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to hold
占有 持有 含蓄 包容 扣留 据有 容纳 保持 把握 举行 握住 含蕴 占据 收纳 容下
to contain
含蓄 蕴和 内含 包容 包藏 蕴含 容纳 盛装 含蕴 蕴藏 含括 遏阻 蕴涵 含有 遏制 包含 蕴聚 富含 憋不住 喜不自禁 喜不自胜 隐含 兼蓄
to ladle
挹取 舀水 舀汤
to pick up with a utensil
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

surname Sheng
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

全盛 蓬勃 鼎盛 茁壮 兴隆 繁华 发达 昌明 条畅 苍苍 兴旺发达 畅旺 欣欣向荣 火势 火爆 景气 风生水起 繁花 鼎盛时期 盛誉 繁荣昌盛 芊萰 盛季 盛世 极盛时期
刚劲 雄浑 虎虎 有劲 积极 昂奋 勃勃 神气 矫健 茁壮 有力 精力充沛 雄健 猛烈 旺盛 健旺 苍劲 盛妆 朝气蓬勃 轰轰烈烈 苍老 起劲 蓬勃 风骨 血气方刚
壮丽 盛大 风华 华美 光大 伟丽 豪壮 壮美 瑰玮 藐藐 瑰伟 瑰丽 光辉 气派 美轮美奂 瑰异 绚丽 气壮山河 瑰奇 宏伟 泱泱 帅呆了 雄伟 堂堂 皇皇 绮筵 鸳绮 盛情 字字珠玉
大加 普及 走南闯北 博览 读破
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1   fill; ladle:
- 盛饭 fill a bowl with rice
- 盛汤 ladle out soup
- 把菜盛出来 ladle food from the pot; dish out food
- 缸里盛满了酒。 The crock is filled with wine.
2   hold; contain:
- 这个塑料袋能盛十多斤米。 This plastic bag can hold more than 10 jin of rice.
- 这间屋子太小,盛不了这么多东西。 The room is too small to hold all these things.
- 这座礼堂能盛下一千人。 This hall is big enough for a thousand people.

I 形
1   flourishing; prosperous:
- 桃花开得正盛。 The peach trees are in full bloom. or The peach blossoms are out.
2   vigorous; energetic:
- 年轻气盛 young and aggressive
- 火势很盛。 The fire is raging.
3   magnificent; grand:
- 盛馔 sumptuous dinner
- 盛举盛德 sublime virtue
4   popular; common; widespread:
- 学术气氛很盛。 An academic atmosphere prevails.
II 副 〈书〉 greatly; deeply:
- 盛夸 praise highly
III 名 (Shèng) a surname
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 把东西放在器具里 {put sth. into a container or vessel; fill; ladle}:
- ~饭 {fill a bowl with rice}
- 缸里~满了水。 {The crock is full of water.}
2. 容纳 {hold; contain}:
- 这间屋子小,~不了这么多东西。 {The room is too small for all this stuff.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

1. 兴盛;繁盛 {flourishing; prosperous}:
- 全~时期 {flourishing period; heyday; time of great power and influence; period of full bloom}
- 桃花~开。 {The peach trees are in full bloom.}
2. 强烈;旺盛 {vigorous; energetic; aggressive}:
- 年轻气~ {young and aggressive}
- 火势很~。 {The fire is blazing or raging.}
3. 盛大;隆重 {grand; magnificent; solemn}:
- ~会 {grand assembly; distinguished gathering or meeting}
- ~宴。 {grand banquet; magnificent spread; sumptuous dinner}
4. 丰富;丰盛 {rich; sumptuous}:
- ~馔。 {feast; sumptuous meal}
5. 深厚 {profound; profuse; abundant}:
- ~情 {great kindness; boundless generosity; kind hospitality}
- ~意。 {great kindness; generosity; magnanimity}
6. 普遍;广泛 {popular; widespread; prevalent; extensive}:
- ~行 {prevail; be very popular; be in vogue; be current or rife}
- ~传。 {be circulated extensively; be widely known; be widely rumoured; spread far and wide; be on everyone's lips}
7. 用力大;程度深 {greatly; deeply}:
- ~赞 {shower praises on sb.; extol; speak of sb. or sth. in glowing terms}
- ~夸。 {highly praise; extol}
8. (Shèng)姓。 {a surname}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

put in a container
- 用盘子盛菜 serve food on plates
- 碗里盛着各种水果。 The bowl contained a variety of fruit(s).
fill; ladle
- 盛饭 fill a bowl with rice; take rice out into a bowl
- 盛汤 ladle out soup; dip out soup with a ladle
hold; take; contain; accommodate; have a capacity (of)
- 货物太多,仓库里盛不下了。 The warehouse is spilling over with so many goods.
- 这个体育馆最多可盛5,000人。 The gym accommodates/contains/seats 5,000 people at most.

exuberant; flourishing; prosperous
- 由盛转衰 change from prosperity to decline
- 樱花开得很盛。 The cherry trees are in full bloom.
- 这里蔬菜长势很盛。 This area is exuberant in the growth of vegetables.
abundant; plentiful
great; huge
magnificent; grand
popular; common; widespread
sparing no effort
deep; profound
vigorous; energetic
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

fill; flourishing; popular; prosperous; vigorous
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典