- 阿飞
- ab initio
- abandon
- abandoned property
- abandonment
- abandonment of appeal
- abate
- abatement
- abbot
- abbreviation
- abdicate
- abdication
- abduct
- abduction
- abductor
- aberration
- abet
- abetment
- abetter
- abettor
- abide
- abide by
- ability
- able
- abnormal
- abnormal condition
- abnormal psychology
- abnormal spoilage
- abode
- abolish
- abolishment
- abominable
- abominable crime
- abortive
- above
- above par
- above-mentioned
- abrasion
- abridgment
- abroad
- abrogate
- abrogation
- abscond
- absence
- absent
- absentee ballot
- absentee voting
- absolute
- absolute acceptance
- absolute address
- absolute assignment
- absolute change
- absolute discharge
- absolute interest
- absolute liability
- absolute majority
- absolute monarchy
- absolute title
- absolutely
- absolutism
- absolve
- abstain from
- abstainer
- abstention
- abstract
- abuse
- abuse of discretion
- abuser
- abuttals
- academic freedom
- academic rank
- academician
- academy
- accede to
- accelerate
- accelerated depreciation
- acceleration
- acceleration clause
- accept
- acceptable
- acceptable failure rate
- acceptable quality level
- acceptable reliability level
- acceptance
- acceptance commission
- acceptance credit
- acceptance house
- acceptance in blank
- accepter
- accepting bank
- acceptor
- access right
- accession
- accession number
- accessories
- accessory
- accessory after the fact
- accessory before the fact
- accessory contract
- accident
- accident insurance
- accident investigation
- accident prevention
- accident rate
- accident report
- accident statistics
- accidental
- accidental death
- accidental error
- accidental injury
- accommodation
- accommodation bill
- accommodation party
- accommodator
- accomplice
- accomplish
- accomplishment
- accord
- accord with
- according to
- account
- account balance
- account book
- account for
- account number
- account payable
- account payee only
- account receivable
- account sales
- account stated
- accountability
- accountable
- accountant
- accounting
- accounting control
- accounting document
- accounting firm
- accounting management
- accounting period
- accounting statement
- accounting system
- accounting year
- accredit
- accreditation
- accretion
- accrual basis
- accrual basis accounting
- accrued depreciation
- accrued expense
- accrued income
- accrued interest
- accrued revenue
- accumulate
- accumulated dividend
- accumulated profits
- accumulation
- accumulations
- accumulative
- accumulative sentence
- accuracy
- accuracy rating
- accusation
- accuse
- accused
- accuser
- achieve
- achievement
- achievements
- acid rain
- acknowledge
- acknowledgment
- acquire
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acquirer
- acquisition
- acquisition price
- acquit
- acquittal
- acquittance
- acreage
- act
- act of bankruptcy
- act of grace
- act of war
- act one's age
- action
- action for damages
- action in personam
- action in rem
- action period
- action plan
- actionable
- active
- active duty
- active partner