
interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer

哪门子 乜嘢 啥子 什么事 虾米 如何 什么 纳尼 恁么 多么 怎么着 怎么 哪些 识货 几点 怎的 何所 多少 怎样 什么样
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

interjection of surprise
啊呀 哎哟 哎唷 啊哟
哎呦 主麻 阿Q 阿Q正传
啊哟 哇靠 坏了 哎呦 完了 好家伙 啊呀 糟了 游戏王 天啊 乖乖 羟基 我去 氢氧根离子 氢氧离子 对了 那倒是
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

interjection or grunt of agreement

Ah, OK
expression of recognition
Oh, it's you!
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

interjection of surprise or doubt

咱家 word 阿拉 下情 家公 好家伙 小儿 拙荆 先君 天呀 小女 家慈 我这儿 外子 你个头 寒荆 管见 家严 家姊 个头
what's up?
怎么了 底细 怎么搞的 居心何在 干什么 识时达务
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

叹 [expressing surprise or admiration]:
- 啊,出虹了! Oh, there's a rainbow!
- 啊,这菊花真美! Ah, these chrysanthemums are gorgeous! ;;;

叹 [pressing for an answer or asking to hear sth. again]:
- 啊? 你说什么? Eh? or Pardon?
- 啊,你明儿倒是去不去呀? Well, are you going tomorrow or not? ;;;

叹 [expressing puzzled surprise]:
- 啊? 他还没来啊! What! Isn't he here yet? or What? He's not here yet? ;;;


1   [expressing agreement or compliance]:
- 啊,我就来! All right, I'm coming.
2   [expressing sudden realisation]:
- 啊,原来是你呀! Ah, so it's you. ;;;


1   [at the end of a sentence to express enthusiasm]:
- 多好的天儿啊! What a fine day!
- 这次参观收获不小啊! We've learned so much during this visit!
2   [at the end of a sentence to express impatience or what is obvious]:
- 你这话说得是啊。 What you say is quite true. or You're absolutely right.
- 我没有去是因为我病了啊。 I didn't go because I was ill.
- 我也没说你全错了啊。 I didn't say you were entirely wrong, did I?
3   [at the end of an order, warning, etc. ]:
- 快走啊! Hurry up!
- 你可要小心啊! Do be careful!
4   [at the end of a sentence to express questioning]:
- 是谁啊? Who is it?
- 这消息是真的啊? Is this really true?
- 这本书你倒是要不要啊? So do you really want this book?
5   [indicating a deliberate pause]:
- 你啊,老这样下去可不行! Look, you can't go on like this.
- 去年啊,去年这会儿啊,我还在上海呢。 Well, last year—about this time last year, I was still in Shanghai.
6   [enumerating items]:
- 茄子啊,黄瓜啊,洋白菜啊,西红柿啊,各种蔬菜摆满了货架。 The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables—eggplants, cucumbers, cabbages, tomatoes.
- 这啊,那啊,她说了一大堆。 She talked about this, that, and the other—oh, she said a lot of things. ;;;
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 表示应诺(音较短) {[expressing agreement or compliance (in a short syllable)]}:
- ~,好吧。 {Ah, all right.}
2. 表示明白过来(音较长) {[expressing sudden realization (with a drawl)]}:
- ~,原来是你,怪不得看着面熟哇! {Ah, so it's you! Small wonder you look so familiar.}
3. 表示惊异或赞叹(音较长) {[expressing surprise or admiration (with a drawl)]}:
- ~,伟大的祖国! {Oh, our great motherland!}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
〈叹词<posen>interj.</posen>表示惊疑 {[indicating surprise and doubt]}:
- ~?这是怎么回事啊? {My, what is going on?}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
〈叹词<posen>interj.</posen>表示追问 {[pressing for an answer or asking for a repetition of sth. just said]}:
- ~?你明天到底去不去呀? {Well, are you going tomorrow or not?}
- ~?你说什么? {Eh? Pardon?}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
1. 用在句末表示赞叹的语气 {[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate admiration]}:
- 多好的天ㄦ~! {What a fine day!}

2. 用在句末表示肯定、辩解、催促、嘱咐等语气 {[attached to the end of a sentence to show approval or self-protectiveness or to urge or enjoin sb.]}:
- 这话说得是~ {You've said a mouthful!}
- 我没去是因为我有事情~ {I didn't go because I was really busy.}
- 快去~! {Hurry up, will you?}
- 你可要小心~! {Do be careful!}
3. 用在句末表示疑问的语气 {[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate doubt]}:
- 你吃不吃~? {Do you want to eat or not?}
- 你这说的是真的~? {Are you telling the truth?}
4. 用在句中稍作停顿,让人注意下面的话 {[sign of pause in the middle of a sentence to draw attention to what one is going to say next]}:
- 这些年~,咱们的日子越过越好啦。 {All the years, you see, our life is getting better.}
5. 用在列举的事项之后 {[attached to the end of each item enumerated]}:
- 书~,杂志~,摆满了一书架子。 {The bookshelf is stacked full of books, magazines, and whatnot.}‖[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian>
‘啊’用在句末或句中,常受到前一字韵母或韵尾的影响而发生不同的变音,也可以写成不同的字。 {When used at the end of a sentence or in the middle of it, the word 啊·a may be pronounced or written in a different way due to the influence of the head or tail vowels of the previous word.}前字的韵母或韵尾 {Head or tail vowel of previous word}:
- ɑ,e,i,o,?; ‘啊’的发音和写法 {Pronunciation and written form of 啊·ɑ}:
- ɑ
⇒iɑ 呀 yā前字的韵母或韵尾 {Head or tail vowel of previous word}:
- u,ɑo,ou; ‘啊’的发音和写法 {Pronunciation and written form of 啊·ɑ}:
- ɑ
⇒uɑ 哇 wā前字的韵母或韵尾 {Head or tail vowel of previous word}:
- -n; ‘啊’的发音和写法 {Pronunciation and written form of 啊·ɑ}:
- ɑ
⇒nɑ 哪·nɑ前字的韵母或韵尾 {Head or tail vowel of previous word}:
- -ng; ‘啊’的发音和写法 {Pronunciation and written form of 啊·ɑ}:
- ɑ
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
〈叹词<posen>interj.</posen>表示惊异或赞叹 {[expressing surprise or admiration] ah; oh}:
- ~,出虹了! {Oh, there rises the rainbow!}
- ~,今年的庄稼长得真好哇! {Wow, what a good crop this year!}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

[used to express surprise or admiration] ah; O; oh
- 啊,打雷了! Oh, it's thundering!
- 啊,是小王,快进来。 Ah, Xiao Wang. Come on in.

[used to press for an answer] well
- 啊?你倒是同意不同意呀? Well, do you agree or not?
[used to ask for a repetition of sth just said] eh; what
- 啊?你说什么? Eh? What did you say?
- “你看见那本指南了吗?” “啊?” “看见那本指南了吗?” 'Have you seen that guide book?' 'What?' 'Seen that guide book?'

[used to express puzzled surprise] ah; aha; what
- 啊?他还没来啊! What! He still hasn't come yet?

[used to express agreement or compliance] ah
- 啊,好吧。 Well, OK.
[used to express sudden realization] ah; aha; O; oh; well
- 啊,我现在明白了。 Ah, I understand now.
- 啊,原来是你,怪不得看着面熟哇! Ah, it's you! No wonder you look so familiar.
[used to express admiration or surprise] ah; O; oh
- 啊,多漂亮的礼物! Oh, what a lovely gift!
- 啊,伟大的祖国! O! Our great motherland!

[used at the end of a sentence to express appreciation]
- 多好的天儿啊 ! What a nice day!
[used at the end of a sentence to express agreement, defensiveness, urge, etc]
- 快去 啊 ! Hurry up!
- 你可要小心 啊! Do be careful!
- 我没有去是因为我有事 啊。 I didn't go because I had some other arrangement.
- 这话说得是 啊。 What you said is quite reasonable.
[used at the end of a sentence to express doubt]
- 你吃不吃 啊 ? Are you going to eat or not?
- 你这说的是真的 啊 ? Is that so?
[used to indicate a pause to draw attention]
- 这些年 啊 ,我们的日子越过越好啦! Over the past few years, things have been getting better and better for us.
[used in enumerat-ing items]
- 书 啊 ,杂志 啊 ,摆满了书架。 The bookshelf is filled with all sorts of books, magazines, etc.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

ah; eh; o; oh
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典