
to touch
联系 触摸 动手 感动 触击 触碰 碰触 触及 触动 接触 点触 点染 修整 着陆 涉及 盲打 摸象 戳痛点 未及 着地 落枕 失散
to meet with
遭到 遭遇 值遇 拜会 会面 会见 惨遭不幸 落难 蒙难 交运 晤面 杠龟 坎𡒄 遇险 遭拒 出事 抹一鼻子灰 窝脖儿 碰钉子 硬碰硬 阴沟里翻船 惨死 拿得起放得下 碰一鼻子灰 关关难过,关关过 命途多舛 热脸贴冷屁股 恨铁不成钢
to bump
相撞 碰见 磕碰 值遇 挤轧 响头 推文
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
掽 碰
variant of 碰[pèng]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
踫 碰
old variant of 碰[pèng]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1   touch; bump:
- 头碰在门上 bump one's head against the door
- 把墨水瓶碰翻了 knock the ink bottle over
- 这是精密仪器,你可别碰。 Mind you don't touch this precision instrument.
2   meet; run into:
- 碰到困难 run up against difficulties
- 在街上碰到一个熟人 run into an acquaintance in the street
- 我没碰着他。 I didn't see him.
3   take one's chance; have a try:
- 碰碰机会 take a chance
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 运动着的物体跟别的物体突然接触 {touch; bump}:
- ~杯 {clink glasses in a toast}
- 不小心腿在门上~了一下。 {accidentally bang one's leg against a door}
2. 碰见;遇到 {come across sb.; bump into sb.}:
- ~面 {meet with sb.}
- 在路上~到一位熟人。 {bump into an acquaintance in the street}
3. 试探 {take one's chance}:
- ~~机会 {take a chance; take a gamble}
- 我去~一下看,说不定他在家。 {Let me take a chance — perhaps he is home now.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

bump; knock (against); touch
- 碰倒 knock sb down
- 碰翻 knock sth over
- 碰坏 damage sth in a collision
- 他的头碰到门上了。 He hit his head against the door. / He banged/bumped his head on/against the door.
- 别碰我! Don't touch me!
- 泡泡一碰就破了。 The bubble burst at a mere touch.
- 他的脚碰到了海底。 His feet touched the bottom of the sea.
- 碗太烫,我不敢碰。 The bowl was so hot that I dared not touch it.
- 这对夫妇肩碰肩地坐着。 The couple sat with their shoulders touching.
meet; bump/run into
- 碰到困难 run up against difficulties
- 碰到麻烦 run into trouble
- 碰到熟人 knock against/bump into/come across/run into an acquaintance; meet an acquaintance by chance
- 我们在泰国碰上好几回了。 In Thailand our paths crossed several times. / We have met on several occasions in Thailand.
- 上回他来讲演我没碰到他。 I didn't see him the last time he was here to make a speech.
- 最近他碰到了不少麻烦事。 He has had no end of problems recently.
try one's luck; take one's chance
- 碰机会 take a chance
- 我去碰碰看,说不定今天他出门诊。 Let me go and try my luck; he might be seeing patients today.
offend; displease
- 她这个人脾气很大,碰不得。 She is very bad-tempered and touchy.
- 这人势力很大,没人敢碰他。 He is a powerful person and no one dares to offend him.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

bump; meet; run into; touch
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典

- 他的头一碰枕头就能睡着。 He falls asleep the moment his head touches the pillow.
- 不要碰精密仪器。 Don't touch the precision instrument.
- 这东西一碰就碎。 It will break at a touch.
knock over,指碰翻。
- 谁把墨水瓶碰翻了? Who knocked the inkbottle over?
- 我碰翻了椅子。 I knocked the chair over.
- 房间里黑漆漆的,我的头碰到门上了。 The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
- 孩子不小心把膝盖碰到了墙上。 The child accidentally bumped his knee on the wall.
- 警察在工作时都可能碰上危险。 A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.
- 她是我碰到过的最出色的姑娘。 She was the most remarkable girl I've ever met.
- 他碰了个钉子。 He met with a rebuff.
run into,除指偶然遇上外,还有碰壁的意思,bump into也指偶然遇上。
- 今天早上我在街上碰见一位老同学。 I ran into an old classmate this morning in the street.
- 开起会来,说不准你会碰上谁。 You never know whom you'll run into at a meeting.
- 他到处碰壁。 He ran into snags and was foiled everywhere.
- 凭主观办事一定碰壁。 If you do things subjectively, you'll just run into a stone wall.
- 我在回家的路上碰见了王老师。 I bumped into Mr. Wang on my way home.
run up against,除了指偶然碰见外,还可指突然遭遇或碰撞。
- 昨天我偶然碰见了一位老朋友。 I ran up against an old friend yesterday.
- 我们碰到了经济上的困难。 We ran up against financial difficulties.
- 黑暗中他碰到了一个碗柜。 In the dark he ran up against a cupboard.
- 我碰的钉子,吃的苦头,比你多得多。 I've run up against many more obstacles and suffered a lot more than you.
- 我没碰见他。 I didn't see him.
- 咱们碰碰运气,买下这些货物吧。 Let's take the chance and buy these goods.
- 如果我是你,我就不会去碰这个壁。 lf I were you, I wouldn't run my head against a brick wall.
- 他去求婚,却碰了个软钉子。 He went to make an offer of marriage, but was mildly rebuffed.
- 她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边又咽了回去。 She was afraid of being snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.
- 改山造田是硬碰硬的事。 To transform hills into fields is an extremely tough job.
- 做律师要敢于碰硬。 Being a lawyer, one must be bold enough to challenge any powerful opponent.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典