[mì qiè]
⇒ 贴心 亲密 切近 密 严实 好 铁 堙 相近 密实 密密 熟络 纤密 迩 亲 疏 密致 挚友 合拢 睦亲 紧密 昵爱 切 戚谊 瞑 闭上 密植 好友 近邻 关闭 关 挨
⇒ 昵 熟门熟路 熟络 狎昵 亲切 熟 老路 面熟 亵昵 熟道儿 熟路 熟字 眼熟 熟道 似曾相识 耳熟 故地 旧地 稔 接头 厮熟 熟悉 熟人熟事 认识 混熟 熟稔 知情 卑之,毋甚高论 卑之,无甚高论
⇒ 知心 亲密 近乎 贴心贴肺 热络 戚戚 幸 亲热 近人 梯己 贴近 亲 体己 贴心 昵 昵比 腻 莫逆 亲近 私密 密 狎昵 爱昵 亲昵 知己 床笫之私 八拜之交 金兰之交 莫逆之交 男女关系 知音 同袍
closely (related)
⇒ 紧紧 严严实实 相继 骨肉相连 紧密相联 壁垒森严 满满 密织 至亲 唇齿相依 密密层层 血肉相连 密接 戚戚 密切相连 密切相关 仔密 连片 桴鼓相应 紧密织物 跟 密切注视 紧追 跟脚 追问 紧密配合 追询 诘 进逼 拉锯战 追逼
to foster close ties
to pay close attention
⇒ 密切注意 抓紧
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 【数】 osculation
- 密切点 point of osculation
- 密切轨道 osculating orbit
- 密切坐标 osculating coordinates
名 【数】 osculation
- 密切点 point of osculation
- 密切轨道 osculating orbit
- 密切坐标 osculating coordinates
I 动 become intimate; build (or forge, establish) close links:
- 密切两国的关系 build close relations between the two countries
II 形 close; intimate:
- 密切配合 work closely with; act in close coordination
- 密切相关 closely related; closely associated
- 密切注视 pay close attention to; watch closely
- 密切联系群众 maintain close ties with the people
- 关系密切 very close to sb. ; on intimate terms
I 动 become intimate; build (or forge, establish) close links:
- 密切两国的关系 build close relations between the two countries
II 形 close; intimate:
- 密切配合 work closely with; act in close coordination
- 密切相关 closely related; closely associated
- 密切注视 pay close attention to; watch closely
- 密切联系群众 maintain close ties with the people
- 关系密切 very close to sb. ; on intimate terms
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 关系近 {close; intimate}:
- 两人关系很~。 {The two of them are very close to each other. or They two are on intimate terms.}
2. 使关系近 {build, foster or establish close links (between two parties)}:
- 进一步~干部与群众的关系。 {build closer relations between the cadres and the masses}
3. (对问题等)重视,照顾得周到 {careful; intent; close}:
- ~注意 {follow or watch closely; pay close attention to}
- ~配合。 {cooperate closely}
1. 关系近 {close; intimate}:
- 两人关系很~。 {The two of them are very close to each other. or They two are on intimate terms.}
2. 使关系近 {build, foster or establish close links (between two parties)}:
- 进一步~干部与群众的关系。 {build closer relations between the cadres and the masses}
3. (对问题等)重视,照顾得周到 {careful; intent; close}:
- ~注意 {follow or watch closely; pay close attention to}
- ~配合。 {cooperate closely}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 close; intimate
- 关系密切 be close with sb; be on intimate terms with sb; know each other intimately
- 这两件事有密切的联系。 The two events are closely connected.
动 build/establish/forge close links with; establish close ties/relations with
- 密切党群关系 build closer relations between the party and the people
- 密切师生关系 forge close links between teachers and students
- 密切联系群众 maintain close ties with the masses
形 carefully; intently
- 密切配合 act in close coordination (with)
- 密切相关 be closely related (to)
- 密切注意 pay close attention to; watch closely; keep a close watch (on)
名 <数学> osculation
- 密切点 point of osculation
- 密切坐标 osculating coordinates
形 close; intimate
- 关系密切 be close with sb; be on intimate terms with sb; know each other intimately
- 这两件事有密切的联系。 The two events are closely connected.
动 build/establish/forge close links with; establish close ties/relations with
- 密切党群关系 build closer relations between the party and the people
- 密切师生关系 forge close links between teachers and students
- 密切联系群众 maintain close ties with the masses
形 carefully; intently
- 密切配合 act in close coordination (with)
- 密切相关 be closely related (to)
- 密切注意 pay close attention to; watch closely; keep a close watch (on)
名 <数学> osculation
- 密切点 point of osculation
- 密切坐标 osculating coordinates
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典