擴充 扩充
[kuò chōng]
to expand
⇒ 发展 廓 拓展 扩展 拓 做大 扩大 挓 发达 扩增 膨胀 扩张 扩编 壮大 斥 放宽 扩大再生产 滚动 舒张 扩军 扩容 开疆拓土 出海 扩表 打天下
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 expand; strengthen; augment:
- 扩充军备 engage in arms expansion
- 扩充设备 augment the equipment
- 扩充实力 expand (military or political) forces
动 expand; strengthen; augment:
- 扩充军备 engage in arms expansion
- 扩充设备 augment the equipment
- 扩充实力 expand (military or political) forces
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机总论
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机总论
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 通信科技→通信原理与基本技术
【定 义】 把已压缩信号恢复成原状的操作。
【所属学科】 通信科技→通信原理与基本技术
【定 义】 把已压缩信号恢复成原状的操作。
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
扩大充实 {expand; strengthen; enlarge; augment}:
- ~内容 {enrich the contents}
- ~设备 {procure more equipment; augment one's stock of equipment}
- 教师队伍在不断~。 {The team of teachers has been expanding.}
扩大充实 {expand; strengthen; enlarge; augment}:
- ~内容 {enrich the contents}
- ~设备 {procure more equipment; augment one's stock of equipment}
- 教师队伍在不断~。 {The team of teachers has been expanding.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 expand and strengthen; augment; enlarge
- 扩充编辑人员 enlarge the editorial staff
- 扩充磁盘容量 expand the disc capacity
- 扩充基金 expand fund
- 扩充军备 engage in arms expansion/armaments expansion
- 扩充内容 add to the contents
- 扩充设备 augment the equipment
- 扩充实力 expand (military or political) forces; augment/increase one's (political or military) strength
- 扩充业务范围 branch out business
- 把词组扩充成句子 expand a phrase into a sentence
- 这部词典将扩充到2,000页。 The dictionary will be enlarged to 2,000 pages.
动 expand and strengthen; augment; enlarge
- 扩充编辑人员 enlarge the editorial staff
- 扩充磁盘容量 expand the disc capacity
- 扩充基金 expand fund
- 扩充军备 engage in arms expansion/armaments expansion
- 扩充内容 add to the contents
- 扩充设备 augment the equipment
- 扩充实力 expand (military or political) forces; augment/increase one's (political or military) strength
- 扩充业务范围 branch out business
- 把词组扩充成句子 expand a phrase into a sentence
- 这部词典将扩充到2,000页。 The dictionary will be enlarged to 2,000 pages.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
expansion; extend; extension
expansion; extend; extension
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
kuò chōng
- 我把20年来的学习心得扩充成札记。 I enlarged what I had gained from study for 20 years into a sketch.
- 这部词典将扩充到1,500页。 The dictionary will be enlarged to 1,500 pages.
- 在邻国扩充军事实力的时候,我们不能坐以待毙。 We cannot wait passively while the neighboring country is expanding her military forces.
- 商务印书馆将推出一本经过全面修订和扩充的新版本。 The Commercial Press will be bringing out a totally revised and expanded edition.
- 我厂在扩充设备以扩大生产。 Our factory is augmenting the equipment to expand production.
- 乳房发育不全,随时都能植入新型软硅胶扩充之。 The hypoplastic breast can be readily augmented with the newer soft silastic implants.
kuò chōng
- 我把20年来的学习心得扩充成札记。 I enlarged what I had gained from study for 20 years into a sketch.
- 这部词典将扩充到1,500页。 The dictionary will be enlarged to 1,500 pages.
- 在邻国扩充军事实力的时候,我们不能坐以待毙。 We cannot wait passively while the neighboring country is expanding her military forces.
- 商务印书馆将推出一本经过全面修订和扩充的新版本。 The Commercial Press will be bringing out a totally revised and expanded edition.
- 我厂在扩充设备以扩大生产。 Our factory is augmenting the equipment to expand production.
- 乳房发育不全,随时都能植入新型软硅胶扩充之。 The hypoplastic breast can be readily augmented with the newer soft silastic implants.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典