
to sprinkle
洒水 挥洒 抛洒 散落 喷洒 泼水 抛撒 敷粉 洒满 傻瓜干面
to drip
滴剂 滴漏 滴沥 抛洒 滴灌 滴注 淌下 挥汗如雨 挥汗成雨 打点滴 打吊针 吊点滴 打吊瓶 挂水 吊盐水 披肝沥胆
to pour
浇筑 倾倒 下注 奔流 吐诉 倾吐 涌出 酌酒 注入 奔泻 灌注 倾吐衷肠 挹酌 浇冷水 满口脏话 注水 满口谎言 灌水
to drench
浸水 浸透
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

to filter
筛选 滤过 过滤 滤出 滤除 滤清 滤波 淘析 筛除
to strain
淘析 𥬠 淘选 竖起耳朵
to drain
耗尽 挤出 流干 排水 外溢 宣泄 外流 沥干 排泄 退水 排污 排空 排走 排涝 排洪 排海 唾面自干 一饮而尽 移山倒海 以邻为壑 竭泽而渔
菜花 白浊 淋病 淋球菌
(TCM) strangury
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1   pour; drench:
- 日晒雨淋 sun-scorched and rain-drenched; exposed to the elements
- 他让雨淋湿了。 He was drenched by the rain.
2   spray; sprinkle:
- 给花淋点儿水 sprinkle water over the flowers

动 strain; filter:
- 淋盐 strain salt
- 过淋 filter
- 用纱布把药淋一下 strain the herbal medicine with a piece of gauze
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 水或别的液体落在物体上 {pour; sprinkle; drench; (of water or liquid) fall on an object}:
- 日晒雨~ {sun-scorched and rain-drenched; exposed to the elements}
- 衣服都~湿了。 {The clothes were soaked through.}
2. 使水或别的液体落在物体上 {spray; sprinkle; drizzle; splash}:
- 在凉拌菜上~上点ㄦ香油。 {Drizzle a little sesame oil over the cold dish.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

滤 {filter; strain}:
- 过~ {filter}
- ~盐 {strain salt}
- 把这药用纱布~一下。 {strain the herbal medicine through a piece of gauze}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

(of liquids) pour; drench
- 日晒雨淋 be exposed to the sun and the rain; be sun-scorched and rain-drenched; be weather-beaten
- 雨把他淋透了。 He was soaked/drenched with rain.
sprinkle; spatter
- 花儿都晒蔫了,快淋点儿水。 The flowers all drooped in the sun. Sprinkle some water on them.

filter; strain
- 淋醋 filter/strain vinegar
- 淋咖啡/茶 strain coffee/tea

另见:lìnbìng → 淋病
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

drench; filter; pour; strain
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典