
開始 开始
[kāi shǐ]
to begin
开演 开场 开学 权舆 入手 兴办 大作 开播 开工 开拍 开蒙 蠢蠢欲动 麻麻亮 创业 开讲 有眉目 有边儿 开庭 破冰 起家 迿 开机
开头 伊始 发轫 起头 开首 发端 权舆 开端 初学者 首页 初期 曙光 起先 重头 起讫 自来 春意 开春 笄年 鼓箧 开门红 太初 开场 原原本本 前后 万事开头难 年初 始终
to start
引燃 出发 启动 动工 起头 开创 开办 开头 发动 开启 开动 肇始 发起 起跳 始发 开首 下手 开场 开犁 开行 开吃 开议 张口 投拍 启用 启齿
原初 最初 头文字 初步 初始 起价 初试身手 先期 初期 始点 首字母 零声母 首次公开招股 订金 下马威 初赛 打响 萌生 字头 清零 初声 声母 第一桶金 三十六字母 后劲 音韵 简拼 五音 反切
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 beginning; outset; commencement:
- 一开始 at the very beginning
- 一种新的工作,开始总会遇到一些困难。 You always run into some difficulties at the beginning of a new job.
II 动 begin; start; commence:
- 开始生效 take effect; come into effect (or force)
- 从头开始 start from the very beginning
- 开始讨论实质性问题 come to substantive questions
- 今天从第五课开始。 Today we'll begin with Lesson 5.
- 他们开始了旅行中最危险的阶段。 They entered upon the most dangerous part of the journey.
- 开始曲 signature tune (of a programme on radio or television)
- 开始阶段 initial stage
- 开始条款 【法】 opening clause
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 从头起;从某一点起 {begin; start}:
- 新的一年~了 {A new year has begun.}
- 今天从第五课~。 {Let's begin today's class from Lesson Five.}
2. 着手进行 {set about}:
- ~一项新的工作 {set about a new task}
- 提纲已经定了,明天就可以~写。 {With the outline set, (we) can begin writing tomorrow.}
3. 开始的阶段 {initial stage; outset}:
- 一种新的工作,~总会遇到一些困难。 {One is bound to come across one difficulty or another at the beginning of a new job.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
begin; start; commence
- 开始辩论 start a debate
- 开始从政 enter politics
- 开始调查 institute an investigation/enquiry (into)
- 开始工作 get to work; start work
- 开始经商 enter (into) business; embark on/upon a business career; enter a business career
- 开始生效 come/go into effect; take effect
- 开始谈判 enter into negotiation
- 开始讨论 commence a discussion
- 开始演讲 begin one's speech
- 开始营业 commence business; open for business
- 开始执政 assume the reins of government; come into power
- 重新开始 start anew; start afresh; start over
- 从头开始 start from the very beginning; start from the ground up
- 新的一年开始了。 A new year begins.
- 雨季开始了。 The rainy season has set in.
set about doing sth
- 开始一项新的工作 set about a new task
initial stage; beginning; leadoff; outset
- 运动的开始 leadoff of a campaign
- 青年人在人生路上应该有个良好的开始,并找到适合自己的位置。 Young people should have a good start in life and a place of their own.
(of radio broadcast) signature tune
kāishǐ tiáokuǎn
<法律> opening clause
kāishǐ zīshì
<体操> starting position
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
begin; open; start
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
begin; commence; commencement; enter; start
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
kāi shǐ
- 冰开始化了。 The ice began (started) to melt.
- 我正开始做早点。 I'm beginning (starting) to cook the breakfast.
- 她是去年冬天开始滑雪的。 She began (started) skiing last winter.但是如果在句中上述区别明显时,则不可换用。
- 会议将于星期一开始,并于星期四结束。 The conference will begin on Monday and end on Thursday.(不用start)
- 谈话开始后中断了,然后在一阵难堪的停顿之后又重新开始。 The conversation started and stopped, then and after an embarrassing pause, it started again.(不用begin)由于以上明显的差异,故begin还暗示从开始到结束的整个缓慢的延续过程,而start则强调由静到动后的第一个短暂行动。
- 他开始攻读博士学位的几门课程。 He began some courses of study leading to doctorate.(不用start)
- 我们是在工人体育场开始马拉松赛的。 We started our Marathon race from the Workers' Stadium.(不用begin)由于同样的原因,begin还可表示开始后的延续过程,start则表示开始的瞬间行为。
- 经过一年的体力劳动,他的身体开始好转。 After a year's manual labor his health began to improve.(最好不用start)
- 咱们马上开始收拾房间吧。 Let's start tidying up the room right now.(最好不用 begin)正是由于这种差异,我们上面提到可以互换的句子,事实上其含义仍有细微的差别。如:
- 她是去年夏天开始游泳的。 She began swimming last summer.(强调游泳开始于去年夏天,而现在还游)
- 她去年夏天才开始游泳。 She started swimming last summer.(强调去年夏天以前她是不游泳的,至于去年夏天以后游不游并不重要)此外,begin后不接from,但start后则可以。如:
- 比赛是从体育场开始的。 The race started from the stadium.下面都是用begin不用from的译例。
- 我今天就从这本书开始。 I shall begin with this book today.
- 旅行是从上海开始到北京结束。 The journey begins at Shanghai and ends at Beijing.
- 会议将从星期一开始。 The conference will begin on Monday.(最好不用 from)还应注意的一点是begin和start都是瞬间动词,当句中有表示时间延续的状语时,就不能再用begin或start。如:
- 我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始10分钟了。 When we got to the cinema, the film had already been on for ten minutes.
- 英语课已经开始半小时了。 The English class has been going on for half an hour.
- 商店已开始营业半小时了。 The shop has been open for half an hour.同样道理,如果句中有了表示瞬间时刻的状语,而动词又是延续性的,则翻译时即使没有“开始”两字,仍需用begin或start。如:
- 3点钟开始下的雨。 It began (started) to rain at three o'clock.(不能说 It rained at three o'clock.)at the beginning和in the beginning几乎没有区别。
- 开始的时候,遇到的困难最大。 It is at the beginning that the greatest difficulty is encountered.
- 开始你会觉得相当困难,但很快就会习惯。 You will think it rather difficult in the beginning, but you will soon get accustomed.但谈到世界的开始却一定要用in the beginning。
- 地球开始时,没有人类,没有动物,没有植物。 In the beginning there were no men nor animals nor plants on the earth.除此之外,begin有时还用一般现在时表示将来的事情。如:
- 该剧下周开始上演。 The play begins next week.
- 选举以后,新政府开始了银行国有化。 After the election, the new government commenced nationalizing the banks.
- 鲁迅于1918年出版了他的第一部短篇小说《狂人日记》,开始了他的文学生涯。 Lu Xun commenced his literary career by publishing his first short story A Mad Man's Diary in 1918.
- 典礼将于下午3点开始。 The ceremony will commence at 3 p.m.
- 开始经济改革的是邓小平。 It was Deng Xiaoping who initiated the economic reform.
- 我国政府开始了一场要在本世纪末消灭血吸虫病的群众运动。 The Chinese government has initiated a mass campaign to wipe out snail fever at the end of this century.
- 司机顶起汽车,然后开始更换轮胎。 The driver jacked up the car and then proceeded to change the tire.
- 大家坐定以后主席开始宣布他的计划。 After everyone was seated, the chairman proceeded to announce his plan.
come into,指开始进人某种状态。
- 新章程什么时候开始实行? When does the new regulation come into force?
- 修改过的刑法将于明年开始生效。 The revised criminal law comes into effect next year.
come to, 指开始达到某种程度。
- 许多同志开始懂得基础理论在自然科学研究中的重要意义。 Many comrades have come to realize the significance of basic theory in the study of natural science.
- 我们到了星期四才开始实质性问题的讨论。 We didn't come to the discussion of the substantive questions until Thursday.
- 由于电子计算机的发明,人类开始了一个新时代。 With the invention of computers a new age of mankind is dawning.
- 非洲开始了一个新纪元。 A new era dawned in Africa.
launch, 指具有发动性质的开始。
- 在精心策划的反攻开始之前真是度日如年。 Before the carefully calculated counterattack is launched the days drag on really like years.
- 政府已开始了建造更多住宅的新计划。 The government has launched a new plan to build more houses.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典