⇒ 把子 抦 手感 把柄 耳子 辫子 把手 耳朵 手柄 手把 耳 摇手 处治 弄 枘 操持 对付 提手 行事 理 把儿 办事 处理 泵柄 料理 过来 门把 区处 拉环 长柄 符合 使唤
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
to hold; to grasp
⇒ 仗 占有 搦 憋 持有 承 含蓄 秉 握 做 操 载 包容 扣留 据有 容纳 屏 保持 把握 鋡 揓 捏 拿 攥 举行 握住 含蕴 占据 携 摠 收纳 容下 掌握 执 摰 乴 掺 捉摸 持 领会 拢攥 拿捏 易理解 扯住 参透 意会 擸 解悟 钳 理解力 在握 弄懂 拈 洞若观火 弄通 摸不着 不识大体 揝
to hold a baby in position to help it urinate or defecate
⇒ 车把 龙头
classifier: handful, bundle, bunch
classifier for things with handles
(used to put the object before the verb: 把[bǎ] + {noun} + {verb})
to hold; to grasp
⇒ 仗 占有 搦 憋 持有 承 含蓄 秉 握 做 操 载 包容 扣留 据有 容纳 屏 保持 把握 鋡 揓 捏 拿 攥 举行 握住 含蕴 占据 携 摠 收纳 容下 掌握 执 摰 乴 掺 捉摸 持 领会 拢攥 拿捏 易理解 扯住 参透 意会 擸 解悟 钳 理解力 在握 弄懂 拈 洞若观火 弄通 摸不着 不识大体 揝
to hold a baby in position to help it urinate or defecate
⇒ 车把 龙头
classifier: handful, bundle, bunch
classifier for things with handles
(used to put the object before the verb: 把[bǎ] + {noun} + {verb})
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(把儿) 名
1 grip; handle:
- 茶壶把儿 teapot handle
- 枪把儿 rifle butt
2 stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit):
- 花把儿 flower stem
(把儿) 名
1 grip; handle:
- 茶壶把儿 teapot handle
- 枪把儿 rifle butt
2 stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit):
- 花把儿 flower stem
介 [used to shift the object ahead of the verb, which must be reduplicated or accompanied by some other word or expression]:
- 把人急死 worry one to death; extremely worried 把头一扭 toss one's head
- 把衣服洗洗 wash the clothes
- 把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己 take on the difficulties and leave the easy part to others
- 他不把我当人。 He doesn't treat me like a human being. or He treats me without respect.
- 别害怕,他能把你怎么样? Don't be afraid, what can he do to you?
- 这一趟可把他累坏了。 That trip really tired him out.
介 [used to shift the object ahead of the verb, which must be reduplicated or accompanied by some other word or expression]:
- 把人急死 worry one to death; extremely worried 把头一扭 toss one's head
- 把衣服洗洗 wash the clothes
- 把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己 take on the difficulties and leave the easy part to others
- 他不把我当人。 He doesn't treat me like a human being. or He treats me without respect.
- 别害怕,他能把你怎么样? Don't be afraid, what can he do to you?
- 这一趟可把他累坏了。 That trip really tired him out.
助 [after 百,千,万,里,丈,顷,斤,个,etc. , without numeral] about; or so:
- 百把人 some hundred people; around a hundred people
- 个把月 about a month; a month or so
助 [after 百,千,万,里,丈,顷,斤,个,etc. , without numeral] about; or so:
- 百把人 some hundred people; around a hundred people
- 个把月 about a month; a month or so
形 〈旧〉 sworn:
- 把嫂 a sworn sister-in-law
- 把兄 a sworn brother
形 〈旧〉 sworn:
- 把嫂 a sworn sister-in-law
- 把兄 a sworn brother
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
指拜把子的关系 {sworn brotherhood}:
- ~兄 {sworn brother}
- ~嫂。 {sworn sister-in-law}
指拜把子的关系 {sworn brotherhood}:
- ~兄 {sworn brother}
- ~嫂。 {sworn sister-in-law}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 用手握住 {hold; grasp}:
- ~舵 {steer; hold the helm}
- 两手~着冲锋枪。 {hold the submachine gun with both hands}
2. 从后面用手托起小孩ㄦ两腿,让他大小便 {hold (a child up by its thighs for it to urinate or defecate)}:
- ~尿。 {hold a baby out for it to urinate}
3. 把持;把揽 {control; monopolise; dominate}:
- 要信任群众,不要把一切工作都~着不放手。 {You must trust the people and not keep such a tight control on things.}
4. 看守;把守 {guard; watch}:
- ~大门。 {guard a gate}
5. 紧靠 {be close to; near}:
- ~墙角ㄦ站着 {stand at the corner of the wall}
- ~着胡同口ㄦ有个小饭馆。 {There is a small restaurant at the entrance of the alley.}
6. 约束住使不裂开 {bind together; attach closely}:
- 用铁叶子~住裂缝。 {use a binding iron to hold the crack}
7. 〈方 dial.〉same as 给(gěi)①②。
8. 车把。 {handle (of pushcart, etc.)}
9. (~ㄦ {bǎr})把东西扎在一起的捆子 {bundle; bunch}:
- 草~ {bundle of straw}
- 秫秸~。 {bundle of sorghum stalks}
10. 〈量词<posen>classifier</posen>〉<biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>用于有把手的器具 {[for object with a handle]}:
- 一~刀 {a knife}
- 一~茶壶 {a teapot}
- 一~扇子 {a fan}
- 一~椅子。 {a chair}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>(~ㄦ {bǎr})一手抓起的数量 {handful of}:
- 一~米 {a handful of rice}
- 一~花ㄦ {a bunch of flowers}
- 抓了一~ㄦ韭菜。 {hold a bunch of chives}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>用于某些抽象的事物 {[for certain abstract ideas]}:
- 一~年纪 {getting on in years}
- 他可真有~力气 {He is quite strong.}
- 为了提前完成任务,咱们还得加~劲 {We need to make an extra effort to accomplish our task ahead of schedule.}
- 他在生产上真是一~好手。 {He is really a good hand at production.}<biaoqian>d)</biaoqian>用于手的动作 {[indicating the hand's action]}:
- 拉他一~ {give him a tug; give (or lend) him a hand}
- 帮他一~。 {give him a helping hand; get him out of difficulty}
1. 用手握住 {hold; grasp}:
- ~舵 {steer; hold the helm}
- 两手~着冲锋枪。 {hold the submachine gun with both hands}
2. 从后面用手托起小孩ㄦ两腿,让他大小便 {hold (a child up by its thighs for it to urinate or defecate)}:
- ~尿。 {hold a baby out for it to urinate}
3. 把持;把揽 {control; monopolise; dominate}:
- 要信任群众,不要把一切工作都~着不放手。 {You must trust the people and not keep such a tight control on things.}
4. 看守;把守 {guard; watch}:
- ~大门。 {guard a gate}
5. 紧靠 {be close to; near}:
- ~墙角ㄦ站着 {stand at the corner of the wall}
- ~着胡同口ㄦ有个小饭馆。 {There is a small restaurant at the entrance of the alley.}
6. 约束住使不裂开 {bind together; attach closely}:
- 用铁叶子~住裂缝。 {use a binding iron to hold the crack}
7. 〈方 dial.〉same as 给(gěi)①②。
8. 车把。 {handle (of pushcart, etc.)}
9. (~ㄦ {bǎr})把东西扎在一起的捆子 {bundle; bunch}:
- 草~ {bundle of straw}
- 秫秸~。 {bundle of sorghum stalks}
10. 〈量词<posen>classifier</posen>〉<biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>用于有把手的器具 {[for object with a handle]}:
- 一~刀 {a knife}
- 一~茶壶 {a teapot}
- 一~扇子 {a fan}
- 一~椅子。 {a chair}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>(~ㄦ {bǎr})一手抓起的数量 {handful of}:
- 一~米 {a handful of rice}
- 一~花ㄦ {a bunch of flowers}
- 抓了一~ㄦ韭菜。 {hold a bunch of chives}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>用于某些抽象的事物 {[for certain abstract ideas]}:
- 一~年纪 {getting on in years}
- 他可真有~力气 {He is quite strong.}
- 为了提前完成任务,咱们还得加~劲 {We need to make an extra effort to accomplish our task ahead of schedule.}
- 他在生产上真是一~好手。 {He is really a good hand at production.}<biaoqian>d)</biaoqian>用于手的动作 {[indicating the hand's action]}:
- 拉他一~ {give him a tug; give (or lend) him a hand}
- 帮他一~。 {give him a helping hand; get him out of difficulty}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
加在‘百、千、万’和‘里、丈、顷、斤、个’等量词后头,表示数量近于这个单位数(前头不能再加数词) {[used after numerals or classifiers such as 百bǎi, 千qiān, 万wàn, 里lǐ, 丈zhàng, 顷qǐng, 斤jīn, 个gè, etc. to show approximation (no other numerals can be used to modify the first one)] about; or so}:
- 个~月 {about a month; a month or so}
- 百~块钱。 {some hundred dollars}
加在‘百、千、万’和‘里、丈、顷、斤、个’等量词后头,表示数量近于这个单位数(前头不能再加数词) {[used after numerals or classifiers such as 百bǎi, 千qiān, 万wàn, 里lǐ, 丈zhàng, 顷qǐng, 斤jīn, 个gè, etc. to show approximation (no other numerals can be used to modify the first one)] about; or so}:
- 个~月 {about a month; a month or so}
- 百~块钱。 {some hundred dollars}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 宾语是后面动词的受事者,整个格式有处置的意思 {[used when the object is placed before the verb, and is the recipient of the action; the sentence structure expresses disposition]}:
- ~头一扭 {toss one's head}
- ~衣服洗洗。 {wash the clothes}
2. 后面的动词,是‘忙、累、急、气’等加上表示结果的补语,整个格式有致使的意思 {[when used before a verb that is preceded by an object and followed by a complement indicating result, 把 and the verb function as a transitive verbal phrase, such as ‘(cause sb. to be) busy, tired, worried, angry, etc.’]}:
- ~他乐坏了 {He is overwhelmed with joy.}
- 差点ㄦ~他急疯了。 {He is worried almost to madness.}
3. 宾语是后面动词的施事者,整个格式表示不如意的事情 {[the object of 把 is the agent, expressing an unsatisfactory state of affairs]}:
- 正在节骨眼上偏偏~老张病了。 {It was just when we needed Lao Zhang most that he fell ill.}‖[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian><biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>①②‘把’的宾语都是确定的。 {[In ①② the object of 把 is definite]}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,动词后边有附加成分或补语,或前边有‘一’等特种状语。但在诗歌戏曲里可以不带 {[In a 把 construction, there is usu. a suffix or complement after the verb, or 一 yī before the verb; poetry or dramatic verse are exceptions]}:
- 领导人民~身翻 {Lead the people to stand up.}
- 扭转身来~话讲。 {Turn around and speak.}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,动词后头一般不带宾语,但有时带 {[with a 把 construction, there is usu. no object after the verb, but there are exceptions]}:
- ~衣服撕了个口子 {tear a hole in one's jacket}
- ~这两封信贴上邮票发出去。 {Stick stamps on these two letters and mail them.}<biaoqian>d)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,有时候后面不说出具体的动作,这种句子多半用在骂人的场合 {[sometimes 把 is not followed by any action and expresses reproach]}:
- 我~你个糊涂虫啊! {What a muddler you are!}e)近代汉语里‘把’曾经有过‘拿’的意思,现代方言里还有这种用法 {[in modern Chinese, 把 had the meaning of ‘拿ná (use)’, and this usage is still found in certain contemporary dialects]}(‘那个人不住地~眼睛看我’ {That person keeps staring at me.})。
1. 宾语是后面动词的受事者,整个格式有处置的意思 {[used when the object is placed before the verb, and is the recipient of the action; the sentence structure expresses disposition]}:
- ~头一扭 {toss one's head}
- ~衣服洗洗。 {wash the clothes}
2. 后面的动词,是‘忙、累、急、气’等加上表示结果的补语,整个格式有致使的意思 {[when used before a verb that is preceded by an object and followed by a complement indicating result, 把 and the verb function as a transitive verbal phrase, such as ‘(cause sb. to be) busy, tired, worried, angry, etc.’]}:
- ~他乐坏了 {He is overwhelmed with joy.}
- 差点ㄦ~他急疯了。 {He is worried almost to madness.}
3. 宾语是后面动词的施事者,整个格式表示不如意的事情 {[the object of 把 is the agent, expressing an unsatisfactory state of affairs]}:
- 正在节骨眼上偏偏~老张病了。 {It was just when we needed Lao Zhang most that he fell ill.}‖[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian><biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>①②‘把’的宾语都是确定的。 {[In ①② the object of 把 is definite]}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,动词后边有附加成分或补语,或前边有‘一’等特种状语。但在诗歌戏曲里可以不带 {[In a 把 construction, there is usu. a suffix or complement after the verb, or 一 yī before the verb; poetry or dramatic verse are exceptions]}:
- 领导人民~身翻 {Lead the people to stand up.}
- 扭转身来~话讲。 {Turn around and speak.}<biaoqian>c)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,动词后头一般不带宾语,但有时带 {[with a 把 construction, there is usu. no object after the verb, but there are exceptions]}:
- ~衣服撕了个口子 {tear a hole in one's jacket}
- ~这两封信贴上邮票发出去。 {Stick stamps on these two letters and mail them.}<biaoqian>d)</biaoqian>用‘把’的句子,有时候后面不说出具体的动作,这种句子多半用在骂人的场合 {[sometimes 把 is not followed by any action and expresses reproach]}:
- 我~你个糊涂虫啊! {What a muddler you are!}e)近代汉语里‘把’曾经有过‘拿’的意思,现代方言里还有这种用法 {[in modern Chinese, 把 had the meaning of ‘拿ná (use)’, and this usage is still found in certain contemporary dialects]}(‘那个人不住地~眼睛看我’ {That person keeps staring at me.})。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
(~ㄦ {bàr})
1. 器具上便于用手拿的部分 {handle or grip for holding or grasping}:
- 缸子~ㄦ {mug handle}
- 掸子~ㄦ。 {duster handle}
2. 花、叶或果实的柄 {stem; stalk (of leaf, flower or fruit)}:
- 花~ㄦ {flower stem}
- 梨~ㄦ。 {pear stalk}
(~ㄦ {bàr})
1. 器具上便于用手拿的部分 {handle or grip for holding or grasping}:
- 缸子~ㄦ {mug handle}
- 掸子~ㄦ。 {duster handle}
2. 花、叶或果实的柄 {stem; stalk (of leaf, flower or fruit)}:
- 花~ㄦ {flower stem}
- 梨~ㄦ。 {pear stalk}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 hold; grasp
- 把犁 guide a plough; hold the handles of a plough
- 把好舵 keep a firm hand on the tiller
- 手把手地教 teach sb to do sth by steering his hand(s)
- 用一只手把方向盘 steer (the wheel) with one hand; keep one hand on the wheel
- 把住我的腰,小心别从摩托车上摔下去。 Hold my waist and take care not to fall off the motor-bike.
动 manipulate; dominate; monopolize
- 把着公司的大权 keep the power of the company in one's own hands; dominate the company
动 guard; watch
- 把住这个胡同口,别让小偷跑了。 Keep watch over this end of the lane and don't let the thief slip away.
动 chain; lock
- 用角铁把住椅子腿 hold the chair leg in place with an angle iron
名 handle; handlebars (of a bicycle)
- 双手撒把 with both hands off the handlebars (of a bicycle)
- 车把 handlebars of a cart/bicycle
动 <方> be close to
- 把门站着 stand at the door
- 把着巷口有个小酒馆。 There is a pub at the entrance of the lane.
动 hold (a baby,with its legs parted, while it relieves itself)
- 给孩子把尿 hold a baby to let it relieve itself
名 bundle; bunch
- 草把 a bundle of straw
动 hold; grasp
- 把犁 guide a plough; hold the handles of a plough
- 把好舵 keep a firm hand on the tiller
- 手把手地教 teach sb to do sth by steering his hand(s)
- 用一只手把方向盘 steer (the wheel) with one hand; keep one hand on the wheel
- 把住我的腰,小心别从摩托车上摔下去。 Hold my waist and take care not to fall off the motor-bike.
动 manipulate; dominate; monopolize
- 把着公司的大权 keep the power of the company in one's own hands; dominate the company
动 guard; watch
- 把住这个胡同口,别让小偷跑了。 Keep watch over this end of the lane and don't let the thief slip away.
动 chain; lock
- 用角铁把住椅子腿 hold the chair leg in place with an angle iron
名 handle; handlebars (of a bicycle)
- 双手撒把 with both hands off the handlebars (of a bicycle)
- 车把 handlebars of a cart/bicycle
动 <方> be close to
- 把门站着 stand at the door
- 把着巷口有个小酒馆。 There is a pub at the entrance of the lane.
动 hold (a baby,with its legs parted, while it relieves itself)
- 给孩子把尿 hold a baby to let it relieve itself
名 bundle; bunch
- 草把 a bundle of straw
[for sth in a bunch, or with its legs parted, with a handle]
- 一把草 a bundle of grass
- 一把尺子/钥匙 a ruler/key
- 一把剪刀 a pair of scissors
- 一把伞 an umbrella
- 一把铁锨 a spade
- 一把草 a bundle of grass
- 一把尺子/钥匙 a ruler/key
- 一把剪刀 a pair of scissors
- 一把伞 an umbrella
- 一把铁锨 a spade
handful of
- 一把鼻涕一把泪 tearful and snivelling
- 一把土 a handful of earth
- 一把花 a bunch of flowers
- 一把鼻涕一把泪 tearful and snivelling
- 一把土 a handful of earth
- 一把花 a bunch of flowers
[for some abstract ideas]
- 放把火 set fire
- 加把劲 make an extra effort; put on a spurt
- 一把年纪的人 aged/elderly person
- 老师让他加把劲,不然考试准不及格。 The teacher told him to pull his socks up, or he'd undoubtedly fail his exam.
- 他工作上是一把好手。 He is an efficient worker.
名 <旧> sworn brotherhood
- 放把火 set fire
- 加把劲 make an extra effort; put on a spurt
- 一把年纪的人 aged/elderly person
- 老师让他加把劲,不然考试准不及格。 The teacher told him to pull his socks up, or he'd undoubtedly fail his exam.
- 他工作上是一把好手。 He is an efficient worker.
[for sth done with hand]
- 擦把汗 wipe your sweat away
- 拉我一把 give me a tug/pull
- 推他一把 give him a push
- 要我帮一把吗? Can I lend a hand? / Do you need a hand?
- 擦把汗 wipe your sweat away
- 拉我一把 give me a tug/pull
- 推他一把 give him a push
- 要我帮一把吗? Can I lend a hand? / Do you need a hand?
名 <旧> sworn brotherhood
介 [used to advance the object of a verb to the position before it]
- 把房子修修 have the house repaired
- 把话题引开 steer the conversation away from a topic
- 把门关上 close the door
- 把男朋友甩了 ditch one's boyfriend
- 把嗓子喊哑 shout oneself hoarse
- 把双手伸出来 hold one's hands out
- 把头一扭 toss one's head
- 把玩具收起来 gather one's toys up; put the toys away
- 把困难留给自己,把方便让给别人 take on difficulties so as to make things easy for others
介 [used to introduce a 'subject + verb + complement' structure]
- 把孩子们乐坏了。 The children were overjoyed.
- 差点儿把她急疯了。 She was almost driven mad by anxiety.
- 快把他累死了。 He was so tired he could drop.
介 [used to introduce a 'doer + action' structure expressing an unhappy event]
- 我要出差时偏偏把左脚崴了。 I was just about to go out of town on business when I sprained my left foot.
介 [used to advance the object of a verb to the position before it]
- 把房子修修 have the house repaired
- 把话题引开 steer the conversation away from a topic
- 把门关上 close the door
- 把男朋友甩了 ditch one's boyfriend
- 把嗓子喊哑 shout oneself hoarse
- 把双手伸出来 hold one's hands out
- 把头一扭 toss one's head
- 把玩具收起来 gather one's toys up; put the toys away
- 把困难留给自己,把方便让给别人 take on difficulties so as to make things easy for others
介 [used to introduce a 'subject + verb + complement' structure]
- 把孩子们乐坏了。 The children were overjoyed.
- 差点儿把她急疯了。 She was almost driven mad by anxiety.
- 快把他累死了。 He was so tired he could drop.
介 [used to introduce a 'doer + action' structure expressing an unhappy event]
- 我要出差时偏偏把左脚崴了。 I was just about to go out of town on business when I sprained my left foot.
数 [used after some numerals or measure words to express approximation] about; or so; more or less; approximately
- 百把里 about fifty kilometres
- 个把月 about a month; a month or so
- 千把人 some thousand people; around one thousand people
数 [used after some numerals or measure words to express approximation] about; or so; more or less; approximately
- 百把里 about fifty kilometres
- 个把月 about a month; a month or so
- 千把人 some thousand people; around one thousand people
名 grip; handle
- 壶把儿 pot handle
名 stem (of a flower, leaf, etc)
- 花把儿 pedicel
- 梨把儿 pear stem
名 grip; handle
- 壶把儿 pot handle
名 stem (of a flower, leaf, etc)
- 花把儿 pedicel
- 梨把儿 pear stem
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典