
發展 发展
[fā zhǎn]
动态 发育 苗头 开发周期 开发银行 风起潮涌 技术发展 历史沿革 发展中 开发环境 智育 深耕 可持续发展 经济发展 开发过程 开发区 软件开发 住宅区 国家开发银行 端绪 源流 非洲开发银行 流变 新村 沿革 研发 发育期 发展研究中心 都更案 跨越式 亚洲开发银行
肿块 涨幅 成长 长势 发育 增殖 勃发 刺激素 增幅 成长率 生长率 增速 骺软骨板 经济增长 猛增 负增长 成长型思维 簌簌 霉病 生长激素 增长率 年轮 经济增长率
to develop
建设 打造 发达 滋长 演绎 生发 冲洗 发育 开展 发扬 恢宏 发挥 演变 显影 衍变 研发 发酵 开发 建构 开拓 并举 走红 自研 发芽 彪蒙
to grow
出落 生出 种植 增长 栽种 生长 成长 栽培 滋长 枝繁叶茂 种花 生锈 勃兴 长成 长牙 出息 变老 长毛 产粮 长大 天亮
to expand
拓展 扩展 做大 扩充 扩大 发达 扩增 膨胀 扩张 扩编 壮大 放宽 扩大再生产 滚动 舒张 扩军 扩容 开疆拓土 出海 扩表 打天下
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   develop; advance; expand; grow:
- 发展势头 development trend
- 发展组织 expand an organization; increase the membership
- 发展两国关系 develop the relationship between the two countries
- 跟不上形势的发展 cannot keep up with the changing situation
- 用发展的眼光看人 look at someone with an eye on the course of his development
- 发展是硬道理。 (邓小平)Development is the absolute principle.
2   recruit; admit:
- 发展会员 admit new members
- 发展新党员 recruit new party members
- 发展规划 development plan
- 发展模式 mode of development; development model
- 发展经济学 development economics
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→发展心理学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 自然辩证法→自然辩证法总论
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化 {develop; change into a larger, more complex or advanced state}:
- 事态还在~ {Events are still developing.}
- 社会~规律。 {laws governing social development}
2. 扩大(组织、规模等) {expand (an organization, scale, etc.)}:
- ~新会员 {recruit (or admit) new members}
- ~轻纺工业。 {develop or promote the light and textile industries}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
develop; expand; grow; burgeon
- 发展长期的经济技术合作 boost long-term economic and technical cooperation
- 发展国民经济 develop/expand the national economy
- 发展教育 develop/promote/expand education
- 发展经济,保障供给 develop the economy and ensure supplies
- 发展农业生产 boost agricultural production
- 发展生产力 develop/expand the productive forces
- 发展自己的事业 advance/forward one's career
- 发展体育运动 promote physical culture
- 发展友好关系 develop friendly links/relations (between/with)
- 妨碍发展 hamper/impede/check/prevent/retard the development
- 跟上形势的发展 keep up with the changing situation
- 鼓励小企业的发展 encourage the development of small businesses
- 阻碍发展 prevent/impede the development
- 发展规划 development plan
- 发展势头 momentum of development
- 发展速度 speed of development
- 持续、稳定、协调的发展 sustained, stable and coordinated development
- 德、智、体、美全面发展 develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically
- 个人的全面发展 all-round development of the individual
- 工农业的发展 growth in industry and agriculture; industrial and agricultural development/expansion
- 科学发展 scientific development
- 可持续发展 sustainable development
- 稳步/迅速发展 steady/rapid development
- 智力发展 intellectual development
- 最新发展 latest development
- 处在发展阶段 be in the development stage
- 发展是硬道理。 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is a hard truth.
- 两国关系稳步发展。 Relations between the two countries develop steadily.
- 友谊发展成爱情。 Friendship grew into love.
- 随着生产力的发展,人民的物质和文化生活也会不断改善。 With the development of the productive forces/As the productive forces develop, the people's material and cultural life will constantly improve.
recruit; admit
- 发展新成员 admit/recruit new members
- 发展新会员国 admit as a member state; add new member states
fāzhǎn ɡuīlǜ
law of development
fāzhǎn jījīn
development fund
fāzhǎn jīnɡjìxué
development economics
fāzhǎn móshì
formula/mode of development
right of/to development
fāzhǎn xīnlǐxué
developmental psychology
fāzhǎn zhànlüè
development strategy
fāzhǎnzhōnɡ ɡuójiā
developing country
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
develop; expand; grow; development; expansion
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
develop; development; evolution; expand; grow; progress
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
fā zhǎn
- 在一切国民党区域,党的基本方针同样是发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势力。 In all the KMT areas the Party's basic policy is to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
- 该书的其余部分只是发展了第一章里的思想。 The rest of the book merely developed the ideas of the first chapter.
- 他们在发展拉美联合上起过重大作用。 They played an important part in developing Latin America unionism.
- 上海已发展成为世界最大海港中的一个。 Shanghai has developed into one of the greatest ports in the world.
- 我们发展核武器是为了消灭核武器。 We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with such weapons.
- 列宁进一步发展了马克思主义的国家学说。 Lenin further developed the Marxist doctrine of the state.
- 农、林、牧、副、渔应同时发展。 Agriculture, forestry, livestock-breeding, fishery and side occupations should be developed simultaneously.
- 他说他的国家愿同中国发展传统友谊。 He says his country wishes to develop its traditional friendship with China.
- 坚持发展经济,保障供给是我们的任务。 Our task is to develop the economy persistency and ensure supplies.
- 辩证唯物主义的观点是要用发展的眼光看人。 It is dialectical materialist point of view to look at a person with an eye on the course of his development.
- 当时盛行一种说法,即资本主义自发势力一直在发展。 A formulation prevailed at that time that the spontaneous forces of capitalism had been steadily growing.
- 城市的迅速发展,也发展了大批劳动阶级。 Cities grow rapidly, and a large laboring class develops.
- 同样,共产党在全国范围内越发展,则克服投降危险的可能性越增加。 Similarly, the more the Communist Party grows throughout the country, the greater will be the possibility of averting the danger of capitulation.
- 民权运动在世界许多地方都在迅速发展。 Movement for civil rights is growing rapidly in many parts of the world.
- 这种思想随着岁月的消逝而发展了。 This thought grew as the years passed.
(make) advance, carry forward,强调推进的发展过程。
- 马克思主义一定要向前发展,要随着实践的发展而发展。 Marxism must certainly advance; it must develop along with the development of practice.
- 我们不应自满,还应继续发展大好形势。 We should not be self-satisfied and must make further advances on the already very good situation.
- 最近50年来,科学有了长足的发展。 Science has made great advances in the last fifty years.
- 没有重工业就不可能有经济的发展。 Without heavy industry there can be no economic advance.
- 找出癌症的治疗方法将是医学的一大发展。 Discovering a cure for cancer would be a major medical advance.
- 我们必须乘胜前进,发展大好形势。 We must continue our triumphant advance and carry forward the excellent situation.
go ahead, forge ahead, head,强调具有一定前进方向的自动发展过程。
- 第三世界国家的力量在迅速发展壮大。 The third world countries are rapidly going ahead from strength to strength.
- 革命在发展。 The revolution is going ahead.
- 我国社会主义建设在蓬勃发展。 China's socialist construction is forging vigorously ahead.
- 激光技术已在迅速发展。 Laser technology has gone ahead rapidly.
- 中国的改革正向着新的目标和更大的胜利发展。 The reform in China is forging ahead to new goals and still greater victories.
- 1933年后,德国政局变本加厉地向着公开的法西斯独裁统治发展。 From 1933, the German political situation increasingly headed toward an open fascist dictatorship.
- 他们这种政策是向着破产方向发展的。 This policy of theirs is headed for bankruptcy.
- 他们是在向资本主义方向发展。 They are heading in the capitalist direction.
- 毛主席于1940年发出“发展抗日力量”的号召。 Chairman Mao issued the call: "Freely expand the anti-Japanese forces" in 1940.
- 即是说,江北越胜利,越发展,则顾祝同在江南越不敢轻举妄动。 That is to say, the more victories we win and the more we expand north of the Changjiang River, the more will Gu Zhutong be afraid to act rashly South of the Changjiang River.
- 这个反革命集团,在解放以后是发展了,如果不加以制止,还会发展下去。 After liberation, this counter-revolutionary clique expanded, and if unchecked, would go on expanding.
- 否则生产就不能发展。 Otherwise, production cannot be expanded.
build up,强调建立的发展过程。
- 国家决定发展自己的武装力量。 The country is determined to build up its armed forces.
- 许多重大的企业一开始都是由小企业发展起来的。 Many large and important enterprises have been built up from small beginnings.
- 他们努力工作,以发展两国人民之间的友谊。 They worked hard to build up the friendship between the two peoples.
- 我们希望两国共同努力,发展现有的关系。 We hope the two countries will make joint efforts to further existing relations.
- 这反过来又引导政府来发展科学。 This in turn led the government to further the science.
- 这一组织正被用来发展两国间的友好联系。 The organization is being used to further the friendly ties between the countries.
- 英国的政治制度已发展了几个世纪。 The British political system has evolved over several centuries.
- 整个设想是由一次偶然的谈论而发展起来的。 The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.
- 我们希望这次首脑聚会最终会发展为非洲国家联盟。 We hope that the summit conference will evolve eventually into a union of African States.
admit, recruit,强调组织发展的过程。
- 这样的人不能发展为中国共产党党员。 Such people should not be admitted to the Communist Party of China.
- 他们发展他参加这一组织。 They admitted him into the organization.
- 你不能多发展些成员参加音乐家协会吗? Can't you recruit more members to the musicians' society?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典