
表態 表态
[biǎo tài]
to declare one's position
to say where one stands
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 make known one's position; declare where one stands; commit oneself:
- 公开表态 publicly state one's position
- 明确表态 take a clearcut stand
- 作表态性发言 a position speech
- 她没有表态。 She didn't say which side she was on. or She didn't commit herself.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
biǎo∥tài表示态度 {make known one's position; declare one's stand; commit oneself}:
- 这件事,你得表个态,我才好去办。 {You must let me know your position on the matter before I deal with it.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
declare one's stand; make known one's position
- 明确表态 make one's position clear; take a clear-cut stand
- 暂不表态 reserve one's opinion
- 他对这一问题没有表态。 He didn't reveal his attitude towards the issue.
- 你表态了吗? Did you say where you stand?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
biǎo tài
表明立场,用take a stand, on one's side。
- 我们都明确表态反对资产阶级自由化。 We took a clearest stand against bourgeois liberalism.
- 如果他要我投他的票,他就得在东西方关系上表态。 If he wants my vote, he'll have to take a stand on the question of East-West relations.
- 她没有表态。 She did not say which side she was on.
表明观点,用pronounce (oneself) on, declare oneself。
- 我认为我没有资格对此事表态。 I do not consider myself qualified to pronounce on the matter.
- 她老爱在几乎一无所知的事情上表态。 She is too ready to pronounce on matters of which she really knows very little.
- 对这个有争议的问题委员会应该表态。 This is a controversial issue on which the committee ought to pronounce itself.
- 现在该我们表态了。 It is time for us to declare ourselves.
- 我们将在适当的场合表态。 We will declare ourselves on a proper occasion.
表示承担责任,用commit oneself。
- 他拒绝在进行必要的调查研究以前对有争论的问题表态。 He refused to commit himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations.
- 他们同情这一建议,不过对公开表态却十分谨慎。 They sympathized with the proposal, although they were careful not to commit themselves openly.
表示支持或反对,用come out for (against)。
- 他在书中明确表态,坚决主张新闻自由。 In his book he came out most strongly for freedom of the press.
- 许多众议员表态反对该项提案。 Many congressmen came out against the bill.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典