
解脫 解脱
[jiě tuō]
to untie
解开 松绑 松开 死结难解 解缆 难解难分
to free
解除 自拔 没事 自选 翻身 脱身 释放 抽身 放走 跳脱 挣脱 摆脱 纵令 放开手脚 蝉蜕 白住 白吃 超拔 分文不取 无核化 放任自流 义诊 放手 安枕 高枕无忧
to absolve of
to get free of
to extirpate oneself
(Buddhism) to free oneself of worldly worries
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   free (or extricate) oneself:
- 从困境中解脱出来 extricate oneself from a predicament
- 陷入不可解脱的危机 land in terrible trouble
- 从世间烦恼中解脱出来 free oneself from worldly worries
- 他以为死是最轻松的解脱。 He thought death the easiest way out.
2   absolve; exonerate
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 〈佛教用语 Budd.〉摆脱苦恼,得到自在。 {mukti; vimukta}
2. 摆脱 {shake off; free oneself from}:
- 诸事纷扰,使他难以~。 {He cannot extricate himself from the confusion.}
3. 开脱 {absolve; exculpate}:
- 为人~罪责。 {absolve sb. from guilt}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<佛教> mukti; vimukta
free/extricate/liberate oneself
absolve; exonerate
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
disengagement; disentangle; extrication
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
jiě tuō
- 他们想必都已下决心要亲自来把我从困境中解脱出来。 They must have decided to come personally to extricate me from my predicament.
- 得先把撞坏的车子抬起来,司机才能解脱。 The wrecked car had to be lifted before the driver could be extricated.
- 那狐狸拼命挣扎,想从夹子里解脱出来。 The fox tried desperately to extricate itself from the trap.
- 部分墙壁倒下来压在一个工人身上,花了半小时才使他得以解脱。 Part of the wall fell on the workman, and it took half an hour to free him.
- 她终于从一切拖累中解脱出来。 At last she was freed from all encumbrances.
- 只有从尘世间的烦恼中解脱出来,你才能享受生活。 Only by freeing yourself from worldly worries can you enjoy your life.
- 他花了好大的劲才把脚从鱼网中解脱出来。 It took him great strength to disentangle his foot from a fishing net.
- 不论新老殖民主义,都难以摆脱帝国主义色彩。 Colonialism, whether it is old or new, became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of imperialism.
- 五年以后,他总算从这场不幸的婚姻中解脱出来。 He managed to disengage himself from the unhappy marriage five years later.
- 任何国家如果想独立就应从对超级大国的军事依赖中解脱出来。 Any country must disengage from military dependence on the superpower if she wants to be independent.
- 他已无法从写了一辈子的写作方法中解脱出来。 He couldn't disencumber himself of his lifelong method of composition.
- 他说他不要3年就能把公司从沉重的债务中解脱出来。 He said he would disencumber the firm of the weight of debts in less than three years.
way out,指出路。
- 他认为死是最轻松的解脱。 He thought death was the easiest way out.
- 他最后的解脱是去酒吧喝个烂醉。 It is his final way out to go to the bar and get dead drunk.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典