to suffer; to endure
⇒ 遭到 肩负 蒙受 罹患 煎熬 苦 受罪 受难 中 患 惨遭 受 蒙 吃 吃苦头 遭罪 忍痛 遭受 被 饱受 受损 折 受苦 苦于 颠沛 挨批 挨斗 冤抑 损失 吃亏 失血 屡遭 经受 苦熬 茹 搁 禁 茹痛 禁受 堪 忍 忍受 受得了 忍耐 克服 长存 含忍 经 耐 熬 受不了 难以忍受 挨饿 忍耻 隐忍 难当 永存 遭瘟 甘之如饴 固穷 可堪
to pull through (hard times)
⇒ 关关难过,关关过
to delay; to stall; to play for time; to dawdle
⇒ 误 迟延 延 缓办 延搁 推宕 拖延 耗 延期 耽搁 延迟 淹 磨烦 延长 奄 延后 拖宕 挨延 耽误 耽 愆期 悮 推 迟误 拖 赊购 押车 贻误 刻不容缓 迟交 亟待 拖尾巴 拖住 支支吾吾 停车 失速 熄火 蹒跚不前 支吾 推搪 挨时间 缓 拖延时间 摊售 摆摊子 摆地摊 铺摊 摆摊 泡汤 磨叽 蘑菇 磨唧 磨蹭 夌 泡 赖床
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
in order; in sequence
⇒ 依序 顺次 依次 了当 利落 有序 递增 来 整 以求 乙 为了 戊 癸 递减 得以 壬 用以 以便 俾使 辛 己 爽捷 为着 庚 以 好使 爽爽快快 借以 秩序井然 以利于 以期 挨次 循序 次 号数 循序渐进 编次 排错 套路 串烧 和
close to; adjacent to
⇒ 合拢 切 瞑 闭上 关闭 关 闭 邻 暗 上门 近 挨边 截止 停课 合 临近 结束 阖 关上 濒临 将近 封闭 缄 巴 合上 近乎 掩 关门 关张 贴近 抿 紧闭 毗邻 五角场 两江道 玻璃市 平安北道 布莱德湖 中南海 拉达克
in order; in sequence
⇒ 依序 顺次 依次 了当 利落 有序 递增 来 整 以求 乙 为了 戊 癸 递减 得以 壬 用以 以便 俾使 辛 己 爽捷 为着 庚 以 好使 爽爽快快 借以 秩序井然 以利于 以期 挨次 循序 次 号数 循序渐进 编次 排错 套路 串烧 和
close to; adjacent to
⇒ 合拢 切 瞑 闭上 关闭 关 闭 邻 暗 上门 近 挨边 截止 停课 合 临近 结束 阖 关上 濒临 将近 封闭 缄 巴 合上 近乎 掩 关门 关张 贴近 抿 紧闭 毗邻 五角场 两江道 玻璃市 平安北道 布莱德湖 中南海 拉达克
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动
1 be (or get) close to; be next to:
- 挨着窗口坐 sit by the window
- 挨着墙生长 grow close to the wall
- 那两家铺子紧挨着。 The two shops are next door to each other.
2 press; squeeze:
- 孩子们紧挨在母亲身旁。 The children pressed close to their mother.
3 be one's turn:
- 还没挨到我吧? Isn't it my turn yet?
II 介 in sequence; by turns:
- 挨家送牛奶 deliver milk door to door
- 挨顺序摆好牌 arrange the cards in sequence
I 动
1 be (or get) close to; be next to:
- 挨着窗口坐 sit by the window
- 挨着墙生长 grow close to the wall
- 那两家铺子紧挨着。 The two shops are next door to each other.
2 press; squeeze:
- 孩子们紧挨在母亲身旁。 The children pressed close to their mother.
3 be one's turn:
- 还没挨到我吧? Isn't it my turn yet?
II 介 in sequence; by turns:
- 挨家送牛奶 deliver milk door to door
- 挨顺序摆好牌 arrange the cards in sequence
1 suffer; endure:
- 挨饿 suffer from hunger; go hungry
- 挨骂 get a scolding; get a dressing-down
- 挨批评 be criticized
2 struggle to pull through (hard times); drag out:
- 挨日子 suffer day after day; drag out a miserable existence
- 咱们总算挨过来了。 We've pulled through at long last. or We've managed to get through.
3 delay; stall; put off:
- 挨到下个月 put off (or drag on) till next month
- 快走吧,别挨时间了。 Stop dawdling and get moving. or Quit stalling.
1 suffer; endure:
- 挨饿 suffer from hunger; go hungry
- 挨骂 get a scolding; get a dressing-down
- 挨批评 be criticized
2 struggle to pull through (hard times); drag out:
- 挨日子 suffer day after day; drag out a miserable existence
- 咱们总算挨过来了。 We've pulled through at long last. or We've managed to get through.
3 delay; stall; put off:
- 挨到下个月 put off (or drag on) till next month
- 快走吧,别挨时间了。 Stop dawdling and get moving. or Quit stalling.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 顺着(次序);逐一 {follow a regular order or sequence; do sth. in sequence or by turns}:
- ~个ㄦ {one by one}
- ~门~户地检查卫生。 {inspect sanitary house by house}
2. 靠近;紧接着 {be or get close to; be next to}:
- 他家~着工厂 {His house (or apartment) sits next to a factory.}
- 学生一个~一个地走进教室。 {The students filed into the classroom one by one.}
1. 顺着(次序);逐一 {follow a regular order or sequence; do sth. in sequence or by turns}:
- ~个ㄦ {one by one}
- ~门~户地检查卫生。 {inspect sanitary house by house}
2. 靠近;紧接着 {be or get close to; be next to}:
- 他家~着工厂 {His house (or apartment) sits next to a factory.}
- 学生一个~一个地走进教室。 {The students filed into the classroom one by one.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 遭受;忍受 {suffer; put up with}:
- ~打 {be manhandled; get a beating; be spanked}
- ~饿。 {go hungry}
2. 困难地度过(岁月) {pull through (hard times); drag out}:
- ~日子。 {eke out a living}
3. 拖延 {delay; stall}:
- ~时间。 {stall for time; procrastinate}
1. 遭受;忍受 {suffer; put up with}:
- ~打 {be manhandled; get a beating; be spanked}
- ~饿。 {go hungry}
2. 困难地度过(岁月) {pull through (hard times); drag out}:
- ~日子。 {eke out a living}
3. 拖延 {delay; stall}:
- ~时间。 {stall for time; procrastinate}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be close/next to; follow closely
- 挨墙站着 stand close against the wall
- 挨着某人坐 sit next to sb
- 挨窗子的座位 seat by the window
- 他家挨着工厂。 His home is next to the factory.
- 我们两家紧挨着。 We are next-door neighbours.
- 学生一个挨一个地走进教室。 The students went into the classroom in single file. / The students filed into the classroom.
动 approach; touch
- 你的手太脏了,别挨我。 Your hands are so dirty. Don't touch me!
动 take turns doing sth; do sth by turns; do sth one by one
动 be close/next to; follow closely
- 挨墙站着 stand close against the wall
- 挨着某人坐 sit next to sb
- 挨窗子的座位 seat by the window
- 他家挨着工厂。 His home is next to the factory.
- 我们两家紧挨着。 We are next-door neighbours.
- 学生一个挨一个地走进教室。 The students went into the classroom in single file. / The students filed into the classroom.
动 approach; touch
- 你的手太脏了,别挨我。 Your hands are so dirty. Don't touch me!
动 take turns doing sth; do sth by turns; do sth one by one
动 suffer; endure
- 挨板子 get the caning
- 挨了两鞭子 be given two strokes of the whip; take two blows of a whip
- 挨了一记耳光 get a box on the ear; get a slap in the face
- 挨批评 be criticized
动 struggle to pull through (hard times); drag out
- 挨时日 eke out an existence
- 挨到下周 drag on until the next week
- 她总算挨过来了。 At length she pulled through.
动 delay; stall; put off
- 别挨时间了,睡觉前快把作业做完。 Stop dawdling and try to finish your homework before bedtime.
- 今天的事不要挨到明天做。 Things that can be done today should not be put off till tomorrow.
动 suffer; endure
- 挨板子 get the caning
- 挨了两鞭子 be given two strokes of the whip; take two blows of a whip
- 挨了一记耳光 get a box on the ear; get a slap in the face
- 挨批评 be criticized
动 struggle to pull through (hard times); drag out
- 挨时日 eke out an existence
- 挨到下周 drag on until the next week
- 她总算挨过来了。 At length she pulled through.
动 delay; stall; put off
- 别挨时间了,睡觉前快把作业做完。 Stop dawdling and try to finish your homework before bedtime.
- 今天的事不要挨到明天做。 Things that can be done today should not be put off till tomorrow.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
by turns; endure; in sequence; suffer
by turns; endure; in sequence; suffer
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
next to,指紧挨着。
- 她家铺子挨着我家的铺子,所以我来办这件事很方便。 Her shop is next to mine, so it is very convenient for me to do that.
- 我看见他挨着坐在一个年龄和他差不多的姑娘身边。 I saw him sitting there next to a girl very much of his own age.
- 我们村挨着火车站,天天都能听见火车叫。 Our village is close to the railway station and we hear the whistling of trains every day.
- 上了大路就要挨着边儿走。 Keep close to one side when walking on the road.
near to,也指挨近,但比close to远。
- 这种想法让他感到鼓舞,使他似乎挨她更近了。 The thought cheered him. It seemed to draw him nearer to her.
- 李教授把我们叫过来,挨着他坐。 Professor Li called for us to sit near to him.
- 还没挨到我吧? It isn't my turn yet, is it?
- 我们挨个儿检查了身体。 We had medical check-ups in turn.
- 我们船上有12个人,大家挨个儿划船。 There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
one by one,指一个挨一个。
- 别挤!一个挨一个地进去。 Don't push! Go in one by one.
- 日子一天挨一天地过去了。 The days dragged on one by one.
- 每天早晨他都要挨家挨户地送牛奶。 He goes from house to house delivering milk every morning.
- 他就住在这一带,你挨门挨户地找找。 He lives somewhere around here. Try to find him by going from door to door.
next to,指紧挨着。
- 她家铺子挨着我家的铺子,所以我来办这件事很方便。 Her shop is next to mine, so it is very convenient for me to do that.
- 我看见他挨着坐在一个年龄和他差不多的姑娘身边。 I saw him sitting there next to a girl very much of his own age.
- 我们村挨着火车站,天天都能听见火车叫。 Our village is close to the railway station and we hear the whistling of trains every day.
- 上了大路就要挨着边儿走。 Keep close to one side when walking on the road.
near to,也指挨近,但比close to远。
- 这种想法让他感到鼓舞,使他似乎挨她更近了。 The thought cheered him. It seemed to draw him nearer to her.
- 李教授把我们叫过来,挨着他坐。 Professor Li called for us to sit near to him.
- 还没挨到我吧? It isn't my turn yet, is it?
- 我们挨个儿检查了身体。 We had medical check-ups in turn.
- 我们船上有12个人,大家挨个儿划船。 There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
one by one,指一个挨一个。
- 别挤!一个挨一个地进去。 Don't push! Go in one by one.
- 日子一天挨一天地过去了。 The days dragged on one by one.
- 每天早晨他都要挨家挨户地送牛奶。 He goes from house to house delivering milk every morning.
- 他就住在这一带,你挨门挨户地找找。 He lives somewhere around here. Try to find him by going from door to door.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典
- 她因粗心大意,挨了批评。 She was criticized for her carelessness.
- 这孩子不听话,挨了打。 The boy was beaten for disobedience.
- 好呀!你丢下我们不管,让我们在人堆里挨挤。 Well! you left us being pushed here and there in the large crowd.用be+过去分词表示的被动是一种静态,但如果用get+过去分词则可表示动态的生动画面。
- 谁想得到会在半路上挨浇? Who would have thought that I should get caught in a pouring rain on the way?
- 到伊拉克去?你在那里会挨骗、挨抢、挨杀的! You're going to Iraq? You may get cheated, robbed and murdered there!
用主动语态客观地表示受到的遭遇,甚至暗示应该遭受这样的待遇,可用get, take, receive等。
- 这孩子不听话,挨了打。 The boy got a beating for disobedience.试比较:The boy was beaten for disobedience.
- 司机因超速挨批。 The driver got a telling off for having exceeded the speed limit.试比较 The driver was told off for having exceeded the speed limit.get除了接动名词之外还可接名词。
- 为了说的一句话,他挨了一记耳光。 He got a box on the ears for what he had said.
- 他想逃跑时腿上挨了一脚。 He got a kick on the leg when he tried to run away.如果用take或receive代替get则“愿打愿挨”的意识似乎更强。
- 我知道这一次是混不过去了,准备挨打吧。 I knew I wouldn't get by this time and was ready to take his licks.
- 我不在乎你怎么想,我是得挨剋。 I don't care what you think. I have to take the blame.
- 她挨骂受气是家常便饭。 It is routine for her to receive scolding; and suffer wrong.
- 一个愿打,一个愿挨。 A flogging was consciously given by one and gladly received by the other.如果用endure则表示无奈之中“愿打愿挨”。
- 当时我们不知如何才能摆脱这穷日子,只好挨饿受冻。 We didn't know then how to get rid of the strained circumstances. We had no choice but endure hunger and cold.
- 他在养父家里怎能不挨打受骂呢? How couldn't he endure scolding and blowing under his foster father's roof?如果用suffer则强调所受的苦难。
- 尽管我们挨饿受冻,还得继续干活。 We had to go on working though we suffered from hunger and cold.
- 要是我们早点知道,他会挨得少一点。 He would have suffered less if we had known of it earlier.如果用go hungry表示挨饿,则是一种客观的表述,没有任何感情色彩。
- 他得有个工作,要不会挨饿的。 He has to have a job or go hungry.
- 要是你不会烧饭,那你只好挨饿了。 If you can't cook your dinner, then you'll have to go hungry.
pull through,指在困难中度过。
- 由于精心护理,病人总算挨过来啦。 With careful nursing the patient managed to pull through.
- 她相信她丈夫最终会平安无事,这一信心使她挨过了他们分离后的岁月。 Her faith that her husband would be safe in the end was what pulled her through the years they were separated.
put off(口头用语),postpone(书面用语),均指由于某种客观原因而拖延,而且这种拖延有一定的期限。
- 为什么非要挨到下个月? Why should it be put off till next month?
- 她知道她挨不了多少日子了。 She knew that the last day could not be long postponed.
drag on (by),指在无聊中拖延,而这种拖延是没有期限的。
- 还要挨多少天我才能见到她? How many days are to drag on when I could see her?
- 挨上24小时就算一天。 Let's call it a day if 24 hours have dragged by.
dawdle (away),指磨蹭时间。
- 他到美国不是来学习的,所以在校园里挨了四年。 He came to the United States not for study, so he dawdled away four years on college campus.
- 别挨时间了,快走吧! Stop dawdling and get going.
- 无论是国法还是党纪,他都逃不了挨板子。 Whether tried according to the law of the state or the Party discipline, he cannot escape the caning.
- 学生遗失图书馆的书是要挨罚的。 Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.
- 你打破了花瓶,要挨骂了。 You will catch it for breaking that vase.
- 别人眼里挨骂的不低,骂人的不高。 In others' eyes, the abuser can't be high. The abused is not a single peg lower thereby.
- 她因粗心大意,挨了批评。 She was criticized for her carelessness.
- 这孩子不听话,挨了打。 The boy was beaten for disobedience.
- 好呀!你丢下我们不管,让我们在人堆里挨挤。 Well! you left us being pushed here and there in the large crowd.用be+过去分词表示的被动是一种静态,但如果用get+过去分词则可表示动态的生动画面。
- 谁想得到会在半路上挨浇? Who would have thought that I should get caught in a pouring rain on the way?
- 到伊拉克去?你在那里会挨骗、挨抢、挨杀的! You're going to Iraq? You may get cheated, robbed and murdered there!
用主动语态客观地表示受到的遭遇,甚至暗示应该遭受这样的待遇,可用get, take, receive等。
- 这孩子不听话,挨了打。 The boy got a beating for disobedience.试比较:The boy was beaten for disobedience.
- 司机因超速挨批。 The driver got a telling off for having exceeded the speed limit.试比较 The driver was told off for having exceeded the speed limit.get除了接动名词之外还可接名词。
- 为了说的一句话,他挨了一记耳光。 He got a box on the ears for what he had said.
- 他想逃跑时腿上挨了一脚。 He got a kick on the leg when he tried to run away.如果用take或receive代替get则“愿打愿挨”的意识似乎更强。
- 我知道这一次是混不过去了,准备挨打吧。 I knew I wouldn't get by this time and was ready to take his licks.
- 我不在乎你怎么想,我是得挨剋。 I don't care what you think. I have to take the blame.
- 她挨骂受气是家常便饭。 It is routine for her to receive scolding; and suffer wrong.
- 一个愿打,一个愿挨。 A flogging was consciously given by one and gladly received by the other.如果用endure则表示无奈之中“愿打愿挨”。
- 当时我们不知如何才能摆脱这穷日子,只好挨饿受冻。 We didn't know then how to get rid of the strained circumstances. We had no choice but endure hunger and cold.
- 他在养父家里怎能不挨打受骂呢? How couldn't he endure scolding and blowing under his foster father's roof?如果用suffer则强调所受的苦难。
- 尽管我们挨饿受冻,还得继续干活。 We had to go on working though we suffered from hunger and cold.
- 要是我们早点知道,他会挨得少一点。 He would have suffered less if we had known of it earlier.如果用go hungry表示挨饿,则是一种客观的表述,没有任何感情色彩。
- 他得有个工作,要不会挨饿的。 He has to have a job or go hungry.
- 要是你不会烧饭,那你只好挨饿了。 If you can't cook your dinner, then you'll have to go hungry.
pull through,指在困难中度过。
- 由于精心护理,病人总算挨过来啦。 With careful nursing the patient managed to pull through.
- 她相信她丈夫最终会平安无事,这一信心使她挨过了他们分离后的岁月。 Her faith that her husband would be safe in the end was what pulled her through the years they were separated.
put off(口头用语),postpone(书面用语),均指由于某种客观原因而拖延,而且这种拖延有一定的期限。
- 为什么非要挨到下个月? Why should it be put off till next month?
- 她知道她挨不了多少日子了。 She knew that the last day could not be long postponed.
drag on (by),指在无聊中拖延,而这种拖延是没有期限的。
- 还要挨多少天我才能见到她? How many days are to drag on when I could see her?
- 挨上24小时就算一天。 Let's call it a day if 24 hours have dragged by.
dawdle (away),指磨蹭时间。
- 他到美国不是来学习的,所以在校园里挨了四年。 He came to the United States not for study, so he dawdled away four years on college campus.
- 别挨时间了,快走吧! Stop dawdling and get going.
- 无论是国法还是党纪,他都逃不了挨板子。 Whether tried according to the law of the state or the Party discipline, he cannot escape the caning.
- 学生遗失图书馆的书是要挨罚的。 Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.
- 你打破了花瓶,要挨骂了。 You will catch it for breaking that vase.
- 别人眼里挨骂的不低,骂人的不高。 In others' eyes, the abuser can't be high. The abused is not a single peg lower thereby.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典