
機會 机会
[jī huì]
契机 因缘 际会 机缘 时机 机遇 际遇 商机 先机 机会成本 茬口 就业机会 顺风车 良辰吉日 出路 机运 良机 生机 乘势 坐失 无缘 乘机 机不可失,时不再来 乘隙 戎机 钻空子 趁机 交臂失之 趁势 趁便
偶然性 因缘 际会 机缘 偶然 偶然事件 附带 刚巧 正好 恰巧 末班车 碰巧 无缘 一线生机 赶上 不期而遇 良机 机运 正巧 幸事 赌局 恰遇 没戏 偶遇 落空 万一 坐失良机 凑巧
场合 场面 盛事 嘉会 韵事 盛况 好事 喜事 值此 每逢 有次 应运 头回 适时 应付裕如 不入时宜 择日不如撞日 得体 不合时宜 不止一次 欣逢 应运而生 不对碴儿 喜钱 喜糖
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 chance; opportunity:
- 机会均等 with equal opportunities
- 机会难得 this is a rare chance
- 错过(抓住)机会 miss (seize) a chance
- 千载一时的好机会 golden opportunity; chance of a lifetime
- 能有机会见到他就好了。 It would be wonderful if I could meet him in person.
- 我愿借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。 I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my heartfelt thanks.
- 机会成本 【经】 opportunity cost
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
jī·huì恰好的时候;时机 {opportunity; chance}:
- 错过~ {miss an opportunity}
- 千载一时的好~。 {once-in-a-lifetime opportunity}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
chance; opportunity; occasion
- 一点机会 an element of chance; half a chance
- 创造机会 make/create an opportunity (of doing/to do sth); make/creat a chance
- 错过机会 miss/pass/lose a chance; let an opportunity slip by
- 打开机会之门 create a window of opportunity (to do sth)
- 得到/有机会 get/have an opportunity
- 等待机会 wait for/await one's opportunity
- 放弃机会 give up/forgo an opportunity; throw away/turn down a chance
- 高兴有机会 enjoy/relish/welcome the chance (to do sth)
- 毫无机会 have no chance at all
- 借此机会 take the opportunity (to do sth); avail oneself of the opportunity (to do sth)
- 浪费机会 squander a chance; waste an opportunity
- 利用机会 use/utilize/take an opportunity
- 提供机会 afford/offer/provide/present a chance
- 寻找机会 seek an opportunity
- 抓住机会 grasp/seize an opportunity; grab/take a chance
- 大好机会 big chance
- 得分机会 scoring chance
- 进修机会 opportunity for further study
- 就业机会 employment/job opportunity
- 千载难逢的机会 golden opportunity; once-in-a-lifetime chance
- 机会很小。 The chance is very slim.
- 那出戏给了她一展才华的好机会。 The play was an excellent vehicle for her talents.
- 请一有机会就给我打电话。 Please call me at the first/earliest opportunity.
- 只要有机会就要抓住。 Seize every chance.
jīhuì jūnděnɡ
equal opportunities; equality of opportunity
- 要求机会均等 demand equal opportunities
- 机会均等原则 principle of equal opportunity
- 机会主义分子 opportunist element
- 机会主义观点/路线 opportunist view/line
- 机会主义者 opportunist; goal hanger
- “左”倾机会主义 'Left'opportunism
- 右倾机会主义 Right opportunism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
chance; hap; occasion; opening; opportunity; opporunity; room; scope; squeak
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
jī huì
- 是第一次世界大战给了中国一次发展轻工业的机会。 It was World War I that gave China a chance to develop her light industry.
- 你资历学历越高,你就业的机会就越大。 The higher your qualifications, the better your chances of finding a job.
- 10年以后,我终于有了一个赴美进修的机会。 After ten years I finally had an opportunity to go to the United States for advanced study.
- 1999年,我获得了能全职投入历史文物研究的机会。 In 1999, I was given the opportunity to pursue historical and antiquarian research full time.
- 我们应抓住机会,邀请企业家代表团来我市访问。 We must seize the occasion to invite the delegation of big businessmen to our city for a visit.
- 只要出现更为合适的机会,我要再次查阅此事。 I shall refer to the matter again only when a more suitable occasion arises.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典