to soak; to saturate; to drench; to permeate
⇒ 泡 浸入 洇湿 渍 沉浸 浸 浸湿 浸泡 揾 浸渍 浸沉 洇 浸种 澰 泡水 泡脚 泡饭 泡温泉 泡汤 漤 弥漫 浸润 淋 浞 浸水 浃 渗入 沁入 渗透
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 soak; saturate; steep; infuse:
- 汗水浸透了他的衣裳。 His clothes were soaked with sweat.
- 他伤口出的血浸透了绷带。 The blood from his wound has soaked right through the bandage.
2 〈喻〉 saturate; engross; immerse:
- 她的心浸透着幸福。 Her heart was filled with happiness.
- 他满脑子浸透了邪念。 His mind is full of evil thoughts.
- 浸透策略 【商】 penetration strategy
1 soak; saturate; steep; infuse:
- 汗水浸透了他的衣裳。 His clothes were soaked with sweat.
- 他伤口出的血浸透了绷带。 The blood from his wound has soaked right through the bandage.
2 〈喻〉 saturate; engross; immerse:
- 她的心浸透着幸福。 Her heart was filled with happiness.
- 他满脑子浸透了邪念。 His mind is full of evil thoughts.
- 浸透策略 【商】 penetration strategy
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 泡在液体里以致湿透 {soak; saturate; steep; infuse}:
- 他穿的一双布鞋被雨水~了。 {His cloth shoes got soaked with rain.}
2. 液体渗透 {soak; saturate; steep; infuse}:
- 汗水~了衬衫。 {His shirt was dripping with sweat.}
3. 〈比喻 fig.〉饱含(某种思想感情等) {be full of (thoughts, emotions, etc.)}:
- 这些诗篇~着诗人眷念祖国的深情。 {The poems were infused with the poet's deep love for his motherland.}
1. 泡在液体里以致湿透 {soak; saturate; steep; infuse}:
- 他穿的一双布鞋被雨水~了。 {His cloth shoes got soaked with rain.}
2. 液体渗透 {soak; saturate; steep; infuse}:
- 汗水~了衬衫。 {His shirt was dripping with sweat.}
3. 〈比喻 fig.〉饱含(某种思想感情等) {be full of (thoughts, emotions, etc.)}:
- 这些诗篇~着诗人眷念祖国的深情。 {The poems were infused with the poet's deep love for his motherland.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 soak; saturate; infuse; impregnate
- 她浑身都让雨水浸透了。 Rain soaked her to the skin.
- 我淋了雨,衣服都被浸透了。 I was caught in the rain and my clothes were soaked.
- 这块布浸透了杀菌剂。 The cloth was impregnated with disinfectant.
动 soak; permeate; seep
- 汗水浸透了衬衫。 The shirt was sodden with sweat.
- 水浸透了泥土。 The water has permeated through/into the soil.
- 血浸透了伤口周围的衣衫。 The blood had saturated his shirt around the wound.
动 be imbued with
- 他的著作浸透着进化论精神。 His work is imbued with the evolutionary spirit.
动 soak; saturate; infuse; impregnate
- 她浑身都让雨水浸透了。 Rain soaked her to the skin.
- 我淋了雨,衣服都被浸透了。 I was caught in the rain and my clothes were soaked.
- 这块布浸透了杀菌剂。 The cloth was impregnated with disinfectant.
动 soak; permeate; seep
- 汗水浸透了衬衫。 The shirt was sodden with sweat.
- 水浸透了泥土。 The water has permeated through/into the soil.
- 血浸透了伤口周围的衣衫。 The blood had saturated his shirt around the wound.
动 be imbued with
- 他的著作浸透着进化论精神。 His work is imbued with the evolutionary spirit.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
endosmosis; permeance; permeation; saturate; saturation; soakage
endosmosis; permeance; permeation; saturate; saturation; soakage
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典