[pǔ jí]
to spread extensively
to generalize
⇒ 概括 以偏概全
⇒ 咸 广泛 普遍 广大 普降 民变峰起 集思广益
⇒ 受欢迎 普 流行 抢手 诩 大众 热门 民间 红 风靡 俗 吃香 火爆 夯 时兴 笑星 通俗小说 民间传说 科教 人民阵线 民心 科普 谣 民风 民情 香饽饽 公愤 大行其道 民变 通俗科学 民俗 民怨
⇒ 普适 普遍 普 普世 百科 万有 万能 共通 颂声载道 泛代数 博爱 普选权 普选 万能曲尺 口碑载道 万国博览会 普天同庆 仁民爱物 环球唱片 满堂彩 普遍性假设 铺天盖地 遮天蔽日 万国邮联 协调世界时 通用串行总线 万国邮政联盟 泛定方程 环球音乐集团 人见人爱
⇒ 到处可见
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动
1 make universal; make popular among; be widely spread:
- 这本书已经普及全国。 This book has reached every part of the country.
2 popularize; disseminate; spread among the people; become common:
- 普及法律常识 popularize (or disseminate) a basic knowledge of the law
- 普及中等教育 make secondary education universal
II 形 popular; common; universal:
- 科学知识在民众当中还不够普及。 Scientific knowledge is not adequately popularized among the masses.
- 普及本 popular edition
- 普及率 popularity rate
- 普及读物 popular book; popular reading matter
- 普及教育 universal education
I 动
1 make universal; make popular among; be widely spread:
- 这本书已经普及全国。 This book has reached every part of the country.
2 popularize; disseminate; spread among the people; become common:
- 普及法律常识 popularize (or disseminate) a basic knowledge of the law
- 普及中等教育 make secondary education universal
II 形 popular; common; universal:
- 科学知识在民众当中还不够普及。 Scientific knowledge is not adequately popularized among the masses.
- 普及本 popular edition
- 普及率 popularity rate
- 普及读物 popular book; popular reading matter
- 普及教育 universal education
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 普遍地传到(地区、范围等 {in certain areas or within certain scopes, etc.}) {spread extensively}:
- 这本书已~全国。 {This book has reached every part of the country.}
2. 普遍推广,使大众化 {popularize; disseminate; spread among the people}:
- ~卫生常识 {spread the elementary knowledge of health and medicine}
- 在~的基础上提高。 {raise standards on the basis of popularization}
1. 普遍地传到(地区、范围等 {in certain areas or within certain scopes, etc.}) {spread extensively}:
- 这本书已~全国。 {This book has reached every part of the country.}
2. 普遍推广,使大众化 {popularize; disseminate; spread among the people}:
- ~卫生常识 {spread the elementary knowledge of health and medicine}
- 在~的基础上提高。 {raise standards on the basis of popularization}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be universalized in; be made popular among; be extensively spread
- 这本书已普及全国。 This book is available throughout the country.
- 电话在那个边远山区现在很普及。 Telephone is now extensively used in that remote mountainous area.
动 popularize; disseminate; spread among the people; become common
- 普及法律知识 popularize legal knowledge; disseminate knowledge of the law
- 普及九年义务教育 popularize nine-year compulsory education
- 普及科学文化 popularize science and literacy
- 普及与提高相结合 combine popularization with the raising of standards
形 popular; common; universal
- 科学知识在群众中还不够普及。 Scientific knowledge is not adequately popularized among the masses.
动 be universalized in; be made popular among; be extensively spread
- 这本书已普及全国。 This book is available throughout the country.
- 电话在那个边远山区现在很普及。 Telephone is now extensively used in that remote mountainous area.
动 popularize; disseminate; spread among the people; become common
- 普及法律知识 popularize legal knowledge; disseminate knowledge of the law
- 普及九年义务教育 popularize nine-year compulsory education
- 普及科学文化 popularize science and literacy
- 普及与提高相结合 combine popularization with the raising of standards
形 popular; common; universal
- 科学知识在群众中还不够普及。 Scientific knowledge is not adequately popularized among the masses.
名 popular edition; primer
名 popular edition; primer
pǔjí dúwù
名 popular books; popular reading matter; primer
pǔjí dúwù
名 popular books; popular reading matter; primer
pǔjí jiàoyù
名 universal education
- 普及教育法 law of universal education
动 popularize education
pǔjí jiàoyù
名 universal education
- 普及教育法 law of universal education
动 popularize education
名 popularity rate
名 popularity rate
名 popular type
名 popular type
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
dissemination; gain ground; permeation; popularization; prevalence; promulgation
dissemination; gain ground; permeation; popularization; prevalence; promulgation
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
pǔ jí
- 说来奇怪,他拍的电影在国内没有国外普及。 It is strange that his films are less popular at home than abroad.
- 我有一本这部小说的普及本。 I have a popular edition of this novel.
- 在公民中间普及法律常识非常重要。 It is very important to popularize an elementary knowledge of law among citizens.
- 他们对普及农村义务教育十分积极。 They are very active in popularizing compulsory education in the countryside.
universal,指无一例外的普及,因此比popular 普及更为严格。
- 普及中等教育是我们要走的第二步。 The second step we have to make is to make secondary education universal.
- 从理论上讲,医疗服务应当是免费的,普及的。 Medical service, in theory, should be free and universal.
- 你作为教育家要观察各校的优良之处并努力加以普及。 As an educationist you ought to observe what are the best in the schools and to strive to universalize these qualities.
- 教育不是一般意义上的普及,而是严格意义上的普及。 Education must be universalized rather than popularized.
- 学者与科学家都应向人民普及科学文化知识。 Scholars and scientists should devote themselves to spreading cultural and scientific knowledge among the people.
- 针刺疗法在澳大利亚普及得很快。 The acupuncture therapy spreads quickly in Australia.
pǔ jí
- 说来奇怪,他拍的电影在国内没有国外普及。 It is strange that his films are less popular at home than abroad.
- 我有一本这部小说的普及本。 I have a popular edition of this novel.
- 在公民中间普及法律常识非常重要。 It is very important to popularize an elementary knowledge of law among citizens.
- 他们对普及农村义务教育十分积极。 They are very active in popularizing compulsory education in the countryside.
universal,指无一例外的普及,因此比popular 普及更为严格。
- 普及中等教育是我们要走的第二步。 The second step we have to make is to make secondary education universal.
- 从理论上讲,医疗服务应当是免费的,普及的。 Medical service, in theory, should be free and universal.
- 你作为教育家要观察各校的优良之处并努力加以普及。 As an educationist you ought to observe what are the best in the schools and to strive to universalize these qualities.
- 教育不是一般意义上的普及,而是严格意义上的普及。 Education must be universalized rather than popularized.
- 学者与科学家都应向人民普及科学文化知识。 Scholars and scientists should devote themselves to spreading cultural and scientific knowledge among the people.
- 针刺疗法在澳大利亚普及得很快。 The acupuncture therapy spreads quickly in Australia.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典