
to think of
怀 想到 想起 怀念 思念 联想起 惦记 转念 器重 眷念 推崇 看得起 推重 渺视 自视清高 自视甚高 自鸣得意 眷注 设法 缅怀 推尊 想法 思慕 付之度外 自高自大 自命不凡 居安思危 垂念 自命清高 心眼大 痛定思痛
to remember
结记 默记 记住 牢记 想起来 记忆 记得 有印象 念诵 好记 记错 记忆力 难记 记在心里 想念 念旧 感念 谨记 眷恋 思亲 见利思义 认得 没齿不忘 没齿难忘 铭心镂骨 睹物思人
to miss
擦肩而过 眷恋 延误 脱靶 思念 错过 思恋 误车 失掉 恋念 念想 错失 遗漏 想念 眷怀 漏掉 失察 思情 牵记 失之交臂 误机 虚发 坐失 打趔趄 愆期 交臂失之
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

动 remember with concern; be concerned about; keep thinking about:
- 我一直惦着这件事。 I've been thinking about this all the time. or This has been on my mind.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

挂念 {remember with concern; be concerned about; keep thinking about}:
- ~记 {keep thinking about; be concerned about}
- 老师傅虽然退休了,但心里总~着厂里的工作。 {Although he has retired, the old worker often finds himself thinking about work in the factory.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

be concerned about; keep thinking about; remember with concern
- 半年不见了,心里一直惦着你。 We haven't seen each other for six months and I have been thinking of you all the time.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

think over
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典