感動 感动
[gǎn dòng]
to move (sb)
⇒ 移动 移 运 迁徙 调迁 调 乔迁 动 倒腾 挪动 触动 迁 倒弄 搬 荡 腾挪 迁居 搬迁 情感 运动 搬场 感 挪 挪窝儿 开动 迁移 搬移 媻 动作 打动 走 移师
to touch (sb emotionally)
⇒ 感 联系 触摸 沾 碰 动手 着 触击 触 触碰 碰触 动 触及 触动 接触 点触 摸 点染 修整 着陆 点 涉及 盲打 描 摸象 戳痛点 未及 着地 落枕 失散
⇒ 感人 煽情 带感 动人 一倡三叹 摇曳多姿 动点 荡气回肠 滞销 飘忽 憧憧 移动平均线 自动步道 回肠荡气 静 黏糊 动因 悲壮 均线指标 铲运机 移动平均线指标 哀婉 凄婉 可歌可泣 铲土机 浅 踥踥 警辟 懒猫 停滞不前 行云流水 车龙
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 move; touch; affect:
- 感动得流泪 be moved to tears
- 深为感动 be deeply touched
动 move; touch; affect:
- 感动得流泪 be moved to tears
- 深为感动 be deeply touched
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕 {be moved by external events; be touched}:
- 看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受~。 {The masses were deeply touched by the soldier's heroic sacrifice of his own life to save other people.}
2. 使感动 {move; touch}:
- 他的话~了在座的人。 {His speech deeply moved everyone present.}
1. 思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕 {be moved by external events; be touched}:
- 看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受~。 {The masses were deeply touched by the soldier's heroic sacrifice of his own life to save other people.}
2. 使感动 {move; touch}:
- 他的话~了在座的人。 {His speech deeply moved everyone present.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be moved/touched; be impressed/affected
- 感动得不知说什么好 be touched beyond words
- 感动得热泪盈眶 be moved/affected/softened to tears
- 深受感动 be deeply moved/touched
- 被其献身精神所感动 be moved/affected by his devotion
动 move; touch; impress; affect
- 他的讲话深深地感动了我。 His speech moved/touched me profoundly.
- 他们的热情好客真令我们感动。 Their hospitality really moved us.
动 be moved/touched; be impressed/affected
- 感动得不知说什么好 be touched beyond words
- 感动得热泪盈眶 be moved/affected/softened to tears
- 深受感动 be deeply moved/touched
- 被其献身精神所感动 be moved/affected by his devotion
动 move; touch; impress; affect
- 他的讲话深深地感动了我。 His speech moved/touched me profoundly.
- 他们的热情好客真令我们感动。 Their hospitality really moved us.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
affect; inspire; jiminy; move; sensation; touch
affect; inspire; jiminy; move; sensation; touch
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典