吃緊 吃紧
[chī jǐn]
in short supply
⇒ 紧缺 紧张 暂缺
⇒ 倒悬之苦 恐狼 苦境 倒悬之危 倒悬之急 三旬九食 落拓 落魄 穷蹙 落泊 落托 倒悬 落难 涸辙之鲋 解民倒悬 置之死地而后生
⇒ 时态 紧 时式 紧绷 紧张 完成时 过去式 未来式 缓 紧张状态 过去时 现在式 火药味甚浓 风声紧 脸红筋涨 脸红筋暴 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 稳坐钓鱼台
⇒ 危急 笃病 严重 临界 沉重 死生 卡脖子 紧要 暴击 临界质量 关节 夹当 临界点 临界状态 先机 险症 紧要关头 节骨眼 险境 坎儿 急难 愈演愈烈 生死关头 倒悬之苦 命危 粮荒 间不容发 倒悬之危 倒悬之急 救治 危殆 夹批
⇒ 困 窘迫 焦头烂额 拮据 穷当益坚
⇒ 要紧 要 吃重 伟大 有意义 重要 重量级 打紧 重大 重臣 性命攸关 切要 鼎鼎 拿大 不当紧 要务 要事 重头 大将军 要枢 当轴 大牌 非同小可 要目 要职 臭屁 要人 显要 要着 要径 自命不凡
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
形 in a critical situation; hard pressed:
- 前后方都吃紧 be hard pressed all around
- 形势吃紧。 The situation was critical.
形 in a critical situation; hard pressed:
- 前后方都吃紧 be hard pressed all around
- 形势吃紧。 The situation was critical.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. (情势)紧张 {(of a situation) tense; critical}:
- 形势~ {tense situation}
- 银根~ {The money market is tight.}
- 眼下正是农活ㄦ~的时候。 {It is busy farming season right now.}
2. 重要;紧要 {important; essential}:
- 这事我去不去不~,你不去可就办不成了 {Whether I go or not is not important, but if you don't go things won't be done.}
- 先把那些~的地方整修一下,其他的以后再说吧。 {Please fix the parts that require immediate attention first; the rest can be held for a while.}
1. (情势)紧张 {(of a situation) tense; critical}:
- 形势~ {tense situation}
- 银根~ {The money market is tight.}
- 眼下正是农活ㄦ~的时候。 {It is busy farming season right now.}
2. 重要;紧要 {important; essential}:
- 这事我去不去不~,你不去可就办不成了 {Whether I go or not is not important, but if you don't go things won't be done.}
- 先把那些~的地方整修一下,其他的以后再说吧。 {Please fix the parts that require immediate attention first; the rest can be held for a while.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 (of a military, political situation, etc) hard pressed; critical; crucial; serious; tense
- 病人情况吃紧。 The patient was in a critical condition.
- 我们现在手头吃紧。 We are hard up for money at the moment.
- 形势吃紧。 The situation was tense/critical.
形 important; vital; of consequence
- 不管他会怎么想都不吃紧,反正我不去。 It makes no difference to me whatever he may think: I'm not going.
形 (of a military, political situation, etc) hard pressed; critical; crucial; serious; tense
- 病人情况吃紧。 The patient was in a critical condition.
- 我们现在手头吃紧。 We are hard up for money at the moment.
- 形势吃紧。 The situation was tense/critical.
形 important; vital; of consequence
- 不管他会怎么想都不吃紧,反正我不去。 It makes no difference to me whatever he may think: I'm not going.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典