
給以 给以
[gěi yǐ]
to give
奉送 呈给 发放 献出 予以 施与 交给 寄予 给予 赋予 赐给 递交 带给 加以 参谋 着想 下崽 放出 出问题 罢手
to grant
赠予 施与 准许 发给 准予 赐予 发放 接见 特赦 有求必应 特赦令
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 给予 jĭyŭ,给与 jĭyŭ) 动 〈书〉 [usu. with abstract nouns as direct object] give; grant; allow:
- 给以适当照顾 show due consideration for
- 给以充分的重视 pay ample attention to
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
gěi∥yǐsame as 给 {gěi}①:
- 职工生病的时候,应当~帮助 {(We) should help our employees when they get ill.}
- 对于劳动竞赛中优胜的单位或个人,应该~适当的奖励。 {Units and individuals that win labour competitions should be given appropriate awards.}[注意]<biaoqian>NOTE:
- </biaoqian>
‘给以’后面只说所给的事物(并且多为抽象事物),不说接受的人。要是说出接受的人,‘给以’就要改成‘给’ {the object of 给以 is always impersonal (usu. abstract), if not, 给 gěi is used}:
- 职工生病的时候,应当给他帮助 {We should help our employees when they get ill.}
- 对于劳动竞赛中优胜的单位和个人,应当给他们适当的奖励。 {Give units and individuals that win labour competitions appropriate awards.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<书> give; grant; accord; apply [usually followed by an abstract object]
- 给以充分重视 give/accord/pay ample attention (to sb or sth)
- 给以道义支持 give moral support
- 给以法律保护 grant legal protection
- 给以法律制裁 impose a legal sanction
- 给以很高评价 appreciate/value highly
- 给以记过处分 give sb a demerit; have one's demerit on the record
- 给以适当照顾 show due consideration (for)
- 给以严厉惩罚 impose/inflict a severe/heavy punishment; punish severely/heavily; administer a severe punishment
- 给以迎头痛击 deal a head-on blow
- 给以优先权 accord priority
- 给以正式承认 give official recognition (to)
- 给以政治庇护 grant political asylum
- 给以致命打击 deal a crushing/fatal/heavy blow
- 他们对敌人的进攻给以有力的还击。 They responded to the enemy's attack with a strong assault of their own.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典