不贊一詞 不赞一词
[bù zàn yī cí]
to keep silent
⇒ 闷声不响 不言不语 闭口不言 默不作声 噤声 缄默 一声不响 避重就轻
to make no comment
⇒ 不予置评
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 not say a word; keep silent; make no comment:
- 我对这个问题不清楚,只能不赞一词。 I'm not clear about this matter, so I had better keep quiet.
〈成〉 not say a word; keep silent; make no comment:
- 我对这个问题不清楚,只能不赞一词。 I'm not clear about this matter, so I had better keep quiet.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
bù zàn yī cí
- ‘至于为《春秋》,笔则笔,削则削,子夏之徒不能赞一词。’原指文章写得很好,别人不能再添一句话。现在说‘不赞一词’也指一言不发。 {Records of the Historian·Hereditary House of Confucius:
‘In writing The Spring and Autumn Annals the author knew well where to be elaborate and where to be succinct, so that the disciples of Zi Xia could not insert a single word for improvement,' referring to sth. so well written that others could not add a word; (later used to mean) not say a word; keep silent; make no comment}
bù zàn yī cí
- ‘至于为《春秋》,笔则笔,削则削,子夏之徒不能赞一词。’原指文章写得很好,别人不能再添一句话。现在说‘不赞一词’也指一言不发。 {Records of the Historian·Hereditary House of Confucius:
‘In writing The Spring and Autumn Annals the author knew well where to be elaborate and where to be succinct, so that the disciples of Zi Xia could not insert a single word for improvement,' referring to sth. so well written that others could not add a word; (later used to mean) not say a word; keep silent; make no comment}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
<熟> not say/utter a word; keep silent; make no comment
- 她口若悬河,而我却不赞一词。 I kept silent while she spoke volubly.
<熟> not say/utter a word; keep silent; make no comment
- 她口若悬河,而我却不赞一词。 I kept silent while she spoke volubly.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典