[hán hu]
⇒ 含糊不清 灰色 含混 暧昧 模棱 隐晦 牵扯不清 模棱两可 隐约其辞
⇒ 含混 浅淡 暧昧 笼统 浮泛 模糊 含含糊糊 若即若离 闪烁 疏阔 隐约 恍然 糊里糊涂 隐晦 缊 渺茫 马马虎虎 空泛 浑茫 眼花 隐约其辞
⇒ 胡乱 漫不经意 疏懒 忽忽悠悠 草 粗疏 怠 毛 苟且 草率 眉毛胡子一把抓 大而化之 漫不经心 粗 潦草 大意 粗心大意 马马虎虎 疏忽大意 粗心 跅 苟 马虎 稀里糊涂 轻浮 疏漏 纰漏 疏率 马大哈 失错 一不小心 一着不慎,满盘皆输
⇒ 敷衍 苟且 有一搭没一搭 不痛不痒 聊备一格
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 含胡) 形
1 ambiguous; vague:
- 他的话很含糊,不明白是什么意思。 He was rather vague. I don't know what he really meant.
- 他含含糊糊地说了半天,也没说清。 He talked on and on beating about the bush and never made himself clear.
- 在原则问题上不能含糊。 One must not be vague on matters of principle.
2 careless; perfunctory:
- 这事一点儿也不能含糊。 We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.
3 [usu. in the negative] show weakness (or cowardice) 不含糊
(also 含胡) 形
1 ambiguous; vague:
- 他的话很含糊,不明白是什么意思。 He was rather vague. I don't know what he really meant.
- 他含含糊糊地说了半天,也没说清。 He talked on and on beating about the bush and never made himself clear.
- 在原则问题上不能含糊。 One must not be vague on matters of principle.
2 careless; perfunctory:
- 这事一点儿也不能含糊。 We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.
3 [usu. in the negative] show weakness (or cowardice) 不含糊
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 不明确;不清晰 {ambiguous; vague}:
- ~其辞 {equivocate; prevaricate; talk ambiguously}
- 他的话很~,不明白是什么意思。 {What he said was so vague, that I don't know what he really meant.}
2. 不认真;马虎 {careless; perfunctory}:
- 这事一点ㄦ也不能~。 {We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.}
3. 示弱(多用于否定 {mostly used in the negative}) {display a white feather — show one's weakness or cowardice}:
- 要比就比,我绝不~。 {Let's have a contest if you want, since I'm not one to turn tail.}‖
也作 also: 含胡 {hán·hu}。
1. 不明确;不清晰 {ambiguous; vague}:
- ~其辞 {equivocate; prevaricate; talk ambiguously}
- 他的话很~,不明白是什么意思。 {What he said was so vague, that I don't know what he really meant.}
2. 不认真;马虎 {careless; perfunctory}:
- 这事一点ㄦ也不能~。 {We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.}
3. 示弱(多用于否定 {mostly used in the negative}) {display a white feather — show one's weakness or cowardice}:
- 要比就比,我绝不~。 {Let's have a contest if you want, since I'm not one to turn tail.}‖
也作 also: 含胡 {hán·hu}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 ambiguous; equivocal; vague
- 说话含糊 speak/talk in ambiguous terms; equivocate
- 他回答得含含糊糊。 He gave an equivocal/a noncommittal reply.
形 careless; perfunctory
- 含糊了事 finish a job carelessly
- 在原则问题上可含糊不得。 On a matter of principle, we must be meticulously careful.
形 [usu in the negative] show weakness/cowardice
- 我说辞职就辞职,绝不含糊。 I mean what I say and I'll certainly resign.
形 ambiguous; equivocal; vague
- 说话含糊 speak/talk in ambiguous terms; equivocate
- 他回答得含含糊糊。 He gave an equivocal/a noncommittal reply.
形 careless; perfunctory
- 含糊了事 finish a job carelessly
- 在原则问题上可含糊不得。 On a matter of principle, we must be meticulously careful.
形 [usu in the negative] show weakness/cowardice
- 我说辞职就辞职,绝不含糊。 I mean what I say and I'll certainly resign.
<熟> talk evasively or ambiguously
- 当问及为何迟到,他无借口可找,只能含糊其词。 He could only hem and haw when asked why he was late as he had no good excuses.
<熟> talk evasively or ambiguously
- 当问及为何迟到,他无借口可找,只能含糊其词。 He could only hem and haw when asked why he was late as he had no good excuses.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
ambiguity; hesitation; obscurity; vagueness
ambiguity; hesitation; obscurity; vagueness
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
hán hú
- 他在法庭上的陈述有点含糊。 His declaration in the court of law was slightly ambiguous.
- 这句子的意思含糊。 The sentence is ambiguous in sense.
- 他说得含含糊糊,令人费解。 He spoke so ambiguously as to be barely intelligible.
- 他的话很含糊,我不明白到底是什么意思。 He was rather vague, I don't know what he really meant.
- 在原则问题上绝不能含糊。 One must not be vague on matters of principle.
- 人喝醉了,说话就含糊。 When a man is drunk his speech is slurred.
- 你说话那么含糊,我不懂你的意思。 I can't understand you when you slur your words like that.
slur over,指有意含糊其词。
- 发言人对此事讲得含糊其词,没有作出直接回答。 The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer.
- 他大谈他已故叔叔的长处,而对他的短处则含糊其词。 He spoke chiefly of his late uncle's virtues and slurred over his faults.
equivocal, equivocally,指有意回避的含糊。
- 这所谓的神谕往往是含糊其词的。 The so-called oracles are often equivocal.
- 他的回答,措词含糊。 His reply was worded equivocally.
- 对这一挑衅性的问题,他作出了毫不含糊的回答。 To this provocation question, he gave an answer in explicit language.
- 我们对我们提出的要求毫不含糊。 We were explicit in our request.
- 他在查账时是毫不含糊的。 He was meticulous in checking accounts.
- 办这事,我们一点也不含糊。 We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.
stand firm,指立场上毫不动摇。
- 在原则问题上应当毫不含糊。 One must stand firm on matters of principle.
- 大家要一视同仁,对此我们毫不含糊。 We stand firm that everybody must be treated without discrimination.
really (very) good,指手艺、技巧上不含糊。
- 他这活儿做得不含糊。 He's made a really good job of it.
- 他的乒乓球可不含糊。 He is a very good table-tennis player.
hán hú
- 他在法庭上的陈述有点含糊。 His declaration in the court of law was slightly ambiguous.
- 这句子的意思含糊。 The sentence is ambiguous in sense.
- 他说得含含糊糊,令人费解。 He spoke so ambiguously as to be barely intelligible.
- 他的话很含糊,我不明白到底是什么意思。 He was rather vague, I don't know what he really meant.
- 在原则问题上绝不能含糊。 One must not be vague on matters of principle.
- 人喝醉了,说话就含糊。 When a man is drunk his speech is slurred.
- 你说话那么含糊,我不懂你的意思。 I can't understand you when you slur your words like that.
slur over,指有意含糊其词。
- 发言人对此事讲得含糊其词,没有作出直接回答。 The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer.
- 他大谈他已故叔叔的长处,而对他的短处则含糊其词。 He spoke chiefly of his late uncle's virtues and slurred over his faults.
equivocal, equivocally,指有意回避的含糊。
- 这所谓的神谕往往是含糊其词的。 The so-called oracles are often equivocal.
- 他的回答,措词含糊。 His reply was worded equivocally.
- 对这一挑衅性的问题,他作出了毫不含糊的回答。 To this provocation question, he gave an answer in explicit language.
- 我们对我们提出的要求毫不含糊。 We were explicit in our request.
- 他在查账时是毫不含糊的。 He was meticulous in checking accounts.
- 办这事,我们一点也不含糊。 We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.
stand firm,指立场上毫不动摇。
- 在原则问题上应当毫不含糊。 One must stand firm on matters of principle.
- 大家要一视同仁,对此我们毫不含糊。 We stand firm that everybody must be treated without discrimination.
really (very) good,指手艺、技巧上不含糊。
- 他这活儿做得不含糊。 He's made a really good job of it.
- 他的乒乓球可不含糊。 He is a very good table-tennis player.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典