
呜呼 呜呼哀哉
oh dear
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!)
to sigh
叹气 咨嗟 感遇 唏嘘 望而兴叹 叹息 哀叹 叹口气 感叹 悲叹 唉声叹气 慨叹 付之一叹 舒气 松一口气 感慨 舒一口气
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1   [expressing response] yes; all right:
- 唉,这就来。 All right, I'm coming.
2   [expressing sadness, weariness, regret, or disappointment] alas:
- 唉,这孩子真可怜。 Ah, poor child!


1   [sigh of sadness or regret]:
- 唉,谁能想到啊! Well, who'd have believed it?
- 唉,要是老张在这儿该多好啊! Oh, if only Lao Zhang were here!
- 唉,真可惜! What a pity!
2   [response to a call, order, etc. ]:
- 快开门去。 ——唉。 Open the door, quick! —Right away.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

〈叹词<posen>interj.</posen>表示伤感或惋惜 {[sigh of sadness or regret]}:
- ~,病了几天,把工作都耽误了 {Whoops! My work was held up when I was ill the past few days.}
- ~,好好的一套书弄丢了两本。 {What a pity! Two books are missing in this otherwise complete set.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

1. 答应的声音 {[sound indicating response]}:
- ~,我在这ㄦ {Yes, I'm here.}
- ~,我知道了。 {Yeah, I know.}
2. 叹息的声音 {[sound of a deep breath] sighing loud}:
- 他双手抱着头,~~地直叹气。 {His head sunk between his hands, he let out one sigh after another.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

[a response to a call, an order, etc]
- 唉,我在这儿。 Yes, I am here.
- 唉,我知道了。 All right, now I know.
[sound of sighing]
- 他双手抱着头,唉唉直叹气。 He held his head in his hands and kept sighing.

[used to express sadness or regret] alas; aye
- 唉,我真拿他没办法! Oh well, I really don't know what to do with him.
- 唉,早知如此,我就不去了。 Alas, if I'd known this beforehand, I would not have gone there.
- 唉,多丢脸啊! Oh, what a shame!
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典