砣
to apply (lipstick, lotion etc)
⇒ 应用 涂 使用 揞 应征 傅 涂抹 敷 膏 运 施以 套用 申领 搽 予以 报名 涂敷 施 着 投考 加以 具体到 付诸 加 搬用 发力 巧干 外敷 申办 请领 着色 施肥
to brush (past)
⇒ 刷 吹拂 屏除 擦身而过 置之不理 掠 擦肩而过 划拉 掸 拂 擦掠 不予理会 重温 拨开 挥毫洒墨 偏锋 挥翰 刷牙 搁笔 膏 抿 挥毫 走偏锋 粉板
to shred (a vegetable etc)
⇒ 菹 擦丝 切成
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 rub; scratch:
- 擦根火柴 strike a match
- 他擦伤了膝盖。 He skinned his knee.
- 没关系,就擦破了一点儿皮。 Nothing serious. Just a scratch.
2 wipe; scrape; erase:
- 擦汗 wipe the sweat (away)
- 擦玻璃 clean a pane of glass
- 擦地板 mop the floor
- 擦桌子 wipe a table
- 擦干眼泪 dry one's eyes
- 擦掉黑板上的字 erase the writing on the blackboard
3 apply (or spread) sth. on:
- 擦粉 powder
- 擦药水(药膏) apply medicinal lotion (ointment) (to an affected spot)
- 我的皮鞋该擦油了。 My shoes need a shine.
4 touch lightly (or come close to) in passing; shave; brush:
- 飞机擦着山顶飞过。 The plane just cleared the hilltops.
- 他擦着我的肩膀走过。 He brushed past me.
5 grate; scrape into shreds:
- 把土豆擦成丝儿。 Grate the potatoes.
1 rub; scratch:
- 擦根火柴 strike a match
- 他擦伤了膝盖。 He skinned his knee.
- 没关系,就擦破了一点儿皮。 Nothing serious. Just a scratch.
2 wipe; scrape; erase:
- 擦汗 wipe the sweat (away)
- 擦玻璃 clean a pane of glass
- 擦地板 mop the floor
- 擦桌子 wipe a table
- 擦干眼泪 dry one's eyes
- 擦掉黑板上的字 erase the writing on the blackboard
3 apply (or spread) sth. on:
- 擦粉 powder
- 擦药水(药膏) apply medicinal lotion (ointment) (to an affected spot)
- 我的皮鞋该擦油了。 My shoes need a shine.
4 touch lightly (or come close to) in passing; shave; brush:
- 飞机擦着山顶飞过。 The plane just cleared the hilltops.
- 他擦着我的肩膀走过。 He brushed past me.
5 grate; scrape into shreds:
- 把土豆擦成丝儿。 Grate the potatoes.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 摩擦 {rub}:
- ~火柴 {strike a match}
- 摩拳~掌 {rub one's fists and palms — be eager for action or fight; champ at the bit}
- 手~破了皮。 {(My) hands were bruised raw.}
2. 用布、手巾等摩擦使干净 {wipe clean with a rag or towel}:
- ~汗 {wipe sweat}
- ~桌子 {wipe a table}
- ~玻璃 {clean a windowpane}◇~亮眼睛。 {keep one's eyes peeled}
3. 涂抹 {apply, spread on}:
- ~油 {coat with oil}
- ~粉 {powder; put on powder}
- ~红药水。 {apply mercurochrome}
4. 贴近;挨着 {touch lightly or come close to in passing; shave; brush}:
- ~黑ㄦ {evening; dusk; sunset; sundown}
- ~肩而过 {brush past sb.}
- 球~桌边了 {It's a line ball.}
- 燕子~着水面飞。 {The swallow skims over the water.}
5. 把瓜果等放在礤床ㄦ上来回摩擦,使成细丝ㄦ {grate a vegetable or fruit into shreds}:
- 把萝卜~成丝ㄦ。 {shred turnips}
1. 摩擦 {rub}:
- ~火柴 {strike a match}
- 摩拳~掌 {rub one's fists and palms — be eager for action or fight; champ at the bit}
- 手~破了皮。 {(My) hands were bruised raw.}
2. 用布、手巾等摩擦使干净 {wipe clean with a rag or towel}:
- ~汗 {wipe sweat}
- ~桌子 {wipe a table}
- ~玻璃 {clean a windowpane}◇~亮眼睛。 {keep one's eyes peeled}
3. 涂抹 {apply, spread on}:
- ~油 {coat with oil}
- ~粉 {powder; put on powder}
- ~红药水。 {apply mercurochrome}
4. 贴近;挨着 {touch lightly or come close to in passing; shave; brush}:
- ~黑ㄦ {evening; dusk; sunset; sundown}
- ~肩而过 {brush past sb.}
- 球~桌边了 {It's a line ball.}
- 燕子~着水面飞。 {The swallow skims over the water.}
5. 把瓜果等放在礤床ㄦ上来回摩擦,使成细丝ㄦ {grate a vegetable or fruit into shreds}:
- 把萝卜~成丝ㄦ。 {shred turnips}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 rub; scrape; graze
- 擦火柴 strike a match
- 这火柴擦不着。 The match won't catch.
动 brush past/by; shave; touch lightly
- 擦着墙根往西走 edge one's way towards the west along the wall
- 战斗机冲向地面,机翼擦着了树梢。 The fighter dived to the ground, the wing grazing the treetops.
动 wipe; scrub; polish; clean
- 擦窗玻璃 clean a windowpane
- 擦地板 mop/scrub the floor
- 擦汗 wipe the sweat away
- 擦黑板 clean/erase the blackboard
- 擦皮鞋 shine/polish shoes
- 擦枪 clean a gun
- 擦伤口的血 mop the blood from the wound
- 擦锈迹 scour at rusted spots
- 擦眼镜 polish/rub one's spectacles
- 用毛巾擦脸 wipe one's face with a towel; towel one's face
- 把盘子好好擦一擦。 Give the plates a good rub.
- 她在毛巾上擦了擦手。 She wiped her hands on the towel.
动 spread/put on; apply; paint
- 擦碘酒/药膏 apply iodine/ointment (to/over sth)
- 擦酒精 give alcohol rubs
- 擦香脂 cream one's face; rub cream on one's face
动 scrape (into shreds)
- 擦胡萝卜丝/土豆丝 shred carrots/potatoes
动 rub; scrape; graze
- 擦火柴 strike a match
- 这火柴擦不着。 The match won't catch.
动 brush past/by; shave; touch lightly
- 擦着墙根往西走 edge one's way towards the west along the wall
- 战斗机冲向地面,机翼擦着了树梢。 The fighter dived to the ground, the wing grazing the treetops.
动 wipe; scrub; polish; clean
- 擦窗玻璃 clean a windowpane
- 擦地板 mop/scrub the floor
- 擦汗 wipe the sweat away
- 擦黑板 clean/erase the blackboard
- 擦皮鞋 shine/polish shoes
- 擦枪 clean a gun
- 擦伤口的血 mop the blood from the wound
- 擦锈迹 scour at rusted spots
- 擦眼镜 polish/rub one's spectacles
- 用毛巾擦脸 wipe one's face with a towel; towel one's face
- 把盘子好好擦一擦。 Give the plates a good rub.
- 她在毛巾上擦了擦手。 She wiped her hands on the towel.
动 spread/put on; apply; paint
- 擦碘酒/药膏 apply iodine/ointment (to/over sth)
- 擦酒精 give alcohol rubs
- 擦香脂 cream one's face; rub cream on one's face
动 scrape (into shreds)
- 擦胡萝卜丝/土豆丝 shred carrots/potatoes
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
brush; rub; scrape; wipe
brush; rub; scrape; wipe
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
强调用布擦,用wipe (away)。
- 姑娘用手帕擦眼泪。 The girl wiped the tears away with a handkerchief.
- 他用袖口擦脸上的汗。 He wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeve.
强调来回地擦,用rub (away)。
- 他把错字擦了重写。 He rubbed away the wrong words and rewrote them.
- 她在用肥皂擦手。 She is rubbing her hands with the soap.
- 士兵都在擦枪。 The soldiers were cleaning their guns.
- 把黑板擦了,写上布置给你们的作业。 Clean the blackboard and copy the homework assigned to you.
- 她一天至少得擦一次地板。 She has to mop the floor at least once a day.
- 护士用一块纱布轻轻地擦伤口上的血。 The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound with a piece of gauze.
- 她使劲擦盆,想把污垢去掉。 She scrubbed the basin to remove the dirt.
- 他用湿毛巾使劲擦背。 He scrubbed his back with a wet towel.
- 客人来以前要把银制餐具擦好。 Have the table silver polished before the guests arrive.
- 你的皮鞋每天至少得擦一次。 Your shoes ought to be polished at least once a day.
- 我一滑,擦着了一条胳膊。 I slipped and scraped an elbow.
- 小艇的龙骨擦着湖底了。 The boat's keel scraped the bottom of the lake.
- 子弹擦着他的肩膀而过。 The bullet grazed his shoulder.
- 汽车擦着车库的门。 The car grazed the garage door.
- 他在皮靴的后跟上擦了一根火柴。 He scratched a match on his boot heel.
- 汽车在事故中只是擦了一下。 The car was only scratched in the accident.
- 敌机擦着屋顶呼啸而过。 The enemy plane shaved the roof roaring over.
- 我们发现暗处有一辆汽车擦墙而过。 We found that a car had shaved the wall in the dark.
强调擦感,用brush against。
- 他感到她走过时绸衫擦着他身子。 He felt the brush of her silk dress against him as she passed.
- 我感到一个醉汉擦肩而过。 I was brushed against a drunkard.
- 护士在给那个病人的伤口擦碘酒。 The nurse was applying iodine to a wound of the patient.
- 这种油膏只能擦在皮肤上。 This kind of ointment can be applied to the skin only.
强调擦上一层化妆品,用put on, wear。
- 你喜欢擦雪花膏吗? Do you like to put on vanishing cream?
- 姑娘大都爱擦口红。 Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick.
强调用布擦,用wipe (away)。
- 姑娘用手帕擦眼泪。 The girl wiped the tears away with a handkerchief.
- 他用袖口擦脸上的汗。 He wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeve.
强调来回地擦,用rub (away)。
- 他把错字擦了重写。 He rubbed away the wrong words and rewrote them.
- 她在用肥皂擦手。 She is rubbing her hands with the soap.
- 士兵都在擦枪。 The soldiers were cleaning their guns.
- 把黑板擦了,写上布置给你们的作业。 Clean the blackboard and copy the homework assigned to you.
- 她一天至少得擦一次地板。 She has to mop the floor at least once a day.
- 护士用一块纱布轻轻地擦伤口上的血。 The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound with a piece of gauze.
- 她使劲擦盆,想把污垢去掉。 She scrubbed the basin to remove the dirt.
- 他用湿毛巾使劲擦背。 He scrubbed his back with a wet towel.
- 客人来以前要把银制餐具擦好。 Have the table silver polished before the guests arrive.
- 你的皮鞋每天至少得擦一次。 Your shoes ought to be polished at least once a day.
- 我一滑,擦着了一条胳膊。 I slipped and scraped an elbow.
- 小艇的龙骨擦着湖底了。 The boat's keel scraped the bottom of the lake.
- 子弹擦着他的肩膀而过。 The bullet grazed his shoulder.
- 汽车擦着车库的门。 The car grazed the garage door.
- 他在皮靴的后跟上擦了一根火柴。 He scratched a match on his boot heel.
- 汽车在事故中只是擦了一下。 The car was only scratched in the accident.
- 敌机擦着屋顶呼啸而过。 The enemy plane shaved the roof roaring over.
- 我们发现暗处有一辆汽车擦墙而过。 We found that a car had shaved the wall in the dark.
强调擦感,用brush against。
- 他感到她走过时绸衫擦着他身子。 He felt the brush of her silk dress against him as she passed.
- 我感到一个醉汉擦肩而过。 I was brushed against a drunkard.
- 护士在给那个病人的伤口擦碘酒。 The nurse was applying iodine to a wound of the patient.
- 这种油膏只能擦在皮肤上。 This kind of ointment can be applied to the skin only.
强调擦上一层化妆品,用put on, wear。
- 你喜欢擦雪花膏吗? Do you like to put on vanishing cream?
- 姑娘大都爱擦口红。 Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典