聲明 声明
[shēng míng]
to state
⇒ 白 胪 称说 陈述 建言 声言 陈说 陈诉 具 称 申述 启 陈 声称 申 述 表示 申说 说道 订明 表明 言明 公然表示 申明 明示 听事 申论 给定 柄国 建白 治国理政 明文
to declare
⇒ 申报 申言 布 宣 陈述 宣明 宣告 申明 宣布 说出 称说 声言 宣布破产 昭示 宣战 台独 报税 报关 否认 告白 开宗明义 表态 报税单
⇒ 词 说法 声明书 陈词 置评 发言 口供 供 供词 不经之谈 真言 暴论 假话 银行对账单 损益表 联合发表 权利声明 陈述书 文告 不刊之论 结单 现金流转表 一面之词 前述 起诉书 现金流量表 放告 一口咬定 空口无凭 九二共识
⇒ 声名 声言 陈述书 宣言 表白 单方宣告 宣认 波茨坦公告 假报告 联合声明 申报单 独立宣言 报税表 报单 世界人权宣言 妄称
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 statement; declaration:
- 官方声明 official statement
- 中英关于香港问题的联合声明 Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong
II 动 state; declare; announce:
- 庄严声明 solemnly state
- 事先声明一下 declare beforehand
- 他正式声明他不是候选人。 He announced officially that he was not a candidate.
I 名 statement; declaration:
- 官方声明 official statement
- 中英关于香港问题的联合声明 Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong
II 动 state; declare; announce:
- 庄严声明 solemnly state
- 事先声明一下 declare beforehand
- 他正式声明他不是候选人。 He announced officially that he was not a candidate.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→语言与编译
【又 称】 说明
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→语言与编译
【又 称】 说明
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 公开表示态度或说明真相 {state; declare; announce}:
- 郑重~。 {state solemnly}
2. 声明的文告 {statement; declaration}:
- 发表联合~。 {issue a joint statement}
1. 公开表示态度或说明真相 {state; declare; announce}:
- 郑重~。 {state solemnly}
2. 声明的文告 {statement; declaration}:
- 发表联合~。 {issue a joint statement}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 state;declare;announce
- 声明反对战争 declare against war; declare one's opposition to the war
- 声明废除协定 denounce an agreement
- 声明自己与此事无关 state that one has nothing to do with this matter
- 断然/一致声明 declare positively/unanimously
- 公开/事先声明 state openly/beforehand
- 明确声明 state definitely/explicitly/positively
- 首相在讲话中声明了他的意图。 The prime minister declared his intention in the speech.
名 declaration; manifesto; statement
- 驳斥/订正声明 contradict/rectify a statement
- 发表声明 make/issue/publish/release a manifesto/statement
- 废除声明 abolish a claim
- 宣读声明 read out a statement
- 公开/联合/正式声明 public/joint/official statement
- 竞选声明 election manifesto
- 口头/书面声明 verbal/written statement
- 协议/转让声明 declaration of agreement/assignment
- 信仰声明 confession of faith
- 政策声明 policy statement
动 state;declare;announce
- 声明反对战争 declare against war; declare one's opposition to the war
- 声明废除协定 denounce an agreement
- 声明自己与此事无关 state that one has nothing to do with this matter
- 断然/一致声明 declare positively/unanimously
- 公开/事先声明 state openly/beforehand
- 明确声明 state definitely/explicitly/positively
- 首相在讲话中声明了他的意图。 The prime minister declared his intention in the speech.
名 declaration; manifesto; statement
- 驳斥/订正声明 contradict/rectify a statement
- 发表声明 make/issue/publish/release a manifesto/statement
- 废除声明 abolish a claim
- 宣读声明 read out a statement
- 公开/联合/正式声明 public/joint/official statement
- 竞选声明 election manifesto
- 口头/书面声明 verbal/written statement
- 协议/转让声明 declaration of agreement/assignment
- 信仰声明 confession of faith
- 政策声明 policy statement
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
declare; manifest; pronounce; state
declare; manifest; pronounce; state
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
announce; assert; declare; manifesto; profession; statement; testify
announce; assert; declare; manifesto; profession; statement; testify
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
shēng míng
announce, announcement, 指首次声明,而声明的内容是引起人们兴趣的事情。
- 他正式声明他不是候选人。 He announced officially that he was not a candidate.
- 在他发表长篇声明时,群众噪动不安起来。 During his long announcement the crowd began to stir restlessly.
declare, declaration, 指公开的正式声明。
- 市议会声明支持改善公共福利设施。 The city council has declared for improving the public welfare facilities.
- 中英两国政府发表了中英关于香港问题的联合声明。 The governments of China and Britain have issued the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the question of Hong Kong.
state, statement,指正式的陈述性声明。
- 工人们声明不达成工资、工作条件的全面协议,罢工就要进行下去。 Workers have stated that the strike will continue until a general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.
- 不久以后,我国政府就此发表了第一个公开声明。 Soon afterwards our government made its first public statement about the affair.
profess, profession,指自白式的声明。
- 她声明自己是无辜的。 She professed herself to be guiltless.
- 皇宫卫队发表了忠于国王的声明。 The guard of the imperial palace gave a profession of loyalty to the emperor.
shēng míng
announce, announcement, 指首次声明,而声明的内容是引起人们兴趣的事情。
- 他正式声明他不是候选人。 He announced officially that he was not a candidate.
- 在他发表长篇声明时,群众噪动不安起来。 During his long announcement the crowd began to stir restlessly.
declare, declaration, 指公开的正式声明。
- 市议会声明支持改善公共福利设施。 The city council has declared for improving the public welfare facilities.
- 中英两国政府发表了中英关于香港问题的联合声明。 The governments of China and Britain have issued the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the question of Hong Kong.
state, statement,指正式的陈述性声明。
- 工人们声明不达成工资、工作条件的全面协议,罢工就要进行下去。 Workers have stated that the strike will continue until a general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.
- 不久以后,我国政府就此发表了第一个公开声明。 Soon afterwards our government made its first public statement about the affair.
profess, profession,指自白式的声明。
- 她声明自己是无辜的。 She professed herself to be guiltless.
- 皇宫卫队发表了忠于国王的声明。 The guard of the imperial palace gave a profession of loyalty to the emperor.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典