影響 影响
[yǐng xiǎng]
⇒ 来头 话语权 影子 熏陶 势 声威 影响力 声势 势力 权势 风邪 门子 邪气 感染 灵气 潜移默化 巨大影响 感化 毒素 煞气 左右 濡染 恶劣影响 毒害 歪风 流毒 后门 熏染 财势
⇒ 效 效果 效应 成效 效验 影响层面 作用 剂量效应 氧效应 特技 溢出效应 温室效应 疗效 早期效应 音效 骨牌效应 位置效应 蝴蝶效应 随机效应 光影效 声效 光化作用 拟音 壁效应 奇效 一致性效应 效力 卡西米尔效应 后劲 药效 垂感 药性
to influence
⇒ 感染 熏陶 感化 左右 濡染 潜移默化 拿人 洁身自好 托福 贯气 熏染 失势 撬动 毒驾 死灰复燃 钻谋 走内线 借花献佛 霸妻 裙带关系 刻奇 道高益安,势高益危
to affect (usually adversely)
⇒ 关系 感 牵动 作用 波及 累及 震动 贻误 无关痛痒 装嫩 意气用事
to disturb
⇒ 干扰 烦扰 嬲 搅 闹 捣 搔扰 乱咕攘 缠扰 捣乱 搅扰 骚扰 扰乱 扰动 扰 困扰 闹腾 扰攘 打扰 诖 胡搅 骚搅 惊动 打搅 骚 溷 喧扰 讨扰 吵
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 influence; effect:
- 产生巨大影响 exert a tremendous influence; produce a great impact
- 月亮对潮汐的影响 influence of the moon on the tides
- 这篇文章很有影响。 This article is making a strong impact.
II 动 affect; influence:
- 影响工作 interfere with one's work
- 影响威信 lower (or undermine) one's prestige
- 影响质量 impair the quality
- 影响工程进度 hold up the project
- 影响群众的积极性 chill (or dampen) the enthusiasm of the masses
- 用自己的榜样去影响孩子 try to influence children by personal example
- 别影响他复习功课。 Don't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons.
- 灯光不好会影响演出效果。 Poor lighting will spoil the stage effect.
III 形 〈旧〉 groundless; hearsay; gossip:
- 影响之谈 speaking from hearsay
I 名 influence; effect:
- 产生巨大影响 exert a tremendous influence; produce a great impact
- 月亮对潮汐的影响 influence of the moon on the tides
- 这篇文章很有影响。 This article is making a strong impact.
II 动 affect; influence:
- 影响工作 interfere with one's work
- 影响威信 lower (or undermine) one's prestige
- 影响质量 impair the quality
- 影响工程进度 hold up the project
- 影响群众的积极性 chill (or dampen) the enthusiasm of the masses
- 用自己的榜样去影响孩子 try to influence children by personal example
- 别影响他复习功课。 Don't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons.
- 灯光不好会影响演出效果。 Poor lighting will spoil the stage effect.
III 形 〈旧〉 groundless; hearsay; gossip:
- 影响之谈 speaking from hearsay
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 对别人的思想或行动起作用(如影之随形,响之应声) {influence; affect; produce an impact over others' thinking or actions (from the idiom ‘Shadows form after the image and sound echoes the voice’)}:
- 父母应该用自己的模范行为去~孩子。 {Parents should influence their children by personal example.}
2. 对人或事物所起的作用 {effect; influence exerted over sb. or sth.}:
- 他爱好音乐是受了一位老师的~。 {His love of music resulted from the influence of a teacher.}
3. 传闻的;无根据的 {hearsay; groundless}:
- 模糊~之谈。 {speaking from hearsay}
1. 对别人的思想或行动起作用(如影之随形,响之应声) {influence; affect; produce an impact over others' thinking or actions (from the idiom ‘Shadows form after the image and sound echoes the voice’)}:
- 父母应该用自己的模范行为去~孩子。 {Parents should influence their children by personal example.}
2. 对人或事物所起的作用 {effect; influence exerted over sb. or sth.}:
- 他爱好音乐是受了一位老师的~。 {His love of music resulted from the influence of a teacher.}
3. 传闻的;无根据的 {hearsay; groundless}:
- 模糊~之谈。 {speaking from hearsay}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 affect; influence; impact; impinge
- 影响大局 affect the overall situation
- 影响工作 interfere with sb's work
- 影响工程进度 hold up the project
- 影响健康 affect health
- 影响经济发展 hold up the growth of the economy
- 影响情绪 influence one's moods
- 影响全局 affect the whole situation
- 影响群众积极性 chill/dampen the enthusiasm of the masses
- 影响热情 overshadow/chill/dampen the enthusiasm
- 影响人心 have impact on popular feelings
- 影响生活 impinge upon sb's life
- 影响士气 affect the morale
- 影响思想/行为 mould the thoughts/actions (of)
- 影响威信 undermine one's prestige
- 影响效果 spoil the effect (of)
- 影响一代人 influence a generation
- 影响舆论 mould/shape public opinion
- 影响质量 impair the quality
- 这件丑闻会影响你的事业。 This scandal may prejudice your career.
名 influence; effect; impact
- 摆脱影响 escape sb's influence
- 保持影响 retain influence (over)
- 产生影响 make an impact (on); have repercussions on/for; have an impact (on)
- 淡化影响 cool off the effect
- 对…没有影响 cut no ice with sb
- 抵制影响 withstand influences
- 抵消影响 offset/counteract/curb/neutralize sb's influence
- 防止不良影响 avert evil influence
- 减轻影响 weaken/lessen the effect
- 扩大/扩散影响 widen one's influence; radiate/extend influence
- 排除影响 exclude influences
- 散布影响 shed an influence
- 施加影响 exert/exercise/wield an influence (on)
- 受影响 be subject to influences
- 挽回影响 redeem oneself (for)
- 消除坏影响 efface/remove the bad influence
- 削弱影响 weaken/reduce the influence
- 对…有影响 have an influence (on)
- 影响深远 have a far-reaching influence
- 不当影响 undue influence
- 经济影响 economic impact
- 多方的影响 many influences
- 恶劣影响 bad/baleful/baneful/poisonous influence
- 深远的影响 far-reaching repercussions
- 外来影响 alien influences
- 直接影响 direct impact
- 他对孩子造成了不良影响。 He was a bad influence on children.
- 我们不能不受环境的影响。 We are not immune to the influences around us.
形 hearsay; gossipy
- 模糊影响之谈 speaking from hearsay
动 affect; influence; impact; impinge
- 影响大局 affect the overall situation
- 影响工作 interfere with sb's work
- 影响工程进度 hold up the project
- 影响健康 affect health
- 影响经济发展 hold up the growth of the economy
- 影响情绪 influence one's moods
- 影响全局 affect the whole situation
- 影响群众积极性 chill/dampen the enthusiasm of the masses
- 影响热情 overshadow/chill/dampen the enthusiasm
- 影响人心 have impact on popular feelings
- 影响生活 impinge upon sb's life
- 影响士气 affect the morale
- 影响思想/行为 mould the thoughts/actions (of)
- 影响威信 undermine one's prestige
- 影响效果 spoil the effect (of)
- 影响一代人 influence a generation
- 影响舆论 mould/shape public opinion
- 影响质量 impair the quality
- 这件丑闻会影响你的事业。 This scandal may prejudice your career.
名 influence; effect; impact
- 摆脱影响 escape sb's influence
- 保持影响 retain influence (over)
- 产生影响 make an impact (on); have repercussions on/for; have an impact (on)
- 淡化影响 cool off the effect
- 对…没有影响 cut no ice with sb
- 抵制影响 withstand influences
- 抵消影响 offset/counteract/curb/neutralize sb's influence
- 防止不良影响 avert evil influence
- 减轻影响 weaken/lessen the effect
- 扩大/扩散影响 widen one's influence; radiate/extend influence
- 排除影响 exclude influences
- 散布影响 shed an influence
- 施加影响 exert/exercise/wield an influence (on)
- 受影响 be subject to influences
- 挽回影响 redeem oneself (for)
- 消除坏影响 efface/remove the bad influence
- 削弱影响 weaken/reduce the influence
- 对…有影响 have an influence (on)
- 影响深远 have a far-reaching influence
- 不当影响 undue influence
- 经济影响 economic impact
- 多方的影响 many influences
- 恶劣影响 bad/baleful/baneful/poisonous influence
- 深远的影响 far-reaching repercussions
- 外来影响 alien influences
- 直接影响 direct impact
- 他对孩子造成了不良影响。 He was a bad influence on children.
- 我们不能不受环境的影响。 We are not immune to the influences around us.
形 hearsay; gossipy
- 模糊影响之谈 speaking from hearsay
yǐngxiǎng hánshù
名 <工程> influence function
yǐngxiǎng hánshù
名 <工程> influence function
名 influence; impact
- 品牌影响力 brand influence
名 influence; impact
- 品牌影响力 brand influence
yǐngxiǎng xìshù
名 influence coefficient
yǐngxiǎng xìshù
名 influence coefficient
名 <力学> influence line
名 <力学> influence line
yǐngxiǎng yīnzǐ
名 impact factor (IF)
yǐngxiǎng yīnzǐ
名 impact factor (IF)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
affect; influence; effect; impact; influence
affect; influence; effect; impact; influence
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
affect; effect; impact; impress; infection; influence; leaven; sway; tamper with; work on
affect; effect; impact; impress; infection; influence; leaven; sway; tamper with; work on
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
yǐng xiǎng
- 当时影响我的理由现在还会对我产生影响。 The reason which influenced me then will influence me now.
- 父母亲的一举一动都会影响孩子的身心。 Parents' behaviors influence children's body and mind.
- 由于受中学生物老师的影响,他茌大学里学了医。 Influenced by the middle school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine at college.
- 法官决不应该由于同情或偏见而影响其判决。 The judge should never be influenced in his decisions by his sympathies or prejudices.
- 他之所以成为诗人可能是由于他母亲的影响。 That he became a poet may have been due to his mother's influence.
- 某些特权阶层对政府是很有影响的。 Some privileged strata have much influence on the government.
- 吸烟影响健康。 Smoking affects health.
- 躺在床上看书已经影响了他的视力。 Reading in bed has affected his eyesight.
- 经济危机严重影响了我国的出口。 The economic crisis seriously affected China's exports.
- 过量的雨水影响了庄稼的生长。 Excessive amount of rain affects the growth of crops.
- 过分劳累对他的健康有严重影响。 Overwork has a serious effect on his health.试比较:Overwork seriously affects his health.
- 大麻毒品和电视暴力都会对青少年产生巨大的心理和道德的影响。 Marijuana and TV violence exercise great psychological and moral effects on teenagers.
- 化工厂对环境的影响自不待言。 The effects of chemical plants on the environments are self-evident.
- 她一会儿这,一会儿那的,太容易受到情绪的影响。 She is too easily swayed one way or the other by her emotions.
- 这里周围的环境可以影响儿童学好,也可以学坏。 The environments here might sway children for good or for evil.
- 有人正企图以贿赂来影响选举。 Some people are trying to sway the election with bribery.
- 她在丈夫据理力争的影响之下改变了主意。 She changed her mind under the sway of her husband's argument on just ground.
reflect on, reflection on, 也指负面影响,但侧重于指反映出来的影响。
- 这样的谣言影响了我们公司的名誉。 A rumor like this reflects on the honor of our company.
- 他的行为会严重影响他今后事业的发展。 His conduct will seriously reflect on his future career.
- 影响本部门声誉的事千万别干。 Be sure to do nothing that reflects on the reputation of the department.
- 你在这件事情上的做法会严重影响你的信誉。 Your behavior in this matter is a grave reflection on your credit.
- 能源涨价影响到家庭预算中每一笔必要的开支。 The rise in price of energy impacts on every essential in the family budget.
- 战争对大家,无论是男女老少都会有影响。 War impacts on everyone, men and women or old and young.
- 现代科技对人们的生活方式有很大的影响。 Modem science and technology have great impact on people's life style.
- 这篇文章造成了很大影响。 The article is making a strong impact.
hold up,指影响某种进程。
- 阴雨连绵影响了工程进度。 An unbroken spell of wet weather held up the project.
- 太窄的街道影响交通。 Too narrow streets hold up traffic.
interfere with, 指受到干扰的影响。
- 飞机的噪声影响了他的研究工作。 The noise made by planes interferes with his research work.
- 王老师生病影响了我们的功课。 The illness of Wang, our teacher, has interfered with our lessons.
- 你这样做影响不好。 What you have done would create a bad impression.
- 施工偷工减料会影响质量。 Jerry-building impairs quality.
- 你要是说话不算数,那会影响威信的。 You'll lower your prestige if you go back on your word.
- 领导机关的冷漠已经影响了群众的积极性。 Indifference of the leading body has chilled the enthusiasm of the masses.
- 别影响他复习功课。 Don't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons.
- 灯光不好会影响演出效果。 Poor lighting will spoil the stage effect.
yǐng xiǎng
- 当时影响我的理由现在还会对我产生影响。 The reason which influenced me then will influence me now.
- 父母亲的一举一动都会影响孩子的身心。 Parents' behaviors influence children's body and mind.
- 由于受中学生物老师的影响,他茌大学里学了医。 Influenced by the middle school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine at college.
- 法官决不应该由于同情或偏见而影响其判决。 The judge should never be influenced in his decisions by his sympathies or prejudices.
- 他之所以成为诗人可能是由于他母亲的影响。 That he became a poet may have been due to his mother's influence.
- 某些特权阶层对政府是很有影响的。 Some privileged strata have much influence on the government.
- 吸烟影响健康。 Smoking affects health.
- 躺在床上看书已经影响了他的视力。 Reading in bed has affected his eyesight.
- 经济危机严重影响了我国的出口。 The economic crisis seriously affected China's exports.
- 过量的雨水影响了庄稼的生长。 Excessive amount of rain affects the growth of crops.
- 过分劳累对他的健康有严重影响。 Overwork has a serious effect on his health.试比较:Overwork seriously affects his health.
- 大麻毒品和电视暴力都会对青少年产生巨大的心理和道德的影响。 Marijuana and TV violence exercise great psychological and moral effects on teenagers.
- 化工厂对环境的影响自不待言。 The effects of chemical plants on the environments are self-evident.
- 她一会儿这,一会儿那的,太容易受到情绪的影响。 She is too easily swayed one way or the other by her emotions.
- 这里周围的环境可以影响儿童学好,也可以学坏。 The environments here might sway children for good or for evil.
- 有人正企图以贿赂来影响选举。 Some people are trying to sway the election with bribery.
- 她在丈夫据理力争的影响之下改变了主意。 She changed her mind under the sway of her husband's argument on just ground.
reflect on, reflection on, 也指负面影响,但侧重于指反映出来的影响。
- 这样的谣言影响了我们公司的名誉。 A rumor like this reflects on the honor of our company.
- 他的行为会严重影响他今后事业的发展。 His conduct will seriously reflect on his future career.
- 影响本部门声誉的事千万别干。 Be sure to do nothing that reflects on the reputation of the department.
- 你在这件事情上的做法会严重影响你的信誉。 Your behavior in this matter is a grave reflection on your credit.
- 能源涨价影响到家庭预算中每一笔必要的开支。 The rise in price of energy impacts on every essential in the family budget.
- 战争对大家,无论是男女老少都会有影响。 War impacts on everyone, men and women or old and young.
- 现代科技对人们的生活方式有很大的影响。 Modem science and technology have great impact on people's life style.
- 这篇文章造成了很大影响。 The article is making a strong impact.
hold up,指影响某种进程。
- 阴雨连绵影响了工程进度。 An unbroken spell of wet weather held up the project.
- 太窄的街道影响交通。 Too narrow streets hold up traffic.
interfere with, 指受到干扰的影响。
- 飞机的噪声影响了他的研究工作。 The noise made by planes interferes with his research work.
- 王老师生病影响了我们的功课。 The illness of Wang, our teacher, has interfered with our lessons.
- 你这样做影响不好。 What you have done would create a bad impression.
- 施工偷工减料会影响质量。 Jerry-building impairs quality.
- 你要是说话不算数,那会影响威信的。 You'll lower your prestige if you go back on your word.
- 领导机关的冷漠已经影响了群众的积极性。 Indifference of the leading body has chilled the enthusiasm of the masses.
- 别影响他复习功课。 Don't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons.
- 灯光不好会影响演出效果。 Poor lighting will spoil the stage effect.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典