師 师
⇒ 业师 师尊 导师 先生 教员 恩师 师长 老师 教师 馆宾 师资 阇黎 名师 幼师 外教 阿阇黎 班导师 班导 教书匠 阿阇梨 师范 教鞭 师范学院 师范大学 家长会 师丈 蒙师 罢教 师大 讲筵 执教
⇒ 主人翁 师尊 师父 主 东家 霸 相公 名家 主人 名手 大师 夫子 老爷 师傅 主宰 主子 元恶 藏镜人 掌握 学会 上手 驾驭 原声带 小开 五级士官 高手 神探 圣明 大匠 文学巨匠 少东
⇒ 达人 作手 能手 通 大神 一把好手 专业人才 大拿 高手 大方 专家 懂门儿 分析人士 好手 专 行家 行家里手 内行 大虾 里手 大家 技师 懂眼 医学专家 名家 专家评价 专家评论 军事家 拿手 专家系统 牛人
⇒ 原型 楷模 典范 雏型 麻豆 楷 榜样 模特 模 型 模特儿 模范 表率 法式 模型 样例 风范 型号 标杆 标兵 宗 样子 范 试样 范本 典型 模仿 样板 雏形 商业模式 范例 数学模型
army division
(old) troops
⇒ 兵员 兵力 麾下 队伍 人马 部众 兵卒 军队 戎行 戎马 部 兵队 军马 部队 精兵 清兵 杂牌军 增兵 预备役军人 生力军 伏兵 地面部队 溃兵 日军 溃军 虾兵蟹将 救兵 天兵 休兵 冗兵 敌军
to dispatch troops
⇒ 派兵 加派 出动 兴师 举兵
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名
1 teacher; tutor; master:
- 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 (韩愈《师说》) It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge, and resolve doubts.
2 model; example 师表
3 [term of respect for a monk or nun] master; mother:
- 法师 Master of the Law
4 of one's master or teacher:
- 师风 teacher's style
5 (Shī) a surname
II 缀 person skilled in a certain profession:
- 厨师 cook
- 工程师 engineer
III 动 〈书〉 learn; imitate:
- 师古 learn from the past
I 名
1 teacher; tutor; master:
- 师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 (韩愈《师说》) It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge, and resolve doubts.
2 model; example 师表
3 [term of respect for a monk or nun] master; mother:
- 法师 Master of the Law
4 of one's master or teacher:
- 师风 teacher's style
5 (Shī) a surname
II 缀 person skilled in a certain profession:
- 厨师 cook
- 工程师 engineer
III 动 〈书〉 learn; imitate:
- 师古 learn from the past
1 【军】 division:
- 师部 division headquarters
- 师指挥所 division command post
- 步兵师 infantry division
2 troops; army:
- 正义之师 army fighting for a just cause
1 【军】 division:
- 师部 division headquarters
- 师指挥所 division command post
- 步兵师 infantry division
2 troops; army:
- 正义之师 army fighting for a just cause
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 称某些传授知识技术的人 {teacher; person who imparts knowledge or skills}:
- 教~ {teacher; schoolteacher}
- ~傅 {master; master worker}
- ~徒关系。 {master-apprentice relationship; teacher-student relationship}
2. 学习的榜样 {model; example; guide}:
- 前事不忘,后事之~。 {Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. or Past lessons, if not forgotten, can guide one in the future.}
3. 掌握专门学术或技艺的人 {person skilled in a certain profession or trade}:
- 工程~ {engineer}
- 技~ {technician}
- 医~。 {doctor}
4. 对和尚的尊称 {honorific title for a Buddhist monk}:
- 法~ {Master}
- 禅~。 {master (or teacher) of meditation}
5. 指由师徒关系产生的 {of one's master or teacher}:
- ~母 {wife of one's master or teacher}
- ~兄 {master's son who is older than oneself or peer who began to follow the same master or teacher earlier than oneself}
- ~弟。 {master's son who is younger than oneself or peer who began to follow the same master or teacher later than oneself}
6. 〈书 fml.〉仿效;学习 {follow; imitate; learn}:
- ~法 {imitate; model oneself after (a great master); take as a model}
- ~其意不~其辞。 {follow sb.'s ideas without imitating his words}
7. (Shī)姓。 {a surname}
1. 称某些传授知识技术的人 {teacher; person who imparts knowledge or skills}:
- 教~ {teacher; schoolteacher}
- ~傅 {master; master worker}
- ~徒关系。 {master-apprentice relationship; teacher-student relationship}
2. 学习的榜样 {model; example; guide}:
- 前事不忘,后事之~。 {Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. or Past lessons, if not forgotten, can guide one in the future.}
3. 掌握专门学术或技艺的人 {person skilled in a certain profession or trade}:
- 工程~ {engineer}
- 技~ {technician}
- 医~。 {doctor}
4. 对和尚的尊称 {honorific title for a Buddhist monk}:
- 法~ {Master}
- 禅~。 {master (or teacher) of meditation}
5. 指由师徒关系产生的 {of one's master or teacher}:
- ~母 {wife of one's master or teacher}
- ~兄 {master's son who is older than oneself or peer who began to follow the same master or teacher earlier than oneself}
- ~弟。 {master's son who is younger than oneself or peer who began to follow the same master or teacher later than oneself}
6. 〈书 fml.〉仿效;学习 {follow; imitate; learn}:
- ~法 {imitate; model oneself after (a great master); take as a model}
- ~其意不~其辞。 {follow sb.'s ideas without imitating his words}
7. (Shī)姓。 {a surname}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 军队的编制单位,隶属于军或集团军,下辖若干旅或团。 {division (of an army); establishment for army units subordinate to an army or group army, with several brigades or regiments under its jurisdiction}
2. 军队 {troops; army}:
- 出~ {send out an army; dispatch troops to fight}
- 班~。 {order troops to withdraw from the front; (of troops) return (triumphantly) from the front}
1. 军队的编制单位,隶属于军或集团军,下辖若干旅或团。 {division (of an army); establishment for army units subordinate to an army or group army, with several brigades or regiments under its jurisdiction}
2. 军队 {troops; army}:
- 出~ {send out an army; dispatch troops to fight}
- 班~。 {order troops to withdraw from the front; (of troops) return (triumphantly) from the front}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 <书> people; everyone
名 <军事> division
名 troops; army
名 tutor; master; teacher
动 <书> learn; imitate
名 model; example
名 person skilled in a certain profession
名 <尊> master [a term of respect for a Buddhist monk]
名 form of address derived from the relationship between teachers and students or between masters and apprentices
名 <书> people; everyone
名 <军事> division
名 troops; army
名 tutor; master; teacher
动 <书> learn; imitate
名 model; example
名 person skilled in a certain profession
名 <尊> master [a term of respect for a Buddhist monk]
名 form of address derived from the relationship between teachers and students or between masters and apprentices
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
division; example; master; model; teacher
division; example; master; model; teacher
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典