維持 维持
to keep; to maintain; to preserve
⇒ 庋 留存 信守 存 保 养 豢养 保存 留 养活 保持 保守 践行 保有 留下 喂养 保留 守住 包养 守门 走时 强身 挂在嘴上 压住 不赞一词 搪 记账 望风 维系 健身 挡 结伴而行 持守 保全 力保 秉 抱持 赡养 持 保养 养护 认定 撑 维 维护 严守 纠察 保密 养生 自制 养地 维稳 维修 受持 冻龄 驻颜 养颜 保健 摆摊子 退守 独立自主 卧薪尝胆 保藏 保住 难保 保残守缺 罗缕纪存 保命 目不斜视 保持原貌 守身如玉 守业 守身 忍辱求全 贫贱不能移 养精蓄锐 守成 贞烈 护生 慎独 抱残守缺
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 keep; maintain; preserve:
- 维持生活 support oneself or one's family
- 维持现状 maintain the status quo; keep things as they are
- 维持原判 【法】 uphold the original judgment
- 维持秩序 keep (or maintain) order
- 维持会 【史】 Peace Preservation Association (a local puppet organization during the War of Resistance AgainstJapanese Aggression (1937-1945))
动 keep; maintain; preserve:
- 维持生活 support oneself or one's family
- 维持现状 maintain the status quo; keep things as they are
- 维持原判 【法】 uphold the original judgment
- 维持秩序 keep (or maintain) order
- 维持会 【史】 Peace Preservation Association (a local puppet organization during the War of Resistance AgainstJapanese Aggression (1937-1945))
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 电子学→显示器件与技术
【所属学科】 电子学→显示器件与技术
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 使继续存在下去;保持 {maintain; keep}:
- ~秩序 {maintain order}
- ~生活 {make a living}
- ~现状。 {maintain the status quo}
2. 保护;维护支持 {safeguard; support}:
- 亏他暗中~,才得以平安无事。 {Thanks to his secret support, nothing has gone wrong.}
1. 使继续存在下去;保持 {maintain; keep}:
- ~秩序 {maintain order}
- ~生活 {make a living}
- ~现状。 {maintain the status quo}
2. 保护;维护支持 {safeguard; support}:
- 亏他暗中~,才得以平安无事。 {Thanks to his secret support, nothing has gone wrong.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 keep; maintain; preserve
- 维持和平 keep/maintain peace
- 维持生活 keep body and soul together; support oneself or one's family
- 维持生计 maintain one's livelihood; get a maintenance (from)
- 维持生命 support/sustain/maintain life; subsist (on); keep body and soul together
- 维持市场 maintain the market
- 维持体力 conserve/preserve/maintain one's strength
- 维持物价 maintain prices
- 维持现状 maintain the status quo
- 维持原判 affirm the original judgement; uphold a lower court's ruling; uphold the original verdict
- 维持秩序 keep/maintain order
- 维持治安 keep peace and order
- 勉强维持生活 make a bare/slender/scanty livelihood; scrape a living
- 难以维持生计 be hard to get by in life
- 严格维持纪律 rigidly maintain discipline
- 食物足以维持到年底 have enough food to get to the end of the year
- 该铁路是用公款来维持的。 The railway is maintained with public money.
- 我们之间的友谊再也无法维持下去了。 Friendship can no longer be maintained between us.
动 protect and support; shelter; cover
- 由于该官员的维持,那个罪犯逍遥法外。 Due to the official's cover-up, the criminal went unpunished.
动 keep; maintain; preserve
- 维持和平 keep/maintain peace
- 维持生活 keep body and soul together; support oneself or one's family
- 维持生计 maintain one's livelihood; get a maintenance (from)
- 维持生命 support/sustain/maintain life; subsist (on); keep body and soul together
- 维持市场 maintain the market
- 维持体力 conserve/preserve/maintain one's strength
- 维持物价 maintain prices
- 维持现状 maintain the status quo
- 维持原判 affirm the original judgement; uphold a lower court's ruling; uphold the original verdict
- 维持秩序 keep/maintain order
- 维持治安 keep peace and order
- 勉强维持生活 make a bare/slender/scanty livelihood; scrape a living
- 难以维持生计 be hard to get by in life
- 严格维持纪律 rigidly maintain discipline
- 食物足以维持到年底 have enough food to get to the end of the year
- 该铁路是用公款来维持的。 The railway is maintained with public money.
- 我们之间的友谊再也无法维持下去了。 Friendship can no longer be maintained between us.
动 protect and support; shelter; cover
- 由于该官员的维持,那个罪犯逍遥法外。 Due to the official's cover-up, the criminal went unpunished.
名 cost of maintenance
名 cost of maintenance
wéichí guānshuì
名 preserving duties
wéichí guānshuì
名 preserving duties
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
affirm; maintain; preserve; sustain; affirmation; maintenance; preservation
affirm; maintain; preserve; sustain; affirmation; maintenance; preservation
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
carry through; hold out; keep; last; maintain; manage
carry through; hold out; keep; last; maintain; manage
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
wéi chí
keep, 指继续保存原来的某种状态。
- 你是警察,应当维持街上的秩序。 As a policeman you must keep order in the street.
- 我们有保安人员维持社区晚上的治安。 We have security personnel to keep peace of our community at night.
- 我国政府决定维持中印两国间的边界现状。 Our government decided to keep the status quo of the boundary between China and India.keep除接名词之外,还可接各种复合结构。
- 如果企业长期亏损,那就难以维持了。 It is difficult to keep an enterprise going if it keeps incurring loses.
- 医生是靠输血来维持他的生命的。 The doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion.
- 老头的那点钱很难维持他的伙食。 The little money the old man has will hardly keep him in food.此外,keep还可与up搭配,表示保持不变。
- 只要原材料的成本不变,消费品的价格也就能维持。 So long as the cost of raw materials keeps up, prices of consumer goods will keep up too.
- 尽管有罢工,国内生产总值总算还能维持。 In spite of strikes, the gross domestic product managed to keep up.
- 维持治安是警方的责任。 It is the responsibility of the police to maintain (keep) public order.
- 居民委员会投票决定暂时维持现状。 The neighborhood committee voted to maintain (keep) the status quo for the time being.
- 维持了40年的友谊毁于一旦,谁想得到呢? Who would have thought that the friendship maintained for forty years should be destroyed in a moment?但如果在反对、反抗下还硬要维持,则以用maintain为好。如:
- 到了1943年春天,日本人开始发现后勤供应已难以维持了。 By the spring of 1943 the Japanese were finding it difficult to maintain rear service.
- 如何维持社会秩序是我们共同关心的问题。 It is a matter of common concern as to how we ought to preserve order of society.
- 尽管父母反对,他们还是维持着友情,而且彼此间无话不谈。 In spite of their parents' opposition they still preserve their friendship and no secrets from each other.
- 空气、食物和饮水都是维持生命所必需的。 Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.
- 他有一大家子要维持。 He has a big family to support.
make both ends meet, 指维持收入与支出的平衡。
- 为了维持生活,他早起晚睡,加倍努力地工作。 To make both ends meet he had to work with double efforts, getting up earlier and going to bed later.
affirm the original judgment,法律用语,指对初审不服上诉后,上级法院维持原判。
- 被告提出上诉后,最高法院维持原判。 The supreme court affirmed the original judgment after the accused had lodged an appeal.
wéi chí
keep, 指继续保存原来的某种状态。
- 你是警察,应当维持街上的秩序。 As a policeman you must keep order in the street.
- 我们有保安人员维持社区晚上的治安。 We have security personnel to keep peace of our community at night.
- 我国政府决定维持中印两国间的边界现状。 Our government decided to keep the status quo of the boundary between China and India.keep除接名词之外,还可接各种复合结构。
- 如果企业长期亏损,那就难以维持了。 It is difficult to keep an enterprise going if it keeps incurring loses.
- 医生是靠输血来维持他的生命的。 The doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion.
- 老头的那点钱很难维持他的伙食。 The little money the old man has will hardly keep him in food.此外,keep还可与up搭配,表示保持不变。
- 只要原材料的成本不变,消费品的价格也就能维持。 So long as the cost of raw materials keeps up, prices of consumer goods will keep up too.
- 尽管有罢工,国内生产总值总算还能维持。 In spite of strikes, the gross domestic product managed to keep up.
- 维持治安是警方的责任。 It is the responsibility of the police to maintain (keep) public order.
- 居民委员会投票决定暂时维持现状。 The neighborhood committee voted to maintain (keep) the status quo for the time being.
- 维持了40年的友谊毁于一旦,谁想得到呢? Who would have thought that the friendship maintained for forty years should be destroyed in a moment?但如果在反对、反抗下还硬要维持,则以用maintain为好。如:
- 到了1943年春天,日本人开始发现后勤供应已难以维持了。 By the spring of 1943 the Japanese were finding it difficult to maintain rear service.
- 如何维持社会秩序是我们共同关心的问题。 It is a matter of common concern as to how we ought to preserve order of society.
- 尽管父母反对,他们还是维持着友情,而且彼此间无话不谈。 In spite of their parents' opposition they still preserve their friendship and no secrets from each other.
- 空气、食物和饮水都是维持生命所必需的。 Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.
- 他有一大家子要维持。 He has a big family to support.
make both ends meet, 指维持收入与支出的平衡。
- 为了维持生活,他早起晚睡,加倍努力地工作。 To make both ends meet he had to work with double efforts, getting up earlier and going to bed later.
affirm the original judgment,法律用语,指对初审不服上诉后,上级法院维持原判。
- 被告提出上诉后,最高法院维持原判。 The supreme court affirmed the original judgment after the accused had lodged an appeal.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典