(过去式: broke; 过去完成式: broken; 现在进行式: breaking)
To separate into pieces by a blow or strain; fracture, as a bone. 打破;打碎;分裂。
- to break the center of an army 击破中心阵线。
- great broken from the trees 折断之大枝。
To force (a way, path, crack, hole, or the like) into or through something. 闯过;闯进(如路径、孔、穴等);破开。
To destroy the arrangement or completeness of. 损坏;破坏;兑开;使紊乱;拆散。
- to break ranks 扰乱行伍。
- to break a dollar bill 将一元钞票兑换成零钱。
To weaken the force of, as a fall, a blow, the wind. 削弱(势力);减弱。
- The bush broke his fall. 树丛减轻其下坠之重力。
To set aside, violate, or fail to obey, as a promise or a law. 忽略;干犯;违背(如誓言、法律等)。
- Those who break the law will be punished. 触犯法律的人将受到惩罚。
To degrade, as an officer to the ranks. 降级(如官职)。
- The captain was broken for neglect of duty. 那名上尉因怠职而被降级。
To tell cautiously; disclose, as bad news. 谨言;透露(恶耗)。
- They dared not break the sad news to her on account of her illness. 因为她在生病,他们不敢把恶耗告诉她。
To tame, as a horse. 驯服(如驯马)。
To plow, or dig up, as ground. 掘;挖(如开土、挖土)。
- The ground was broken for a new library. 破土以兴建图书馆。
To make bankrupt. 使破产;使倒闭。
- The price of oil going up sky-high broke the factory. 油价高涨,使工厂破产。
To discontinue. 使中止;停止。
To overcome by opposing; put an end to. 克服;制服;结束。
To excel (a record). 超过;打破(记录)。
- She hopes to break the school record at the swimming meet. 她希望在游泳赛中打破学校记录。
To destroy the health or vitality of. 损伤;损害(健康)。
- Drinking broke his health. 喝酒损害他的健康。
To interrupt, as silence, or an electric circuit. 使间断;中断(沉默、电流等)。
To solve (a case, a code). 破(案、密码)。
- The police finally broke the case. 警方终于破案了。
- She broke their code. 她破了他们的密码。
To invalidate (a will). 使(遗嘱)无效。
To separate into pieces suddenly. 破碎;破裂;破掉。
- break into pieces 破为碎片。
To change abruptly, as a gait, tone, etc. 突然改变声调;突然奔起来。
To fail in health; weaken. 衰退;衰弱。
To become bankrupt. 破产;倒闭。
To burst forth violently, as a storm or cry. 爆发(如风、哭叫等)。
To be scattered, as clouds. 云消散;分散。
- When will the fog break? 雾什么时候才会散?
To come, as the dawn. 来临;(天)破晓。
- The day breaks. 天破晓。
To occur or turn out in a specified way. 发生;转变。
- Luck broke against him. 他倒运。
To quarrel; rupture friendship. 争吵;绝裂。
To lose musical quality suddenly, as a voice. 【乐】忽然失音。
- His voice began to break. 他的声音开始嘶哑。
Also, to change in tone, as a boy's voice at puberty. 变音(如男孩在青春期时之音调改变)。
To become inoperative. 【法律】变成无效力。
break a butterfly (fly) upon the wheel 杀鸡用牛刀;小题大作。
break a jest 说笑话。
break a lance with 与...争论;和...比武。
break an officer 将一名军官降级或撤职。
break away (a)逃走。(b)脱离;背离(通常指政治或宗教而言);戒除(旧习惯)。(c)(在赛跑中)抢先开跑;抢先。
break bulk 【航】卸货。
break camp 拔营。
break cover 自潜伏处跑出。
break down (a)变成无效。(b)失去控制。(c)毁坏。(d)克服;征服。(e)使引起化学变化。(f)健康崩溃。(g)招供;承认。
break even 不赚也不赔;损益平衡。
break forth 冒除;突然发出。
break from 猛然发出。
break ground (a)开始挖掘;破土。(b)开始执行;着手。
break in (a)闯入;潜入。(b)打断;中止。(c)训练。(d)开始使用(人事、东西等)。
break in on (upon) 打断;中止。
break into (a)强行进入。(b)打断;中止。(c)突然发声。(d)突然开始(跑、跳等)。(e)占据。(f)【口】进入某行业;开始。.
break new (fresh) ground 开辟新天地或新事业。
break off (a)停止;中断。(b)折断。(c)绝交。
break one's back (neck) (a)【口】很努力工作;尽最大的努力。(b)伤害某人(尤指派过多的工作或使不能胜任)。(c)使某人破产。
break (crack) one's egg 【口】开始得分。
break one's word (promise) 爽约;失信。
break out (a)爆发。(b)发疹。(c)打开。(d)逃脱。
break over (a)逾越界限。(b)(似狂潮)冲着(某人)而来。
break sb's heart 使(必得)非常伤心。
break short 中止;提早结束。
break stop 【军】走乱步伐;乱了步调。
break the back of 完成工作最主要或最困难的部分。
break the bank (在纸牌赌局中)全赢。
break the ice 开始打破冷场。
break the molasses jug 【口】失败;失误;糟糕。
break through (a)突破。(b)(藉发现而)征服。(c)从...之间出现。(d)新发现。(e)不顾反对地去做。
break up (a)停止。(b)分开;散开;断绝关系。(c)【英】(学校或学生)开始放假。(d)(使)非常忧虑或痛苦。(e)使捧腹大笑。
break upon 明显;易见。
break wind 放屁。
break with (a)与...绝交;与...断绝关系。(b)打破;革除。
An opening; interruption. 开口;中断;破坏。
- The prisoner made a break for freedom. 囚犯越狱。
Breach; a gap or rent; pause. 裂口;缺口;裂缝;停顿。
- There was a break in the conversation. 谈话中断了一下。
That which causes a gap, interruption, rent, etc. 造成裂口、中断或破裂之物。
A first appearance or marked change. 初现;显著之改变。
- the break of day 破晓。
A sudden fall in prices. 突然跌价。
- a break in the stock market 股票市场之骤跌。
The point where one register, or quality, changes to another, as of a voice or the tones of an instrument. 【乐】(声音或乐器上由一调转至他调之)换声点;变调点。
A large wagonette. 游行马车(教练马批用者)。
A blunder of speech or action. 【俚】失言;失礼。
Chance. 运气。
- He got a bad break. 他运气不好。
On baseball or cricket, the swerving of a ball from a straight course when thrown. (棒球或板球)变化球。
In billiards, pool, and croquet, an uninterrupted series of successful shots; run. (打弹子等)连续得分。
bad (good) break 【口】倒楣(好运)。
get a break 走运。
give sb a break 给某人一个机会;原谅某人的过失。
make a break for it 试着想逃跑。
without a break 不间断地;连续地。
adj. breakable.
crush, rend, tear, destroy, smash, crack, split, shiver, shatter.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
/breɪk/ (breaks, breaking, broke, broken)
1. (smash) [+ glass, plate, window] 打破;打碎
- The children broke a window playing football. 孩子们踢足球时打破了一扇窗户。
to break sth into pieces 使某物成为碎片;打碎某物
to break sth open
[+ door, safe] 强行打开某物;砸开某物;撬开某物
2. (make sth stop working) [+ piece of equipment, machinery] 损坏;使失灵
- Careful, you'll break it! 小心, 你会弄坏它的!
3. (fracture) [+ part of body] 折断(骨头);使骨折
- I broke my leg. 我一条腿骨折了。
4. [+ surface, cover, seal] 使破裂;撕裂;撕开;擦破
- She bit his arm so hard that it broke the skin. 她狠狠地咬他胳膊, 都咬破皮了。
5. (fail to keep) [+ promise] 违背; [+ law, regulation] 违反;不遵守
to break the law 违反法律
to break the rules 违反规定
6. (end) [+ stalemate] 打破;结束
- We aim to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime. 我们意图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。
to break the deadlock 打破僵局
to break sb's hold on sth 打破某人掌控某事物的局面;结束某人对某事物的控制
7. to break the silence/mood/tension 打破沉默;打破寂静/破坏气氛/化解紧张气氛
8. (end relationship with) 断绝;与…决裂;放弃
to break your ties with sb/sth 断绝与…的联系
9. to break a habit
(stop doing something harmful) 戒除陋习;改掉坏习惯
10. (demoralize) [+ person] 瓦解…的决心;使丧失勇气;毁掉…的前程
- She never let her jailers break her. 她从未让关押者摧毁她的意志。
to break sb's spirit 打垮某人的精神;摧毁某人的意志
11. (lessen the impact of) 减弱…的势头;减轻…的力度
to break sb's fall 在某人坠落时接挡某人
- The trees broke his fall. 多亏有树接着, 他摔得不重。
12. to break the news to sb
(disclose) (通常以委婉的方式)告知某人坏消息
to break it to sb 把消息告诉某人
13. (publish) [press, media +] 公布, 发布(消息)
- The confirmation came hours after The Herald broke the news of their planned merger. 《先驱报》发布消息称他们计划合并, 几小时后该消息便得到了证实。
14. to break a record
(improve on) 打破(纪录)
- She broke the record for the 100 metres. 她打破了100米纪录。
15. to break a code
(decipher) 破解密码
16. [+ banknote] 兑开, 破开(钞票)
- to break a ten-pound note 换开一张面值十英镑的钞票
17. (cause to stop) 使改掉, 使戒除(习惯)
- My wife has tried to break me of the smoking habit. 我妻子试过让我戒掉抽烟的习惯。
18. (bankrupt) 使破产;使穷困潦倒
- One more setback could break the company. 再遭受一次挫折公司可能就会破产。
19. 【军】 (demote) 把…降级;把…降职
20. 【板】 [+ wicket, stumps] 击中(桩门)使横木掉落
21. (open) [+ gun] 打开…后膛
22. 【电】 (interrupt) [+ circuit] 切断
1. (become damaged) [piece of equipment, machinery +] 坏掉;损坏
- The camera broke. 这部相机坏了。
2. (split in pieces) [object +] 破碎;破裂; [bone +] 骨折
- Careful, it'll break! 小心, 它会碎的!
to break into pieces 摔碎;变成碎片
- The plane broke into three pieces. 飞机断成了三截。
to break in half or to break in two 断成两截
3. (become public) [news +] 公开;传出; [scandal +] 被披露;传开
- The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned. 据报道首相已经辞职。
4. (pause) 停止;暂停
to break for sth 停下来去做某事
- They broke for lunch. 他们停下来吃午饭。
5. (change suddenly) [weather +] 突变
6. [storm +] 骤起
7. (to become dispersed) [clouds +] 散开
8. [dawn +] 破晓
9. (collapse into surf) [waves +] 减势;落下;破碎
10. (change tone) [person's voice +] (常指因情绪激动)变声, 变调
- Katie's voice broke and for a moment she couldn't continue. 凯蒂声音都变了, 有那么一会儿她都说不下去了。
11. (at puberty) [boy's voice +] (嗓音)变粗
- At 16 his voice broke. 他16岁时嗓音变粗了。
12. her waters broke
(before childbirth) (孕妇的)羊水破了
- Sarah's waters broke one Friday evening just after we had gone to bed. 一个周五的晚上, 我们刚刚上床睡觉, 萨拉的羊水破了。
13. 【股】 (fall sharply) [prices +] 暴跌
14. 【体】 (make a sudden effort) (跑步、赛马时)突然改变步态, 突然加快速度
15. 【板】 (change direction) [ball +] 弹地转向
16. 【台】 (start the game) 开球破局
17. 【赛马】 (start running) [horses +] 从起点冲出;起跑
18. 【拳,摔】 (separate) [fighters +] 抱持后拆散;分开
19. 【言语】 (develop into a diphthong) [vowel +] 发生割裂而变成双元音
20. to break the bank (赌博中)赢下庄家的全部赌本;破产;倾家荡产
21. to break bread<古> (in general) (尤指与他人一起)进餐
(in Christianity) 擘饼;主持圣餐礼;领圣餐
22. to break camp 打好背包离开宿营地;撤营;拔营
23. to break free
(escape) [person, animal +] 挣脱;逃脱
(from situation) 摆脱
to break free of sb/sth or to break free from sb/sth 摆脱某人/某事物的束缚;从某人/某事物的藩篱中挣脱
24. to break the ice 打破僵局;打破沉默
25. to break it off with sb 和某人分手
26. to break your journey<英> 中途停歇;中途停留
27. to break loose
[person, animal +] 逃脱;挣脱;摆脱
28. to break the mould 打破常规;打破模式
29. to break new ground 开辟新天地;创新
30. to break ranks 分道扬镳;散伙
31. to break serveorto break service【网】 破发球局
to break sb's serve 破某人的发球局
32. to break a strike
(defeat strikers) 镇压罢工;武力平息罢工
(resume work) 结束罢工继续工作;重新开工
33. to break wind 放屁
Phrasal Verbs:
break away, break down, break in, break into, break off, break out, break out in, break through, break up, break with
/breɪk/ (breaks, breaking, broke, broken)
1. (smash) [+ glass, plate, window] 打破;打碎
- The children broke a window playing football. 孩子们踢足球时打破了一扇窗户。
to break sth into pieces 使某物成为碎片;打碎某物
to break sth open
[+ door, safe] 强行打开某物;砸开某物;撬开某物
2. (make sth stop working) [+ piece of equipment, machinery] 损坏;使失灵
- Careful, you'll break it! 小心, 你会弄坏它的!
3. (fracture) [+ part of body] 折断(骨头);使骨折
- I broke my leg. 我一条腿骨折了。
4. [+ surface, cover, seal] 使破裂;撕裂;撕开;擦破
- She bit his arm so hard that it broke the skin. 她狠狠地咬他胳膊, 都咬破皮了。
5. (fail to keep) [+ promise] 违背; [+ law, regulation] 违反;不遵守
to break the law 违反法律
to break the rules 违反规定
6. (end) [+ stalemate] 打破;结束
- We aim to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime. 我们意图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。
to break the deadlock 打破僵局
to break sb's hold on sth 打破某人掌控某事物的局面;结束某人对某事物的控制
7. to break the silence/mood/tension 打破沉默;打破寂静/破坏气氛/化解紧张气氛
8. (end relationship with) 断绝;与…决裂;放弃
to break your ties with sb/sth 断绝与…的联系
9. to break a habit
(stop doing something harmful) 戒除陋习;改掉坏习惯
10. (demoralize) [+ person] 瓦解…的决心;使丧失勇气;毁掉…的前程
- She never let her jailers break her. 她从未让关押者摧毁她的意志。
to break sb's spirit 打垮某人的精神;摧毁某人的意志
11. (lessen the impact of) 减弱…的势头;减轻…的力度
to break sb's fall 在某人坠落时接挡某人
- The trees broke his fall. 多亏有树接着, 他摔得不重。
12. to break the news to sb
(disclose) (通常以委婉的方式)告知某人坏消息
to break it to sb 把消息告诉某人
13. (publish) [press, media +] 公布, 发布(消息)
- The confirmation came hours after The Herald broke the news of their planned merger. 《先驱报》发布消息称他们计划合并, 几小时后该消息便得到了证实。
14. to break a record
(improve on) 打破(纪录)
- She broke the record for the 100 metres. 她打破了100米纪录。
15. to break a code
(decipher) 破解密码
16. [+ banknote] 兑开, 破开(钞票)
- to break a ten-pound note 换开一张面值十英镑的钞票
17. (cause to stop) 使改掉, 使戒除(习惯)
- My wife has tried to break me of the smoking habit. 我妻子试过让我戒掉抽烟的习惯。
18. (bankrupt) 使破产;使穷困潦倒
- One more setback could break the company. 再遭受一次挫折公司可能就会破产。
19. 【军】 (demote) 把…降级;把…降职
20. 【板】 [+ wicket, stumps] 击中(桩门)使横木掉落
21. (open) [+ gun] 打开…后膛
22. 【电】 (interrupt) [+ circuit] 切断
1. (become damaged) [piece of equipment, machinery +] 坏掉;损坏
- The camera broke. 这部相机坏了。
2. (split in pieces) [object +] 破碎;破裂; [bone +] 骨折
- Careful, it'll break! 小心, 它会碎的!
to break into pieces 摔碎;变成碎片
- The plane broke into three pieces. 飞机断成了三截。
to break in half or to break in two 断成两截
3. (become public) [news +] 公开;传出; [scandal +] 被披露;传开
- The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned. 据报道首相已经辞职。
4. (pause) 停止;暂停
to break for sth 停下来去做某事
- They broke for lunch. 他们停下来吃午饭。
5. (change suddenly) [weather +] 突变
6. [storm +] 骤起
7. (to become dispersed) [clouds +] 散开
8. [dawn +] 破晓
9. (collapse into surf) [waves +] 减势;落下;破碎
10. (change tone) [person's voice +] (常指因情绪激动)变声, 变调
- Katie's voice broke and for a moment she couldn't continue. 凯蒂声音都变了, 有那么一会儿她都说不下去了。
11. (at puberty) [boy's voice +] (嗓音)变粗
- At 16 his voice broke. 他16岁时嗓音变粗了。
12. her waters broke
(before childbirth) (孕妇的)羊水破了
- Sarah's waters broke one Friday evening just after we had gone to bed. 一个周五的晚上, 我们刚刚上床睡觉, 萨拉的羊水破了。
13. 【股】 (fall sharply) [prices +] 暴跌
14. 【体】 (make a sudden effort) (跑步、赛马时)突然改变步态, 突然加快速度
15. 【板】 (change direction) [ball +] 弹地转向
16. 【台】 (start the game) 开球破局
17. 【赛马】 (start running) [horses +] 从起点冲出;起跑
18. 【拳,摔】 (separate) [fighters +] 抱持后拆散;分开
19. 【言语】 (develop into a diphthong) [vowel +] 发生割裂而变成双元音
20. to break the bank (赌博中)赢下庄家的全部赌本;破产;倾家荡产
21. to break bread<古> (in general) (尤指与他人一起)进餐
(in Christianity) 擘饼;主持圣餐礼;领圣餐
22. to break camp 打好背包离开宿营地;撤营;拔营
23. to break free
(escape) [person, animal +] 挣脱;逃脱
(from situation) 摆脱
to break free of sb/sth or to break free from sb/sth 摆脱某人/某事物的束缚;从某人/某事物的藩篱中挣脱
24. to break the ice 打破僵局;打破沉默
25. to break it off with sb 和某人分手
26. to break your journey<英> 中途停歇;中途停留
27. to break loose
[person, animal +] 逃脱;挣脱;摆脱
28. to break the mould 打破常规;打破模式
29. to break new ground 开辟新天地;创新
30. to break ranks 分道扬镳;散伙
31. to break serveorto break service【网】 破发球局
to break sb's serve 破某人的发球局
32. to break a strike
(defeat strikers) 镇压罢工;武力平息罢工
(resume work) 结束罢工继续工作;重新开工
33. to break wind 放屁
Phrasal Verbs:
break away, break down, break in, break into, break off, break out, break out in, break through, break up, break with
1. (gap) 裂口;缺口;裂缝
a break in the fence 篱笆上的缺口
2. (fracture) 骨折
- It's a bad break. 骨折很严重。
3. (holiday) 短假
the Christmas break 圣诞假期
to take a break 度假
4. (interruption) 小憩;间歇
a coffee break 喝咖啡休息时间
to have a break or to take a break 休息一下;小憩一下
without a break 不停歇地;不间断地
5. (at school) 课间休息
during morning break 在上午的课间
6. (career opportunity) (尤指证明自己能力的)机遇, 机会, 好运
have a lucky break 交到好运
7. (breach in relationship) (关系的)断绝, 决裂, 破裂
- He dreaded a break with his son. 他很担心跟儿子关系破裂。
8. (sudden interruption) 停顿;间断;中止;决裂
a break with sth 与…的决裂
to make a clean break with sth 与…一刀两断;彻底脱离…
9. 【股】 (尤指股票的)暴跌
10. 【诗】 (pause in a line of verse) (诗行的)停顿, 句读
11. 【台】 (series of shots) 连续进球;单杆
12. 【台】 (points scored in series shots) 单杆得分
13. 【台】 (opening shot) 开球
14. 【台】 (right to opening shot) 开球权
15. 【网】 (winning of opponent's service game) 破发球局;破发
16. (interval in sporting contest) (体育比赛的)中场休息
17. 【赛马】 (start of race) (赛跑、赛马的)起跑
18. 【游戏】 (failure to knock down all pins) 失误(保龄球运动中两次投球后未能将所有瓶子击倒)
19. 【音】 (improvised passage) (爵士乐中的)即兴独奏华彩段
20. 【音】 (instrumental passage) (流行歌曲的)乐器演奏部分
21. 【电】 (in electrical circuit) 开断;断路
22. 【拳,摔】 (command to separate) 扭抱后分开
23. the break of dayorthe break of dawn<文> 破晓;黎明;晨光初露时
24. give me a break!<非正式> 拜托;饶了我吧;得了吧
25. to make a breakorto make a break for it (趁人不注意)逃跑, 逃走
1. (gap) 裂口;缺口;裂缝
a break in the fence 篱笆上的缺口
2. (fracture) 骨折
- It's a bad break. 骨折很严重。
3. (holiday) 短假
the Christmas break 圣诞假期
to take a break 度假
4. (interruption) 小憩;间歇
a coffee break 喝咖啡休息时间
to have a break or to take a break 休息一下;小憩一下
without a break 不停歇地;不间断地
5. (at school) 课间休息
during morning break 在上午的课间
6. (career opportunity) (尤指证明自己能力的)机遇, 机会, 好运
have a lucky break 交到好运
7. (breach in relationship) (关系的)断绝, 决裂, 破裂
- He dreaded a break with his son. 他很担心跟儿子关系破裂。
8. (sudden interruption) 停顿;间断;中止;决裂
a break with sth 与…的决裂
to make a clean break with sth 与…一刀两断;彻底脱离…
9. 【股】 (尤指股票的)暴跌
10. 【诗】 (pause in a line of verse) (诗行的)停顿, 句读
11. 【台】 (series of shots) 连续进球;单杆
12. 【台】 (points scored in series shots) 单杆得分
13. 【台】 (opening shot) 开球
14. 【台】 (right to opening shot) 开球权
15. 【网】 (winning of opponent's service game) 破发球局;破发
16. (interval in sporting contest) (体育比赛的)中场休息
17. 【赛马】 (start of race) (赛跑、赛马的)起跑
18. 【游戏】 (failure to knock down all pins) 失误(保龄球运动中两次投球后未能将所有瓶子击倒)
19. 【音】 (improvised passage) (爵士乐中的)即兴独奏华彩段
20. 【音】 (instrumental passage) (流行歌曲的)乐器演奏部分
21. 【电】 (in electrical circuit) 开断;断路
22. 【拳,摔】 (command to separate) 扭抱后分开
23. the break of dayorthe break of dawn<文> 破晓;黎明;晨光初露时
24. give me a break!<非正式> 拜托;饶了我吧;得了吧
25. to make a breakorto make a break for it (趁人不注意)逃跑, 逃走
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
break¹ (broke broken)
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 打破,打断,开创
n. 打破,打断,开创
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
break/eat one's word
go back on one's word; fail to fulfil a promise or obligation 食言
- A man who often breaks his word is one not to be trusted. 一个常常食言的人是不可信赖的人。
- Don't believe him; he always breaks his word. 不要相信他,他总是食言。
go back on one's word; fail to fulfil a promise or obligation 食言
- A man who often breaks his word is one not to be trusted. 一个常常食言的人是不可信赖的人。
- Don't believe him; he always breaks his word. 不要相信他,他总是食言。
- 英语>简体中文, 英语常用短语词典
v.(动词) broke[br½k] bro.ken[br½“k…n], breaks及物动词)
1. To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash. 打破,击碎:使突然或猛烈地分裂成碎片;使碎裂
2. To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting: 掰碎,砍碎:把…分成碎片,如通过折断或切开:
- break crackers for a baby. 替一个婴儿把饼干掰碎
3. To snap off or detach: 折断,分开:使…喀嚓一声折断;使脱离:
- broke a twig from the tree. 从树上折断一根小树枝
4. To fracture a bone of: 折断…的骨头:
- I broke my leg. 我摔断了腿
5. To fracture (a bone): 折断(一根骨头):
- I broke my femur. 我摔断大腿骨
6. To crack without separating into pieces. 损坏但不裂成碎片
7. To destroy the completeness of (a group of related items): 分离,拆散:破坏(一组有关联物体的)完整:
- broke the set of books by giving some away. 把一套书拆散,取其中数本送人
8. To exchange for smaller monetary units: 兑开大额钞票:
- break a dollar. 兑开一美元
9. To vary or disrupt the uniformity or continuity of: 中断,停止:改变或中断…的单一性或连续性:
- a plain that was broken by low hills; caught the ball without breaking stride. 一片被低矮的山丘阻隔的平原;没有改变步伐就接到球
10. Electricity To open: 【电学】 中断,停止:
- break a circuit. 中断电路
11. To force or make a way through; puncture or penetrate: 刺穿,贯穿:强行冲破,开辟道路;刺:
- The blade barely broke the skin. 那把刀刃仅仅刺破皮肤
12. To part or pierce the surface of: 分开,穿过:分开或刺破…表面:
- a dolphin breaking water. 一头跃出水面的海豚
13. To cause to burst. 使…爆裂
14. To force one's way out of; escape from: 挣脱,脱逃:强行越出;从…逃离:
- break jail. 越狱
15. To find an opening or flaw in: 在…中找出破绽:
- They couldn't break my alibi. 他们不能证明我案发时不在现场的辩解不实
16. To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of: 破解,解决:找到…的解决办法或答案;揭开…的基本成分或暴露…的排列方式:
- break a code; break a spy ring. 破译密码;破坏间谍网
17. To make known, as news: 泄露,透露:告知,如消息:
- break a story. 透露一则新闻
18. To surpass or outdo: 超过,胜过:
- broke the league's home-run record. 打破联盟的本垒打纪录
19. To overcome (a force or resistance): 克服(武力或抗拒):
- break the sound barrier. 克服音速障碍
20. To put an end to by force or strong opposition, especially to end (a strike) by means other than negotiation. 终止,结束:动用武力或通过激烈的反对使…结束,尤指通过谈判以外的方式结束(罢工)
21. To lessen in force or effect: 减少,变小:在力量或效果方面减弱:
- break a fall. 使瀑布水量变少
22. To render useless or inoperative: 使…无用,损坏:
- We accidentally broke the radio. 我们不小心弄坏了收音机
23. To weaken or destroy, as in spirit or health; overwhelm with adversity: 使虚弱,使绝望,使困窘:使虚弱或损坏,如在精神,健康方面;通过逆境、厄运来制服:
- “For a hero loves the world till it breaks him”(&b{William Butler Yeats}) “因为英雄深爱世人,直到世人令他绝望”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)
24. To cause the ruin or failure of (an enterprise, for example): 破产,失败:使(例如一家企业)垮台,失败:
- Indiscretion broke both marriage and career. 鲁莽轻率使他的婚姻和事业都失败了
25. To reduce in rank; demote. 使降职;使…降级
26. To cause to be without money or go into bankruptcy. 使破产
27. To fail to fulfill; cancel: 不能履行;取消:
- break an engagement; break one's vacation plans. 解除婚约;取消假期计划
28. To fail to conform to; violate: 不服从;破坏:
- break the speed limit. 超速
29. Law To invalidate (a will) by judicial action. 【法律】 通过法律手续使(遗嘱)无效
30. To give up (a habit). 放弃(习惯)
31. To cause to give up a habit: 使放弃习惯;驯服:
- They managed to break themselves of smoking. 他们设法戒了烟
32. To train to obey; tame: 训练使服从;驯服:
- The horse was difficult to break. 那匹马很难被制服
1. To become separated into pieces or fragments. 分裂成碎片
2. To become cracked or split. 破裂,分裂
3. To become unusable or inoperative: 无用,无效,故障:
- The television broke. 电视机坏了
4. To give way; collapse. 屈服;崩溃
5. To burst: 破裂了:
- The blister has finally broken. 水疱终于破了
6. To become punctured or penetrated. 刺穿,贯穿
7. To intrude on: 闯入,侵入:
- They broke in upon a heady conversation. 他们打断了一场热烈的谈话
8. To filter in or penetrate: 渗进,刺进:
- Sunlight broke into the room. 阳光射进房间
9. To become fractured. 折断了
10. To scatter or disperse; part: 分散;分开:
- The clouds broke after the storm. 暴风雨过后,云层分开了
11. Games To make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool. 【游戏】 开球:打台球时开球破局
12. Sports To separate from a clinch in boxing. 【体育运动】 拳击时,双方抱持后拆散
13. To move away or escape suddenly. 突然离开,逃走
14. To come forth or begin from a state of latency; come into being or emerge: 出现,显现:从隐伏的状态中显露出来;形成或出现:
- A storm was breaking over Miami. Crocuses broke from the soil. 迈阿密上空暴风雨大作。藏红花破土而出
15. To emerge above the surface of water. 冒出水面
16. To become known or noticed: 为人所知:
- The big story broke on Friday. 这个重要新闻在星期五传开了
17. To change direction suddenly. 突然改变方向
18. Baseball To curve near or over the plate: 【棒球】 使曲线飞行:从本垒板附近或上面呈曲线飞行:
- The pitch broke away from the batter. 投出的球偏离了击球员
19. To change suddenly from one tone quality or musical register to another: 变化音调:突然改变音质或声区:
- My voice broke to a whisper. 我的声音变成了喁喁细语
20. Linguistics To undergo breaking. 【语言学】 发生割裂
21. To change to a gait different from the one set. Used of a horse. 突然改变步态。用于指马
22. To interrupt or cease an activity: 中断,停止:中断或停止一项活动:
- We'll break for coffee at ten. 我们会在10点钟休息一下,喝点咖啡
23. To discontinue an association, an agreement, or a relationship: 打断,中止:中止交往、协议、联系:
- The partners broke over a financial matter. One hates to break with an old friend. 合伙人在财政问题上分裂了。人们不愿意和老朋友断绝关系
24. To diminish or discontinue abruptly: 突然减弱,突然中断:
- The fever is breaking. 一下子就退烧了
25. To diminish in or lose physical or spiritual strength; weaken or succumb: 衰弱,绝望:在精神或健康方面垮掉;变弱:
- Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks. 他们的热诚在接二连三的挫折之后消失殆尽
26. To decrease sharply in value or quantity: 锐减:在价值或数量方面锐减:
- Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs. 当公司突然宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌
27. To come to an end: 结束:
- The cold spell broke yesterday. 寒流昨天就结束了
28. To collapse or crash into surf or spray: 碎开,散开:迸溅成碎浪或水花:
- waves that were breaking along the shore. 沿着海岸迸溅的波浪
29. Informal To take place or happen; proceed: 【非正式用语】 发生;发展:
- Things have been breaking well for them. 他们的事情进展很顺利
30. To break dance. 跳霹雳舞
1. The act or an occurrence of breaking. 破裂,折断
2. The result of breaking, as a crack or separation. 破裂处:如裂缝,裂口
3. A beginning or an opening: 开始,敞开:
- the break of day; a break in the clouds. 天破晓了;云层的空隙
4. A sudden movement; a dash: 急冲;猛跑:
- The dog made a break toward the open field. 狗向田野冲去
5. An escape: 逃跑:
- a prison break. 越狱
6. An interruption or a disruption in continuity or regularity: 中断,打断:指连续性和常规性的打断:
- television programming without commercial breaks. 没有插商业广告的电视节目
7. A pause or an interval, as from work: 暂停,休息:工作时的间歇:
- a coffee break. 喝咖啡的间歇
8. A sudden or marked change. 突变
9. A violation: 破坏:
- a security break. 破坏安全
10. An often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: 好运:突然来到的运气,尤指好运:
- finally got the big break in life. 一生中最后走了好运
11. Informal 【非正式用语】
12. An allowance or indulgence; accommodating treatment: 津贴:津贴;予人方便的待遇:
- The boss gave me a break because I'd been sick. 因为生病,老板给了我方便
13. A favorable price or reduction: 优惠的价格,打折:
- a tax break for charitable contributions. 为慈善赠品提供的优惠税额
14. A severing of ties: 断绝联系:
- made a break with the past; a break between the two families. 不再受往事的羁绊;两个家庭关系的断绝
15. Informal A faux pas. 【非正式用语】 失礼:指在社交上有失检点的行为、话语
16. A sudden decline in prices. 价格暴跌
17. A caesura. 韵脚中断
18. Printing 【印刷术】
19. The space between two paragraphs. 断纸:段落之间的空白处
20. A series of three dots ( . . . ) used to indicate an omission in a text. 省略号:三个点(…),用来表示文本的省略
21. The place where a word is or should be divided at the end of a line. 行尾的单词移行处
22. Electricity Interruption of a flow of current. 【电学】 电流的断路
23. Geology A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley. 【地质学】 断层:地形上的显著变化,如断层,深谷
24. Nautical The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship. 【航海】 间断面:船甲板的两层之间的中断点
25. Music 【音乐】
26. The point at which one register or a tonal quality changes to another. 换音点,改调点
27. The change itself. 换音,改调
28. A solo jazz cadenza played during the pause between the regular phrases or choruses of a melody. 独奏华彩段:在正常的乐句间或乐曲的合唱部分间的暂停时刻表演的爵士乐独奏华彩段
29. A change in a horse's gait to one different from that set by the rider. 马的步态改变:指马改变骑手制定的步态
30. Sports The swerving of a ball from a straight path of flight, as in baseball or cricket. 【体育运动】 曲线飞行:棒球或板球运动中球的曲线飞行
31. Sports The beginning of a race. 【体育运动】 起跑
32. Sports The separation after a clinch in boxing. 【体育运动】 拳击中扭抱后分开
33. Games The opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool. 【游戏】 开球破局:打台球时第一杆把聚在一起的球打散
34. Games A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet. 【游戏】 连续得分:打台球或槌球时一次连续得分
35. Sports Games Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame. 【体育运动】 【游戏】 滚球的失误
36. Also brake A high horse-drawn carriage with four wheels. 也作 brake 四轮马车
37. Break dancing. 霹雳舞
break down
1. To cause to collapse; destroy: 使崩溃;毁坏:
- break down a partition; broke down our resolve. 捣毁一堵隔墙;丧失了我们的决心
2. To become or cause to become distressed or upset. 变得或使痛苦,烦躁
3. To have a physical or mental collapse. 使健康、精神崩溃
4. To give up resistance; give way: 放弃抵抗;屈服:
- broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly. 不再坚持,买了一辆新的小轿车;慢慢放弃了的偏见
5. To fail to function; cease to be useful, effective, or operable: 失效;没用了:
- The elevator broke down. 电梯出毛病了
6. To render or become weak or ineffective: 使…变弱,变得无效:
- Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority. 对国王统治的反抗逐渐削弱了他的权威
7. To divide into or consider in parts; analyze. 给…分类;分析
8. To be divisible; admit of analysis: 成为可分的;可进行分析:
- The population breaks down into three main groups. 人口可分成三个主要的群族
9. To decompose or cause to decompose chemically. 从化学上分解,使从化学上分解
10. Electricity To undergo a breakdown. 【电学】 击穿break in
1. To train or adapt for a purpose. 驯服,习惯于:为一目的而训练或使…适应
2. To loosen or soften with use: 用惯,穿惯:通过使用使…松软:
- break in new shoes. 把一双新鞋穿得合脚
3. To enter premises forcibly or illegally: 强行进入,非法进入:
- a prowler who was trying to break in. 企图非法闯入的小偷
4. To interrupt a conversation or discussion. 打断谈话,打断讨论
5. To intrude. 闯入break into
1. To interrupt: 打断:
- “No one would have dared to break into his abstraction”(&b{Alan Paton}) “没有人胆敢打断他的臆想”(艾伦·佩顿)
2. To begin suddenly: 突然开始:
- The horse broke into a wild gallop. The child broke into a flood of tears. 那匹马开始狂奔。那个孩子突然放声大哭
3. To enter (a field of activity): 进入(一个活动领域):
- broke into broadcast journalism at an early age. 早年就进入了广播新闻界break off
1. To separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing. 扯断,断裂:通过扭曲,撕扯分开
2. To stop suddenly, as in speaking. 说话时突然打住
3. To discontinue (a relationship). 断绝(关系)
4. To cease to be friendly. 不再友好,绝交break out
1. To become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples. 出皮疹:被皮疹感染,如丘疹
2. To develop suddenly and forcefully: 猛地爆发:
- Fighting broke out in the prison cells. 牢房里发生斗殴
3. To ready for action or use: 把…准备好供使用:
- Break out the rifles! 准备好来福枪!
4. To bring forth for consumption: 拿出…供消费:
- Let's break out the champagne. 我们开一瓶香槟吧
5. To emerge or escape. 出现或逃走
6. To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data. 可分开归入各种类别,如数据
7. To isolate (information) from a large body of data. 分隔:从大量数据中把(信息)离析出来break through
To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition. 突破,穿过:冲破障碍突然、迅速地前进break up
1. To separate into pieces; divide: 把…分裂成碎片;分开:
- break up a chocolate bar. 把一块长条巧克力弄碎
2. To interrupt the uniformity or continuity of: 打破…的统一性或连贯性:
- An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon. 突然的造访打破了漫长的午后时光
3. To scatter; disperse: 分散;散开:
- The crowd broke up after the game. 比赛结束后人群四面散开
4. To bring or come to an end: 使…结束或结束:
- Guards broke up the fight. The marriage broke up. 警卫们结束了这场打斗。婚姻破裂了
5. Informal To burst or cause to burst into laughter. 【非正式用语】 爆发出大笑,使…爆发出大笑
break a leg
Used to wish someone, such as an actor, success in a performance. 用来祝愿某人(如演员)演出成功break bread
To eat together. 一道用餐break camp
To pack up equipment and leave a campsite. 打好背包,离开露营地break cover
To emerge from a protected location or hiding place: 离开隐蔽处:从安全的地方或隐蔽的地方露出:
- The platoon broke cover and headed down the road. 一群人从暗处走出来,沿着大路前进break even
To gain an amount equal to that invested, as in a commercial venture. 收支相抵:获得与投资相等的利润,如在商业冒险中break new ground
To advance beyond previous achievements: 更好成绩:在以前取得的成绩上更进一步:
- a company that broke new ground in the field of computers. 在计算机领域取得新进展的公司break (one's) neck
To make the utmost possible effort. 竭尽全力:尽最大可能的努力break rank 或
break ranks
v.(动词) broke[br½k] bro.ken[br½“k…n], breaks及物动词)
1. To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash. 打破,击碎:使突然或猛烈地分裂成碎片;使碎裂
2. To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting: 掰碎,砍碎:把…分成碎片,如通过折断或切开:
- break crackers for a baby. 替一个婴儿把饼干掰碎
3. To snap off or detach: 折断,分开:使…喀嚓一声折断;使脱离:
- broke a twig from the tree. 从树上折断一根小树枝
4. To fracture a bone of: 折断…的骨头:
- I broke my leg. 我摔断了腿
5. To fracture (a bone): 折断(一根骨头):
- I broke my femur. 我摔断大腿骨
6. To crack without separating into pieces. 损坏但不裂成碎片
7. To destroy the completeness of (a group of related items): 分离,拆散:破坏(一组有关联物体的)完整:
- broke the set of books by giving some away. 把一套书拆散,取其中数本送人
8. To exchange for smaller monetary units: 兑开大额钞票:
- break a dollar. 兑开一美元
9. To vary or disrupt the uniformity or continuity of: 中断,停止:改变或中断…的单一性或连续性:
- a plain that was broken by low hills; caught the ball without breaking stride. 一片被低矮的山丘阻隔的平原;没有改变步伐就接到球
10. Electricity To open: 【电学】 中断,停止:
- break a circuit. 中断电路
11. To force or make a way through; puncture or penetrate: 刺穿,贯穿:强行冲破,开辟道路;刺:
- The blade barely broke the skin. 那把刀刃仅仅刺破皮肤
12. To part or pierce the surface of: 分开,穿过:分开或刺破…表面:
- a dolphin breaking water. 一头跃出水面的海豚
13. To cause to burst. 使…爆裂
14. To force one's way out of; escape from: 挣脱,脱逃:强行越出;从…逃离:
- break jail. 越狱
15. To find an opening or flaw in: 在…中找出破绽:
- They couldn't break my alibi. 他们不能证明我案发时不在现场的辩解不实
16. To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of: 破解,解决:找到…的解决办法或答案;揭开…的基本成分或暴露…的排列方式:
- break a code; break a spy ring. 破译密码;破坏间谍网
17. To make known, as news: 泄露,透露:告知,如消息:
- break a story. 透露一则新闻
18. To surpass or outdo: 超过,胜过:
- broke the league's home-run record. 打破联盟的本垒打纪录
19. To overcome (a force or resistance): 克服(武力或抗拒):
- break the sound barrier. 克服音速障碍
20. To put an end to by force or strong opposition, especially to end (a strike) by means other than negotiation. 终止,结束:动用武力或通过激烈的反对使…结束,尤指通过谈判以外的方式结束(罢工)
21. To lessen in force or effect: 减少,变小:在力量或效果方面减弱:
- break a fall. 使瀑布水量变少
22. To render useless or inoperative: 使…无用,损坏:
- We accidentally broke the radio. 我们不小心弄坏了收音机
23. To weaken or destroy, as in spirit or health; overwhelm with adversity: 使虚弱,使绝望,使困窘:使虚弱或损坏,如在精神,健康方面;通过逆境、厄运来制服:
- “For a hero loves the world till it breaks him”(&b{William Butler Yeats}) “因为英雄深爱世人,直到世人令他绝望”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)
24. To cause the ruin or failure of (an enterprise, for example): 破产,失败:使(例如一家企业)垮台,失败:
- Indiscretion broke both marriage and career. 鲁莽轻率使他的婚姻和事业都失败了
25. To reduce in rank; demote. 使降职;使…降级
26. To cause to be without money or go into bankruptcy. 使破产
27. To fail to fulfill; cancel: 不能履行;取消:
- break an engagement; break one's vacation plans. 解除婚约;取消假期计划
28. To fail to conform to; violate: 不服从;破坏:
- break the speed limit. 超速
29. Law To invalidate (a will) by judicial action. 【法律】 通过法律手续使(遗嘱)无效
30. To give up (a habit). 放弃(习惯)
31. To cause to give up a habit: 使放弃习惯;驯服:
- They managed to break themselves of smoking. 他们设法戒了烟
32. To train to obey; tame: 训练使服从;驯服:
- The horse was difficult to break. 那匹马很难被制服
1. To become separated into pieces or fragments. 分裂成碎片
2. To become cracked or split. 破裂,分裂
3. To become unusable or inoperative: 无用,无效,故障:
- The television broke. 电视机坏了
4. To give way; collapse. 屈服;崩溃
5. To burst: 破裂了:
- The blister has finally broken. 水疱终于破了
6. To become punctured or penetrated. 刺穿,贯穿
7. To intrude on: 闯入,侵入:
- They broke in upon a heady conversation. 他们打断了一场热烈的谈话
8. To filter in or penetrate: 渗进,刺进:
- Sunlight broke into the room. 阳光射进房间
9. To become fractured. 折断了
10. To scatter or disperse; part: 分散;分开:
- The clouds broke after the storm. 暴风雨过后,云层分开了
11. Games To make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool. 【游戏】 开球:打台球时开球破局
12. Sports To separate from a clinch in boxing. 【体育运动】 拳击时,双方抱持后拆散
13. To move away or escape suddenly. 突然离开,逃走
14. To come forth or begin from a state of latency; come into being or emerge: 出现,显现:从隐伏的状态中显露出来;形成或出现:
- A storm was breaking over Miami. Crocuses broke from the soil. 迈阿密上空暴风雨大作。藏红花破土而出
15. To emerge above the surface of water. 冒出水面
16. To become known or noticed: 为人所知:
- The big story broke on Friday. 这个重要新闻在星期五传开了
17. To change direction suddenly. 突然改变方向
18. Baseball To curve near or over the plate: 【棒球】 使曲线飞行:从本垒板附近或上面呈曲线飞行:
- The pitch broke away from the batter. 投出的球偏离了击球员
19. To change suddenly from one tone quality or musical register to another: 变化音调:突然改变音质或声区:
- My voice broke to a whisper. 我的声音变成了喁喁细语
20. Linguistics To undergo breaking. 【语言学】 发生割裂
21. To change to a gait different from the one set. Used of a horse. 突然改变步态。用于指马
22. To interrupt or cease an activity: 中断,停止:中断或停止一项活动:
- We'll break for coffee at ten. 我们会在10点钟休息一下,喝点咖啡
23. To discontinue an association, an agreement, or a relationship: 打断,中止:中止交往、协议、联系:
- The partners broke over a financial matter. One hates to break with an old friend. 合伙人在财政问题上分裂了。人们不愿意和老朋友断绝关系
24. To diminish or discontinue abruptly: 突然减弱,突然中断:
- The fever is breaking. 一下子就退烧了
25. To diminish in or lose physical or spiritual strength; weaken or succumb: 衰弱,绝望:在精神或健康方面垮掉;变弱:
- Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks. 他们的热诚在接二连三的挫折之后消失殆尽
26. To decrease sharply in value or quantity: 锐减:在价值或数量方面锐减:
- Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs. 当公司突然宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌
27. To come to an end: 结束:
- The cold spell broke yesterday. 寒流昨天就结束了
28. To collapse or crash into surf or spray: 碎开,散开:迸溅成碎浪或水花:
- waves that were breaking along the shore. 沿着海岸迸溅的波浪
29. Informal To take place or happen; proceed: 【非正式用语】 发生;发展:
- Things have been breaking well for them. 他们的事情进展很顺利
30. To break dance. 跳霹雳舞
1. The act or an occurrence of breaking. 破裂,折断
2. The result of breaking, as a crack or separation. 破裂处:如裂缝,裂口
3. A beginning or an opening: 开始,敞开:
- the break of day; a break in the clouds. 天破晓了;云层的空隙
4. A sudden movement; a dash: 急冲;猛跑:
- The dog made a break toward the open field. 狗向田野冲去
5. An escape: 逃跑:
- a prison break. 越狱
6. An interruption or a disruption in continuity or regularity: 中断,打断:指连续性和常规性的打断:
- television programming without commercial breaks. 没有插商业广告的电视节目
7. A pause or an interval, as from work: 暂停,休息:工作时的间歇:
- a coffee break. 喝咖啡的间歇
8. A sudden or marked change. 突变
9. A violation: 破坏:
- a security break. 破坏安全
10. An often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: 好运:突然来到的运气,尤指好运:
- finally got the big break in life. 一生中最后走了好运
11. Informal 【非正式用语】
12. An allowance or indulgence; accommodating treatment: 津贴:津贴;予人方便的待遇:
- The boss gave me a break because I'd been sick. 因为生病,老板给了我方便
13. A favorable price or reduction: 优惠的价格,打折:
- a tax break for charitable contributions. 为慈善赠品提供的优惠税额
14. A severing of ties: 断绝联系:
- made a break with the past; a break between the two families. 不再受往事的羁绊;两个家庭关系的断绝
15. Informal A faux pas. 【非正式用语】 失礼:指在社交上有失检点的行为、话语
16. A sudden decline in prices. 价格暴跌
17. A caesura. 韵脚中断
18. Printing 【印刷术】
19. The space between two paragraphs. 断纸:段落之间的空白处
20. A series of three dots ( . . . ) used to indicate an omission in a text. 省略号:三个点(…),用来表示文本的省略
21. The place where a word is or should be divided at the end of a line. 行尾的单词移行处
22. Electricity Interruption of a flow of current. 【电学】 电流的断路
23. Geology A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley. 【地质学】 断层:地形上的显著变化,如断层,深谷
24. Nautical The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship. 【航海】 间断面:船甲板的两层之间的中断点
25. Music 【音乐】
26. The point at which one register or a tonal quality changes to another. 换音点,改调点
27. The change itself. 换音,改调
28. A solo jazz cadenza played during the pause between the regular phrases or choruses of a melody. 独奏华彩段:在正常的乐句间或乐曲的合唱部分间的暂停时刻表演的爵士乐独奏华彩段
29. A change in a horse's gait to one different from that set by the rider. 马的步态改变:指马改变骑手制定的步态
30. Sports The swerving of a ball from a straight path of flight, as in baseball or cricket. 【体育运动】 曲线飞行:棒球或板球运动中球的曲线飞行
31. Sports The beginning of a race. 【体育运动】 起跑
32. Sports The separation after a clinch in boxing. 【体育运动】 拳击中扭抱后分开
33. Games The opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool. 【游戏】 开球破局:打台球时第一杆把聚在一起的球打散
34. Games A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet. 【游戏】 连续得分:打台球或槌球时一次连续得分
35. Sports Games Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame. 【体育运动】 【游戏】 滚球的失误
36. Also brake A high horse-drawn carriage with four wheels. 也作 brake 四轮马车
37. Break dancing. 霹雳舞
break down
1. To cause to collapse; destroy: 使崩溃;毁坏:
- break down a partition; broke down our resolve. 捣毁一堵隔墙;丧失了我们的决心
2. To become or cause to become distressed or upset. 变得或使痛苦,烦躁
3. To have a physical or mental collapse. 使健康、精神崩溃
4. To give up resistance; give way: 放弃抵抗;屈服:
- broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly. 不再坚持,买了一辆新的小轿车;慢慢放弃了的偏见
5. To fail to function; cease to be useful, effective, or operable: 失效;没用了:
- The elevator broke down. 电梯出毛病了
6. To render or become weak or ineffective: 使…变弱,变得无效:
- Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority. 对国王统治的反抗逐渐削弱了他的权威
7. To divide into or consider in parts; analyze. 给…分类;分析
8. To be divisible; admit of analysis: 成为可分的;可进行分析:
- The population breaks down into three main groups. 人口可分成三个主要的群族
9. To decompose or cause to decompose chemically. 从化学上分解,使从化学上分解
10. Electricity To undergo a breakdown. 【电学】 击穿break in
1. To train or adapt for a purpose. 驯服,习惯于:为一目的而训练或使…适应
2. To loosen or soften with use: 用惯,穿惯:通过使用使…松软:
- break in new shoes. 把一双新鞋穿得合脚
3. To enter premises forcibly or illegally: 强行进入,非法进入:
- a prowler who was trying to break in. 企图非法闯入的小偷
4. To interrupt a conversation or discussion. 打断谈话,打断讨论
5. To intrude. 闯入break into
1. To interrupt: 打断:
- “No one would have dared to break into his abstraction”(&b{Alan Paton}) “没有人胆敢打断他的臆想”(艾伦·佩顿)
2. To begin suddenly: 突然开始:
- The horse broke into a wild gallop. The child broke into a flood of tears. 那匹马开始狂奔。那个孩子突然放声大哭
3. To enter (a field of activity): 进入(一个活动领域):
- broke into broadcast journalism at an early age. 早年就进入了广播新闻界break off
1. To separate or become separated, as by twisting or tearing. 扯断,断裂:通过扭曲,撕扯分开
2. To stop suddenly, as in speaking. 说话时突然打住
3. To discontinue (a relationship). 断绝(关系)
4. To cease to be friendly. 不再友好,绝交break out
1. To become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples. 出皮疹:被皮疹感染,如丘疹
2. To develop suddenly and forcefully: 猛地爆发:
- Fighting broke out in the prison cells. 牢房里发生斗殴
3. To ready for action or use: 把…准备好供使用:
- Break out the rifles! 准备好来福枪!
4. To bring forth for consumption: 拿出…供消费:
- Let's break out the champagne. 我们开一瓶香槟吧
5. To emerge or escape. 出现或逃走
6. To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data. 可分开归入各种类别,如数据
7. To isolate (information) from a large body of data. 分隔:从大量数据中把(信息)离析出来break through
To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition. 突破,穿过:冲破障碍突然、迅速地前进break up
1. To separate into pieces; divide: 把…分裂成碎片;分开:
- break up a chocolate bar. 把一块长条巧克力弄碎
2. To interrupt the uniformity or continuity of: 打破…的统一性或连贯性:
- An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon. 突然的造访打破了漫长的午后时光
3. To scatter; disperse: 分散;散开:
- The crowd broke up after the game. 比赛结束后人群四面散开
4. To bring or come to an end: 使…结束或结束:
- Guards broke up the fight. The marriage broke up. 警卫们结束了这场打斗。婚姻破裂了
5. Informal To burst or cause to burst into laughter. 【非正式用语】 爆发出大笑,使…爆发出大笑
break a leg
Used to wish someone, such as an actor, success in a performance. 用来祝愿某人(如演员)演出成功break bread
To eat together. 一道用餐break camp
To pack up equipment and leave a campsite. 打好背包,离开露营地break cover
To emerge from a protected location or hiding place: 离开隐蔽处:从安全的地方或隐蔽的地方露出:
- The platoon broke cover and headed down the road. 一群人从暗处走出来,沿着大路前进break even
To gain an amount equal to that invested, as in a commercial venture. 收支相抵:获得与投资相等的利润,如在商业冒险中break new ground
To advance beyond previous achievements: 更好成绩:在以前取得的成绩上更进一步:
- a company that broke new ground in the field of computers. 在计算机领域取得新进展的公司break (one's) neck
To make the utmost possible effort. 竭尽全力:尽最大可能的努力break rank 或
break ranks
1. To fall into disorder, as a formation of soldiers. 秩序混乱,如士兵的队列
2. To fail to conform to a prevailing or expected pattern or order: 不符合,不相称:不符合盛行的或所期望的模式或秩序:
- “Architectural experts have criticized the plaza in the past because it breaks rank with the distinctive façades of neighboring Fifth Avenue blocks, whose buildings are flush with the sidewalk”(&b{Sharon Churcher}) “建筑专家们过去一直批评那个广场,因为它与邻近的第五大街街区别具一格的建筑物正面不相称。这个街区的建筑物与人行道齐平”(沙伦·丘彻)break (someone's) heart
To disappoint or dispirit severely. 极为失望或沮丧break (someone's) service 【体育运动】
To win a game, as in tennis, served by one's opponent. 网球中接发球得分break the ice
1. To make a start. 开始
2. To relax a tense or unduly formal atmosphere or social situation. 打破僵局:缓和紧张或过分正式的气氛、场合break wind
To expel intestinal gas. 放屁
2. To fail to conform to a prevailing or expected pattern or order: 不符合,不相称:不符合盛行的或所期望的模式或秩序:
- “Architectural experts have criticized the plaza in the past because it breaks rank with the distinctive façades of neighboring Fifth Avenue blocks, whose buildings are flush with the sidewalk”(&b{Sharon Churcher}) “建筑专家们过去一直批评那个广场,因为它与邻近的第五大街街区别具一格的建筑物正面不相称。这个街区的建筑物与人行道齐平”(沙伦·丘彻)break (someone's) heart
To disappoint or dispirit severely. 极为失望或沮丧break (someone's) service 【体育运动】
To win a game, as in tennis, served by one's opponent. 网球中接发球得分break the ice
1. To make a start. 开始
2. To relax a tense or unduly formal atmosphere or social situation. 打破僵局:缓和紧张或过分正式的气氛、场合break wind
To expel intestinal gas. 放屁
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
n. 休息,暂停,破裂,突变
v. 打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变
n. 休息,暂停,破裂,突变
v. 打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
n. 破裂,中断,破坏,破晓,断开,滴定突跃;vi. 断裂,破裂,违反,变弱,消失
n. 破裂,中断,破坏,破晓,断开,滴定突跃;vi. 断裂,破裂,违反,变弱,消失
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
断开;撕开;中断,停顿,间断,【微软】分隔符[BK BR]
断开;撕开;中断,停顿,间断,【微软】分隔符[BK BR]
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
v. 破坏,破裂,损坏,违犯 ;n.休息
v. 破坏,破裂,损坏,违犯 ;n.休息
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
(1) 违约;违反合同
(2) (通过法律程序)取消(遗嘱)
(3) 打开门(窗)
(4) 逃脱
(1) 违约;违反合同
(2) (通过法律程序)取消(遗嘱)
(3) 打开门(窗)
(4) 逃脱
- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机电子速查小字典
1. In communications, to interrupt the sending end and take control of the circuit at the receiving end.
2. A separation of continuous paper forms, usually at the perforation.
3. On an IBM PC, to stop operations, either by pressing the Control (Ctl) key and Break key or by issuing a command.
在IBM PC上,同时按下控制键(Ctl) 和Break键或发出命令而终止操作。
4. In the Documentation Composition Facility, an interruption in the formatting of input lines so that the next input line is printed on a new output line.
在文件组合软件(DCF) 中,输入行格式化过程中的一次中断,导致下一个输入行在新的输出行上打印。
5. To interrupt the telephone, teletype or data transmitting through sending a space character.
参阅receive interruption。
1. In communications, to interrupt the sending end and take control of the circuit at the receiving end.
2. A separation of continuous paper forms, usually at the perforation.
3. On an IBM PC, to stop operations, either by pressing the Control (Ctl) key and Break key or by issuing a command.
在IBM PC上,同时按下控制键(Ctl) 和Break键或发出命令而终止操作。
4. In the Documentation Composition Facility, an interruption in the formatting of input lines so that the next input line is printed on a new output line.
在文件组合软件(DCF) 中,输入行格式化过程中的一次中断,导致下一个输入行在新的输出行上打印。
5. To interrupt the telephone, teletype or data transmitting through sending a space character.
参阅receive interruption。
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机英汉双解词典
n. 破裂,断裂
n. 破裂,断裂
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 断电,中止遮断
n. 断电,中止遮断
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
vt. & vi.
打破, 折断, 弄坏
- Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。
- Oak may bend but will not break. 橡木可以弯, 但不会断。
- The thief broke the window and got into the house. 那个窃贼打破窗子, 进入屋内。
- He broke the door open. 他把门撞开了。
破坏, 违反
- If a man breaks the law, he can be punished. 一个人如果犯法将受到惩罚。
终止, 中断
- We have broken the back of the job. 我们已经完成了这件工作的主要部分。
- We broke our journey to Rome at Venice. 我们去罗马时, 中途在威尼斯停下来休息了。
- I'm afraid I must break this conversation short.I have to go now. 恐怕这次谈话只能到此为止, 现在我得走了。
透露, 说出
- He came in second, but still broke the Olympic record. 他得了第二名, 但仍然打破了奥运纪录。
破晓, 突然出现
- Day had broken, and he cast his net for the last time. 这时天已亮了, 于是他便撒下最后一网。
裂口, 裂缝; 破裂
- There is a break in the water pipe. 水管上有个裂缝。
间歇, 中间休息
- Let's have a break for lunch. 咱们稍微休息一会儿吃午饭吧。
vt. & vi.
打破, 折断, 弄坏
- Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。
- Oak may bend but will not break. 橡木可以弯, 但不会断。
- The thief broke the window and got into the house. 那个窃贼打破窗子, 进入屋内。
- He broke the door open. 他把门撞开了。
破坏, 违反
- If a man breaks the law, he can be punished. 一个人如果犯法将受到惩罚。
终止, 中断
- We have broken the back of the job. 我们已经完成了这件工作的主要部分。
- We broke our journey to Rome at Venice. 我们去罗马时, 中途在威尼斯停下来休息了。
- I'm afraid I must break this conversation short.I have to go now. 恐怕这次谈话只能到此为止, 现在我得走了。
透露, 说出
- He came in second, but still broke the Olympic record. 他得了第二名, 但仍然打破了奥运纪录。
破晓, 突然出现
- Day had broken, and he cast his net for the last time. 这时天已亮了, 于是他便撒下最后一网。
裂口, 裂缝; 破裂
- There is a break in the water pipe. 水管上有个裂缝。
间歇, 中间休息
- Let's have a break for lunch. 咱们稍微休息一会儿吃午饭吧。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
a break in a pipe. 管子上的裂口。
SYNONYM 同义词:breach, breakage, burst,chink, cleft, crack, crevice, cut, fissure, fracture,gap, gash, hole, leak, opening, rent, rift, rupture,slit, split, tear.
a break in work. 工作期间的休息。
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] breather, breathing-space, hiatus,interlude, intermission, interval, [informal日常用语] let-up, lull, pause, respite, rest, tea-break.
a break in normal service. 正常服务的中断。
SYNONYM 同义词:disruption, halt, interruption,lapse, suspension.
(noun 名词)
a break in a pipe. 管子上的裂口。
SYNONYM 同义词:breach, breakage, burst,chink, cleft, crack, crevice, cut, fissure, fracture,gap, gash, hole, leak, opening, rent, rift, rupture,slit, split, tear.
a break in work. 工作期间的休息。
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] breather, breathing-space, hiatus,interlude, intermission, interval, [informal日常用语] let-up, lull, pause, respite, rest, tea-break.
a break in normal service. 正常服务的中断。
SYNONYM 同义词:disruption, halt, interruption,lapse, suspension.
(verb 动词)
to break in half. 掰成两半。
to break into pieces. 打成碎片。
SYNONYM 同义词:breach, burst, [informal日常用语] bust, chip,crack, crumple, crush, damage, demolish, SEE参阅destroy, fracture, fragment, knock down,ruin, shatter, shiver, smash, [informal日常用语] smash to smithereens, snap, splinter, split,squash, wreck.
to break the law. 违反法律。
to break a promise. 违背诺言。
SYNONYM 同义词:contravene, disobey,disregard, flout, go back on, infringe, transgress,violate.
to break a record. 打破纪录。
to break the speed limit. 打破速度限制。
SYNONYM 同义词:beat, better, do morethan, exceed, excel, go beyond, outdo, outstrip,pass, surpass.
to break down 分类; 破坏; 出毛病
SEE参阅 analyse,demolish,fail.
to break in 打扰;闯入
SEE参阅 interrupt,intrude.
to break off 突然中止;结束
SEE参阅 finish verb动词.
to break out 发生;逃脱
SEE参阅 begin,escapeverb 动词.
to break up 打碎;终止
SEE参阅 disintegrate,endverb 动词.
(verb 动词)
to break in half. 掰成两半。
to break into pieces. 打成碎片。
SYNONYM 同义词:breach, burst, [informal日常用语] bust, chip,crack, crumple, crush, damage, demolish, SEE参阅destroy, fracture, fragment, knock down,ruin, shatter, shiver, smash, [informal日常用语] smash to smithereens, snap, splinter, split,squash, wreck.
to break the law. 违反法律。
to break a promise. 违背诺言。
SYNONYM 同义词:contravene, disobey,disregard, flout, go back on, infringe, transgress,violate.
to break a record. 打破纪录。
to break the speed limit. 打破速度限制。
SYNONYM 同义词:beat, better, do morethan, exceed, excel, go beyond, outdo, outstrip,pass, surpass.
to break down 分类; 破坏; 出毛病
SEE参阅 analyse,demolish,fail.
to break in 打扰;闯入
SEE参阅 interrupt,intrude.
to break off 突然中止;结束
SEE参阅 finish verb动词.
to break out 发生;逃脱
SEE参阅 begin,escapeverb 动词.
to break up 打碎;终止
SEE参阅 disintegrate,endverb 动词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
break your 'back doing sth/to do sth
work very hard (to achieve sth) 拚命工作;全力以赴:
I’ve been breaking my back to sell as many books as I can. 我一直在拚命尽可能多卖几本书。
break the 'back of sth
finish the largest or most difficult part of a task完成﹙某项任务的﹚主要部份﹙或最艰难的部份﹚:
I won’t finish this essay tonight but I’d like to break the back of it before I go to bed. 我今晚完不成这篇文章,不过我要在上床前完成主要部份。
break 'even
make neither a profit nor a loss 收支平衡;不赔不赚:
In the first year of the business we only just managed to break even. 开业第一年我们只做到了不赔不赚。
break fresh/new 'ground
make a discovery; use new methods, etc. 有新发现;使用新方法:
We’re breaking fresh ground with our new freezing methods. 我们在冷冻方法上有了新的发现。
a ground-breaking discovery/report 新闢蹊径的发现/报告
break sb’s 'heart
make sb feel extremely unhappy 使某人极为伤心;使心碎:
That boy is breaking his mother's heart with his wild ways. 那个男孩无法无天,令他的母亲伤透了心。
It's a job I would like, but it won't break my heart if I don't get it. 那正是我想要的工作,可是如果得不到它也不会让我伤心。
'heartbreak noun:
He causes his mother nothing but heartbreak. 他只会使母亲伤心。
'heartbreaking,'heartbroken adj.:
a heartbreaking story 伤心的故事
We were heartbroken by the news. 这消息让我们很痛心。
He broke her heart and then just walked away.他伤了她的心,然后一走了之。
,break the 'ice
make a social situation more informal andrelaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting,party, etc. 缓解僵局;﹙尤指在会议、聚会等的开始﹚打破沉闷:
If you serve drinks as soon as they arrive it will help to break the ice. 他们一来你就端上饮料,这样会有助于活跃气氛。
an 'icebreaker noun:
James told a very funny joke,which was a good ice-breaker. 詹姆斯讲了一个很可笑的笑话,巧妙地打破了沉闷。
break a 'leg! (spoken)
used to wish sb good luck 祝你好运:
You’d better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam.Break a leg! 如果你想早点到达考场,最好现在就走吧。祝你好运!
ORIGIN It is thought that wishing for something bad tohappen will prevent it from happening. Thisexpression is used especially in the theatre. 人们认为祝愿坏事发生会阻止它发生。这个表达法尤用于戏院演出。
break the 'mould (of sth) (BrE) (AmEbreak the 'mold (of sth))
change what people expect from a situation, especiallyby acting in a dramatic and original way﹙尤指用不寻常的方式﹚改变人们预想的情况:
After a string of defeats, he finally broke the mould by getting through to the semi-finals of a major competition. 经过了一系列的失败后,他终于在一场大赛当中出人意料地进入了半决赛。
(not) break your 'neck (doing/to do sth)(informal)
(not) make a great effort﹙别﹚拚命﹙做某事﹚:
There’s no need to break your neck trying to get here by five. We can always wait for you. 你不必拚命要在五点前赶到这里。我们总会等你的。
break the 'news (to sb)
be the first to tell sb some bad news 最先﹙向某人﹚报告坏消息:
I’m sorry to be the one to break the news. 很抱歉要由我来说出这个消息。
break 'ranks
(of the members of a group 成员) refuse to support a group or an organization of which they are members分道扬镳;拒绝支持自己的组织:
Large numbers of MPs felt compelled to break ranks over the issue. 为数众多的下院议员觉得在这一问题上不得不表示反对。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to soldiers, police etc. failing to remain in line. 这个习语原指士兵、警察等不能保持队形。
break 'wind
let gas out from the bowels through the anus 放屁
give sb a 'break
give sb a chance; not judge sb too harshly 给某人一次机会;不苛待某人:
Give the lad a break— it’s only his second day on the job. 给这小伙子一次机会吧—他干这活儿才两天。
give me a 'break! (spoken)
used when sb wants sb else to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying, or to stop saying sth that is not true 别烦我了;别胡说了:
I didn’t mean it like that, so give me a break! 我的本意并不是那样,别烦我了!
make a 'break for it (informal)
try to escape from prison, etc. 逃跑; 越狱:
Six prisoners shot a guard and made a break for it in a stolen car. 六个囚犯开枪打死一名看守,驾着一辆偷来的车越狱了。
,make or 'break (informal)
the thing which decides whether sth succeeds or fails 成败的关键;关乎成败的事情:
This film is make or break for the production company. 这部影片是出品公司成败的关键。
This is a makeor- break year for us. 今年是我们成败攸关的一年。
not ,break the 'bank (informal)
not cost a lot of money, or more than you can afford花不了很多钱;负担得起:
Just lend me £10. That won’t break the bank, will it? 只要借我10英镑,不会让你倾家荡产的,是不是?
NOTE If you break the bank in a game or competition,you win more money than the bank holds. 在游戏或比赛中break the bank,意指赢的钱多得连银行也支付不起。
break/keep faith with sb 另见faith
break/cut/tear (sth) loose from sb/sth 另见loose
a clean break 另见clean
keep/break your word 另见word
break your 'back doing sth/to do sth
work very hard (to achieve sth) 拚命工作;全力以赴:
I’ve been breaking my back to sell as many books as I can. 我一直在拚命尽可能多卖几本书。
break the 'back of sth
finish the largest or most difficult part of a task完成﹙某项任务的﹚主要部份﹙或最艰难的部份﹚:
I won’t finish this essay tonight but I’d like to break the back of it before I go to bed. 我今晚完不成这篇文章,不过我要在上床前完成主要部份。
break 'even
make neither a profit nor a loss 收支平衡;不赔不赚:
In the first year of the business we only just managed to break even. 开业第一年我们只做到了不赔不赚。
break fresh/new 'ground
make a discovery; use new methods, etc. 有新发现;使用新方法:
We’re breaking fresh ground with our new freezing methods. 我们在冷冻方法上有了新的发现。
a ground-breaking discovery/report 新闢蹊径的发现/报告
break sb’s 'heart
make sb feel extremely unhappy 使某人极为伤心;使心碎:
That boy is breaking his mother's heart with his wild ways. 那个男孩无法无天,令他的母亲伤透了心。
It's a job I would like, but it won't break my heart if I don't get it. 那正是我想要的工作,可是如果得不到它也不会让我伤心。
'heartbreak noun:
He causes his mother nothing but heartbreak. 他只会使母亲伤心。
'heartbreaking,'heartbroken adj.:
a heartbreaking story 伤心的故事
We were heartbroken by the news. 这消息让我们很痛心。
He broke her heart and then just walked away.他伤了她的心,然后一走了之。
,break the 'ice
make a social situation more informal andrelaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting,party, etc. 缓解僵局;﹙尤指在会议、聚会等的开始﹚打破沉闷:
If you serve drinks as soon as they arrive it will help to break the ice. 他们一来你就端上饮料,这样会有助于活跃气氛。
an 'icebreaker noun:
James told a very funny joke,which was a good ice-breaker. 詹姆斯讲了一个很可笑的笑话,巧妙地打破了沉闷。
break a 'leg! (spoken)
used to wish sb good luck 祝你好运:
You’d better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam.Break a leg! 如果你想早点到达考场,最好现在就走吧。祝你好运!
ORIGIN It is thought that wishing for something bad tohappen will prevent it from happening. Thisexpression is used especially in the theatre. 人们认为祝愿坏事发生会阻止它发生。这个表达法尤用于戏院演出。
break the 'mould (of sth) (BrE) (AmEbreak the 'mold (of sth))
change what people expect from a situation, especiallyby acting in a dramatic and original way﹙尤指用不寻常的方式﹚改变人们预想的情况:
After a string of defeats, he finally broke the mould by getting through to the semi-finals of a major competition. 经过了一系列的失败后,他终于在一场大赛当中出人意料地进入了半决赛。
(not) break your 'neck (doing/to do sth)(informal)
(not) make a great effort﹙别﹚拚命﹙做某事﹚:
There’s no need to break your neck trying to get here by five. We can always wait for you. 你不必拚命要在五点前赶到这里。我们总会等你的。
break the 'news (to sb)
be the first to tell sb some bad news 最先﹙向某人﹚报告坏消息:
I’m sorry to be the one to break the news. 很抱歉要由我来说出这个消息。
break 'ranks
(of the members of a group 成员) refuse to support a group or an organization of which they are members分道扬镳;拒绝支持自己的组织:
Large numbers of MPs felt compelled to break ranks over the issue. 为数众多的下院议员觉得在这一问题上不得不表示反对。
ORIGIN This idiom refers to soldiers, police etc. failing to remain in line. 这个习语原指士兵、警察等不能保持队形。
break 'wind
let gas out from the bowels through the anus 放屁
give sb a 'break
give sb a chance; not judge sb too harshly 给某人一次机会;不苛待某人:
Give the lad a break— it’s only his second day on the job. 给这小伙子一次机会吧—他干这活儿才两天。
give me a 'break! (spoken)
used when sb wants sb else to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying, or to stop saying sth that is not true 别烦我了;别胡说了:
I didn’t mean it like that, so give me a break! 我的本意并不是那样,别烦我了!
make a 'break for it (informal)
try to escape from prison, etc. 逃跑; 越狱:
Six prisoners shot a guard and made a break for it in a stolen car. 六个囚犯开枪打死一名看守,驾着一辆偷来的车越狱了。
,make or 'break (informal)
the thing which decides whether sth succeeds or fails 成败的关键;关乎成败的事情:
This film is make or break for the production company. 这部影片是出品公司成败的关键。
This is a makeor- break year for us. 今年是我们成败攸关的一年。
not ,break the 'bank (informal)
not cost a lot of money, or more than you can afford花不了很多钱;负担得起:
Just lend me £10. That won’t break the bank, will it? 只要借我10英镑,不会让你倾家荡产的,是不是?
NOTE If you break the bank in a game or competition,you win more money than the bank holds. 在游戏或比赛中break the bank,意指赢的钱多得连银行也支付不起。
break/keep faith with sb 另见faith
break/cut/tear (sth) loose from sb/sth 另见loose
a clean break 另见clean
keep/break your word 另见word
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
break your 'back doing sth/to do sth
work very hard (to achieve sth) 拚命工作;全力以赴:
I’ve been breaking my back to sell as many books as I can. 我一直在拚命尽可能多卖几本书。
break the 'back of sth
finish the largest or most difficult part of a task完成﹙某项任务的﹚主要部份﹙或最艰难的部份﹚:
I won’t finish this essay tonight but I’d like to break the back of it before I go to bed. 我今晚完不成这篇文章,不过我要在上床前完成主要部份。
break 'even
make neither a profit nor a loss 收支平衡;不赔不赚:
In the first year of the business we only just managed to break even. 开业第一年我们只做到了不赔不赚。
put a brave 'face on sth; put on a brave 'face
try to appear brave or cheerful or to be managing well in a difficult situation, when in fact you are frightened or unhappy 强装勇敢﹙或快乐﹚;佯装满不在乎:
‘How’s Mrs O’Brien?’ ‘She’s trying to put a very brave face on things, but you can see that she’s very unhappy.’“奥布赖恩夫人怎么样了?”“她表面上装得若无其事,但可以看出她很不幸福。”
break your 'back doing sth/to do sth
work very hard (to achieve sth) 拚命工作;全力以赴:
I’ve been breaking my back to sell as many books as I can. 我一直在拚命尽可能多卖几本书。
break the 'back of sth
finish the largest or most difficult part of a task完成﹙某项任务的﹚主要部份﹙或最艰难的部份﹚:
I won’t finish this essay tonight but I’d like to break the back of it before I go to bed. 我今晚完不成这篇文章,不过我要在上床前完成主要部份。
break 'even
make neither a profit nor a loss 收支平衡;不赔不赚:
In the first year of the business we only just managed to break even. 开业第一年我们只做到了不赔不赚。
put a brave 'face on sth; put on a brave 'face
try to appear brave or cheerful or to be managing well in a difficult situation, when in fact you are frightened or unhappy 强装勇敢﹙或快乐﹚;佯装满不在乎:
‘How’s Mrs O’Brien?’ ‘She’s trying to put a very brave face on things, but you can see that she’s very unhappy.’“奥布赖恩夫人怎么样了?”“她表面上装得若无其事,但可以看出她很不幸福。”
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
(broke [brEuk]; broken)
毁坏, 损坏
打破, 撞破; 折断; 撕开
违反, 违背; 破坏; 破除; 取消, 解除
挖掘; 开垦, 翻(土), 梳(麻); 闯入; 越(狱), 突围, 打开(局面等), 开创(新路等)
使中止; 打断, 截断, 妨碍; 搅乱; 戒除; 放弃
兑开(大额钞票); 拆开(整体); 解开(难题, 链条等)
制服; 训练; 驯(兽); 制止; 阻止; 破获(案件); 破解(密码)
泄; 泄露
使衰败; 使破产, 免职, 降职; 葬送(前途)
打破, 超过(记录)
挫败, 压倒, 削弱
驳倒, 使(证据、辩辞等)不能成立
(棒球)投(变化球), (拳击)制止(扭抱)
- break a cup 打坏一个杯子
- break one's promise 食言
- break the law 违反法律
- break a strike 使罢工停止
- break the tie 打破不分胜负的局面
- break the case 破获案件
- break the news to sb. 向某人泄露消息
- The railway communication is broken. 铁路交通断绝了。
- Trees break the force of the wind. 树使风力减弱。
- The captain was broken for neglect of duty. 上尉因玩忽职守而被降职。
- The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow. 棱镜把光分解成虹的各种色彩。
(broke [brEuk]; broken)
毁坏, 损坏
打破, 撞破; 折断; 撕开
违反, 违背; 破坏; 破除; 取消, 解除
挖掘; 开垦, 翻(土), 梳(麻); 闯入; 越(狱), 突围, 打开(局面等), 开创(新路等)
使中止; 打断, 截断, 妨碍; 搅乱; 戒除; 放弃
兑开(大额钞票); 拆开(整体); 解开(难题, 链条等)
制服; 训练; 驯(兽); 制止; 阻止; 破获(案件); 破解(密码)
泄; 泄露
使衰败; 使破产, 免职, 降职; 葬送(前途)
打破, 超过(记录)
挫败, 压倒, 削弱
驳倒, 使(证据、辩辞等)不能成立
(棒球)投(变化球), (拳击)制止(扭抱)
- break a cup 打坏一个杯子
- break one's promise 食言
- break the law 违反法律
- break a strike 使罢工停止
- break the tie 打破不分胜负的局面
- break the case 破获案件
- break the news to sb. 向某人泄露消息
- The railway communication is broken. 铁路交通断绝了。
- Trees break the force of the wind. 树使风力减弱。
- The captain was broken for neglect of duty. 上尉因玩忽职守而被降职。
- The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow. 棱镜把光分解成虹的各种色彩。
破裂, 碎; 损坏; 折断; 坏掉
受干扰; 受挫折; (军队等)溃败; (疮)溃烂
闯入(into); 逃出(from, out of); 摆脱, 分离; 决裂
突然发生, 突变; (消息)突然传出
(霜、雾等)消散; (天)破晓, 放晴
破产, 倒闭; (信用、名誉等)扫地
(健康等)垮掉, 变弱; (抵抗等)崩溃; 屈服
(花)发芽, 长(蕾)
折拢, 弯起, 折开
发生, 发展, 进展
突然转向; (舰艇等)突现于水面
[美]突然跑起来; 猛冲(for); (波浪)冲击(over, on, against)
(棒球)曲行, 投歪
(从扭抱中)放开, 分开
- A piece of china breaks easily. 瓷器容易打碎。
- Dawn began to break. 东方欲晓。
- The story broke in a morning paper. 消息在一家晨报上透露出来了。
- The storm broke. 风暴突然开始了。
- The heat-wave broke. 热浪消散了。
- His health is broken. 他的身体垮了。
- The bank broke. 这家银行倒闭了。
- Things are breaking right for us. 情况正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。
破裂, 碎; 损坏; 折断; 坏掉
受干扰; 受挫折; (军队等)溃败; (疮)溃烂
闯入(into); 逃出(from, out of); 摆脱, 分离; 决裂
突然发生, 突变; (消息)突然传出
(霜、雾等)消散; (天)破晓, 放晴
破产, 倒闭; (信用、名誉等)扫地
(健康等)垮掉, 变弱; (抵抗等)崩溃; 屈服
(花)发芽, 长(蕾)
折拢, 弯起, 折开
发生, 发展, 进展
突然转向; (舰艇等)突现于水面
[美]突然跑起来; 猛冲(for); (波浪)冲击(over, on, against)
(棒球)曲行, 投歪
(从扭抱中)放开, 分开
- A piece of china breaks easily. 瓷器容易打碎。
- Dawn began to break. 东方欲晓。
- The story broke in a morning paper. 消息在一家晨报上透露出来了。
- The storm broke. 风暴突然开始了。
- The heat-wave broke. 热浪消散了。
- His health is broken. 他的身体垮了。
- The bank broke. 这家银行倒闭了。
- Things are breaking right for us. 情况正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。
破裂; 损坏; 裂口, 折断
(天气的)突变; 破晓
中止, 停顿, (电视广播节目等的)暂停; (工间, 课间的)休息
决裂, 绝交
[口]闯进; 猛冲; 奔, 跑; 突破; (飞机失速后的)突然下降
[美俚]失策, 失败; (市价等的)暴跌
语言无礼, 举止不当
[俚]运气, [口]机会
(台球)连得分数; (球的)反跳, 屈折
【电】断线, 断路(器)
【矿】断层;【刷】断开处; 连接符号“-”
开垦地; (谷物的)舂
(曲线的)折点, 拐点
渗透点; 静接点
荧光屏上的脉冲光影 ⑵
【航空】急剧压坡度; 飞机坠落, 机翼下沉 ⑵
毛皮露底; (皮鞋)头帮上的褶纹; 绒面褶纹 ⑵
- a break of the bridge 桥的破损处
- a break in the clouds 云朵间的一线青天
- a break in the weather 天气的突变
- have a break 休息一会儿
- break from the past 和过去决裂
- She's won too. What's a break! 她也赢了, 真是好运气。
- Give him a break. 给他一个改过的机会吧!
- He made a break for the gate. 他向门口跑去。
破裂; 损坏; 裂口, 折断
(天气的)突变; 破晓
中止, 停顿, (电视广播节目等的)暂停; (工间, 课间的)休息
决裂, 绝交
[口]闯进; 猛冲; 奔, 跑; 突破; (飞机失速后的)突然下降
[美俚]失策, 失败; (市价等的)暴跌
语言无礼, 举止不当
[俚]运气, [口]机会
(台球)连得分数; (球的)反跳, 屈折
【电】断线, 断路(器)
【矿】断层;【刷】断开处; 连接符号“-”
开垦地; (谷物的)舂
(曲线的)折点, 拐点
渗透点; 静接点
荧光屏上的脉冲光影 ⑵
【航空】急剧压坡度; 飞机坠落, 机翼下沉 ⑵
毛皮露底; (皮鞋)头帮上的褶纹; 绒面褶纹 ⑵
- a break of the bridge 桥的破损处
- a break in the clouds 云朵间的一线青天
- a break in the weather 天气的突变
- have a break 休息一会儿
- break from the past 和过去决裂
- She's won too. What's a break! 她也赢了, 真是好运气。
- Give him a break. 给他一个改过的机会吧!
- He made a break for the gate. 他向门口跑去。
插入, 嵌入, 挤, 打断[坏]
滚动, 碾平
试车, 试运转, 磨[跑, 走]合
破坏, 断开
转折, (报刊文章)转页刊登的部分, 穿[导]通,【地质】圆脊
断[分割, 转折, 停止]点, 转效点
不守信用的人; 失信者
解散, 崩溃
停止, 终止
分手, 绝交
分离, 中断, 断开, 缺口; 分[瓦]解, 溶化, 蜕[裂]变; 馏分组成
防风墙[林, 设备], 挡风(罩)
易破的; 脆的
a bad break
失言; 丢人; 倒霉, 不幸
a good break
好机会; 好运气
a luck break
好机会; 好运气
an even break
get the breaks
[美俚]交好运, 碰到有利的机会
give sb. a break
make a (bad) break
失言, 失态, 随便说话; 犯错误
make a break for it
[口](趁人不注意时)偷跑, 逃跑
make a break of
make a (clean) break with
The breaks were against us.
without a break
继续不断地, 不停顿地
break away
突然离开; 逃走
脱离; 放弃; 革除
拆除, 拆毁
break back
break dancing
霹雳舞(60年代起源于美国纽约贫民区, 后在地面摇滚舞基础上揉合体操、杂技和芭蕾舞动作, 80年代流行)
break down
失败; 落空
毁掉; 拆除; 损坏; 瓦解; 崩溃
克服; 征服
打倒在地上; 粉碎
态度软化; 招供
break forth
突然发出, 迸发
break from
挣脱; 突然离去
break in
训练; 驯养
闯入; 破门而入
打断; 插嘴
break in on
恍然大悟; 忽然想起
打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍
break in upon
恍然大悟; 忽然想起
打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍
break into
闯入; 潜入; 破门而入
插入; 打断
break it up
[口]散开! 别打架了! 别吵架了!
break of
使免于; 戒去; 治愈
break off
突然停止; 暂停; 休息一下
折断; 绝交
break off from
戒除; 放弃; 和...绝交
break off with
break open
break out
发生; 爆发
逃出; 突围
打开; 启开(货物等)
突然说出[发出, 做出]
悬挂(旗, 帆等)
break out in
break out of
break over
(浪涛)冲击; 扑打
(笑声, 掌声, 骂声等)阵阵袭向, 冲向
break short off
break through
克服; 打破
break up
分成小块; 拆开; 分解
衰弱; (精神)崩溃
打断; 破坏
断交; 绝交; 破裂
结束, (学校期末)放假
break up into
分解成; 分割成
break upon
显露; 突然出现
break with
插入, 嵌入, 挤, 打断[坏]
滚动, 碾平
试车, 试运转, 磨[跑, 走]合
破坏, 断开
转折, (报刊文章)转页刊登的部分, 穿[导]通,【地质】圆脊
断[分割, 转折, 停止]点, 转效点
不守信用的人; 失信者
解散, 崩溃
停止, 终止
分手, 绝交
分离, 中断, 断开, 缺口; 分[瓦]解, 溶化, 蜕[裂]变; 馏分组成
防风墙[林, 设备], 挡风(罩)
易破的; 脆的
a bad break
失言; 丢人; 倒霉, 不幸
a good break
好机会; 好运气
a luck break
好机会; 好运气
an even break
get the breaks
[美俚]交好运, 碰到有利的机会
give sb. a break
make a (bad) break
失言, 失态, 随便说话; 犯错误
make a break for it
[口](趁人不注意时)偷跑, 逃跑
make a break of
make a (clean) break with
The breaks were against us.
without a break
继续不断地, 不停顿地
break away
突然离开; 逃走
脱离; 放弃; 革除
拆除, 拆毁
break back
break dancing
霹雳舞(60年代起源于美国纽约贫民区, 后在地面摇滚舞基础上揉合体操、杂技和芭蕾舞动作, 80年代流行)
break down
失败; 落空
毁掉; 拆除; 损坏; 瓦解; 崩溃
克服; 征服
打倒在地上; 粉碎
态度软化; 招供
break forth
突然发出, 迸发
break from
挣脱; 突然离去
break in
训练; 驯养
闯入; 破门而入
打断; 插嘴
break in on
恍然大悟; 忽然想起
打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍
break in upon
恍然大悟; 忽然想起
打断(谈话); 打扰; 妨碍
break into
闯入; 潜入; 破门而入
插入; 打断
break it up
[口]散开! 别打架了! 别吵架了!
break of
使免于; 戒去; 治愈
break off
突然停止; 暂停; 休息一下
折断; 绝交
break off from
戒除; 放弃; 和...绝交
break off with
break open
break out
发生; 爆发
逃出; 突围
打开; 启开(货物等)
突然说出[发出, 做出]
悬挂(旗, 帆等)
break out in
break out of
break over
(浪涛)冲击; 扑打
(笑声, 掌声, 骂声等)阵阵袭向, 冲向
break short off
break through
克服; 打破
break up
分成小块; 拆开; 分解
衰弱; (精神)崩溃
打断; 破坏
断交; 绝交; 破裂
结束, (学校期末)放假
break up into
分解成; 分割成
break upon
显露; 突然出现
break with
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地质学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电机工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电力工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
break (a flag)
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 美华军语辞典
break; break a flag
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋地质学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 航空太空名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 核能名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 教育学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 矿冶工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 气象学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 通讯工程术语
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词
Interruption of a communications transmission that occurs when the receiving station interrupts and takes over control of the line or when the transmitting station prematurely halts transmission.
Interruption of a communications transmission that occurs when the receiving station interrupts and takes over control of the line or when the transmitting station prematurely halts transmission.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
A scheduled period of time within a shift during which a worker does not work.
A scheduled period of time within a shift during which a worker does not work.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work.
A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
To cause a routine, module, or program that had previously worked to cease working correctly.
To cause a routine, module, or program that had previously worked to cease working correctly.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
Interruption of a program caused by the user pressing the Break key or its equivalent.
Interruption of a program caused by the user pressing the Break key or its equivalent.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
To interrupt execution at a given spot, usually for the purpose of debugging.
To interrupt execution at a given spot, usually for the purpose of debugging.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work.
A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work.
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), IT术语集
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped. 打碎; 破碎
- He fell through the window, breaking the glass. 他打破玻璃,从窗口摔了出去。
- The plate broke. 盘子碎了。
- The plane broke into three pieces. 那架飞机碎成了3块。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits. 弄折 (骨头); 骨折
- She broke a leg in a skiing accident. 她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。
- Old bones break easily. 老骨头容易骨折。
3. 可数名词Break is also a noun. 骨折
- It has caused a bad break to Gabriella's leg. 这导致了加布里埃拉的一条腿严重骨折。
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through. 拆裂; 开裂
- Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again. 一旦你撕开瓶子的封口,就没法将它重新合上。
- The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks. 水疱破口后必须包扎上绷带。
5. 及物动词/不及物动词 When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works. 损坏
- When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear. 离合器损坏了后,那辆轿车被锁在了二档。
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped. 打碎; 破碎
- He fell through the window, breaking the glass. 他打破玻璃,从窗口摔了出去。
- The plate broke. 盘子碎了。
- The plane broke into three pieces. 那架飞机碎成了3块。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits. 弄折 (骨头); 骨折
- She broke a leg in a skiing accident. 她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。
- Old bones break easily. 老骨头容易骨折。
3. 可数名词Break is also a noun. 骨折
- It has caused a bad break to Gabriella's leg. 这导致了加布里埃拉的一条腿严重骨折。
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through. 拆裂; 开裂
- Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again. 一旦你撕开瓶子的封口,就没法将它重新合上。
- The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks. 水疱破口后必须包扎上绷带。
5. 及物动词/不及物动词 When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works. 损坏
- When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear. 离合器损坏了后,那辆轿车被锁在了二档。
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词 If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it. 结束; 打破 (困难或不快的情形)
- We need to break the vicious cycle of violence and counterviolence. 我们需要结束暴力和反暴力的恶性循环。
- New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions. 新的提议已被提出来以打破对立派之间的僵局。
2. 可数名词Break is also a noun. 结束; (对困难或不快的情形的) 打破
- Nothing that might lead to a break in the deadlock has been discussed yet. 任何可能促成僵局破除的举措尚未被讨论。
3. 及物动词 If someone or something breaks a silence, they say something or make a noise after a long period of silence. 打破 (沉默)
- Hugh broke the silence. "Is she always late?" he asked. 休打破了沉默。问道:“她总是迟到吗?”
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you break with a group of people or a traditional way of doing things, or you break your connection with them, you stop being involved with that group or stop doing things in that way. 断绝 (关系); 打破 (传统)
- In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner. 1959年,明仁天皇打破皇室传统,与一个平民结了婚。
- They were determined to break from precedent. 他们决心打破先例。
5. 可数名词Break is also a noun. (对关系的) 断绝; (对传统的) 打破
- Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture. 为了与过去断得一干二净,这对夫妻丢弃了他们所有的旧家具。
6. 及物动词 If you break a habit or if someone breaks you of it, you no longer have that habit. 戒除 (习惯)
- If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit. 如果你继续吸烟,继续试着戒掉这一习惯吧。
7. 不及物动词 If someone breaks for a short period of time, they rest or change from what they are doing for a short period. (短暂) 休息
- They broke for lunch. 他们停下来吃午饭。
8. 可数名词 A break is a short period of time when you have a rest or a change from what you are doing, especially if you are working or if you are in a boring or unpleasant situation. 短暂休息
- They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break. 他们或许能帮忙看孩子,这样你可以歇歇。
- I thought a 15 minute break from his work would do him good. 我认为15分钟的工作休息对他会有好处。
9. 可数名词 A break is a short holiday. 短假
- They are currently taking a short break in Spain. 他们目前在西班牙休短假。
10. 及物动词 If you break your journey somewhere, you stop there for a short time so that you can have a rest. (旅行中) 使歇脚
- We broke our journey at a small country hotel. 我们在一家小乡村旅店歇了歇脚。
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词 If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it. 结束; 打破 (困难或不快的情形)
- We need to break the vicious cycle of violence and counterviolence. 我们需要结束暴力和反暴力的恶性循环。
- New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions. 新的提议已被提出来以打破对立派之间的僵局。
2. 可数名词Break is also a noun. 结束; (对困难或不快的情形的) 打破
- Nothing that might lead to a break in the deadlock has been discussed yet. 任何可能促成僵局破除的举措尚未被讨论。
3. 及物动词 If someone or something breaks a silence, they say something or make a noise after a long period of silence. 打破 (沉默)
- Hugh broke the silence. "Is she always late?" he asked. 休打破了沉默。问道:“她总是迟到吗?”
4. 及物动词/不及物动词 If you break with a group of people or a traditional way of doing things, or you break your connection with them, you stop being involved with that group or stop doing things in that way. 断绝 (关系); 打破 (传统)
- In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner. 1959年,明仁天皇打破皇室传统,与一个平民结了婚。
- They were determined to break from precedent. 他们决心打破先例。
5. 可数名词Break is also a noun. (对关系的) 断绝; (对传统的) 打破
- Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture. 为了与过去断得一干二净,这对夫妻丢弃了他们所有的旧家具。
6. 及物动词 If you break a habit or if someone breaks you of it, you no longer have that habit. 戒除 (习惯)
- If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit. 如果你继续吸烟,继续试着戒掉这一习惯吧。
7. 不及物动词 If someone breaks for a short period of time, they rest or change from what they are doing for a short period. (短暂) 休息
- They broke for lunch. 他们停下来吃午饭。
8. 可数名词 A break is a short period of time when you have a rest or a change from what you are doing, especially if you are working or if you are in a boring or unpleasant situation. 短暂休息
- They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break. 他们或许能帮忙看孩子,这样你可以歇歇。
- I thought a 15 minute break from his work would do him good. 我认为15分钟的工作休息对他会有好处。
9. 可数名词 A break is a short holiday. 短假
- They are currently taking a short break in Spain. 他们目前在西班牙休短假。
10. 及物动词 If you break your journey somewhere, you stop there for a short time so that you can have a rest. (旅行中) 使歇脚
- We broke our journey at a small country hotel. 我们在一家小乡村旅店歇了歇脚。
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词 If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement. 违反
- We didn't know we were breaking the law. 我们那时不知道我们在违法。
- The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes. 该公司始终否认故意违反了武器禁运规定。
2. 不及物动词 If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it. 挣脱
- She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest. 她用胳膊肘猛杵他的胸部挣脱了开来。
3. 及物动词 To break the force of something such as a blow or fall means to weaken its effect, for example, by getting in the way of it. 减弱 (打击、坠落等的力度)
- He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall. 他被坠落的人砸中之后受了严重颈伤。
4. 不及物动词 When a piece of news breaks, people hear about it from the newspapers, television, or radio. (消息) 传开
- The news broke that Montgomery was under investigation. 消息传出说蒙哥马利在受到调查。
5. 及物动词 When you break a piece of bad news to someone, you tell it to them, usually in a kind way. (常指善意地) 说出 (不好的消息)
- Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me. 之后路易丝说出了她要离开我的消息。
6. 可数名词 A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something. 时来运转 [非正式]
- Her first break came when she was chosen out of 100 guitarists auditioning for a spot on Michael Jackson's tour. 她的第一次时来运转是被从100名吉他手的试奏中选出来参加迈克尔·杰克逊的巡演。
7. 及物动词 If you break a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement. 打破 (记录)
- Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres. 卡尔·刘易斯打破了百米赛跑的世界纪录。
8. 不及物动词 When day or dawn breaks, it starts to grow light after the night has ended. 破晓
- They continued the search as dawn broke. 他们在天亮之后继续搜寻。
9. 不及物动词 When a wave breaks, it passes its highest point and turns downward, for example, when it reaches the shore. (波浪) 落下
- Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore. 丹尼听着波浪拍岸的声音。
10. 及物动词 If you break a secret code, you work out how to understand it. 破解 (密码)
- It was feared they could break the Allies' codes. 只怕他们能破解盟军的密码。
11. 不及物动词 If someone's voice breaks when they are speaking, it changes its sound, for example, because they are sad or afraid. (嗓音因悲伤、害怕等而) 变调
- Godfrey's voice broke, and halted. 戈弗雷的嗓音变了调,然后停了下来。
12. 不及物动词 When a boy's voice breaks, it becomes deeper and sounds more like a man's voice. (男孩) 变声
- He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken. 他紧张不适地唱着, 嗓音像个还未完全变声的人。
13. 不及物动词 If the weather breaks or a storm breaks, it suddenly becomes rainy or stormy after a period of sunshine. (天气) 突变; (暴风雨) 骤起
- I've been waiting for the weather to break. 我一直在等待下雨。
14. → see also broke, broken, heartbreak, heartbreaking, heartbroken, outbreak
15. to break even → see even
16. to break new ground → see ground
17. to break someone's heart → see heart
18. all hell breaks loose → see hell
19. to break the ice → see ice
20. to break ranks → see rank
21. to break wind → see wind
(breaking, broke, broken,breaks)
1. 及物动词 If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement. 违反
- We didn't know we were breaking the law. 我们那时不知道我们在违法。
- The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes. 该公司始终否认故意违反了武器禁运规定。
2. 不及物动词 If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it. 挣脱
- She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest. 她用胳膊肘猛杵他的胸部挣脱了开来。
3. 及物动词 To break the force of something such as a blow or fall means to weaken its effect, for example, by getting in the way of it. 减弱 (打击、坠落等的力度)
- He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall. 他被坠落的人砸中之后受了严重颈伤。
4. 不及物动词 When a piece of news breaks, people hear about it from the newspapers, television, or radio. (消息) 传开
- The news broke that Montgomery was under investigation. 消息传出说蒙哥马利在受到调查。
5. 及物动词 When you break a piece of bad news to someone, you tell it to them, usually in a kind way. (常指善意地) 说出 (不好的消息)
- Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me. 之后路易丝说出了她要离开我的消息。
6. 可数名词 A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something. 时来运转 [非正式]
- Her first break came when she was chosen out of 100 guitarists auditioning for a spot on Michael Jackson's tour. 她的第一次时来运转是被从100名吉他手的试奏中选出来参加迈克尔·杰克逊的巡演。
7. 及物动词 If you break a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement. 打破 (记录)
- Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres. 卡尔·刘易斯打破了百米赛跑的世界纪录。
8. 不及物动词 When day or dawn breaks, it starts to grow light after the night has ended. 破晓
- They continued the search as dawn broke. 他们在天亮之后继续搜寻。
9. 不及物动词 When a wave breaks, it passes its highest point and turns downward, for example, when it reaches the shore. (波浪) 落下
- Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore. 丹尼听着波浪拍岸的声音。
10. 及物动词 If you break a secret code, you work out how to understand it. 破解 (密码)
- It was feared they could break the Allies' codes. 只怕他们能破解盟军的密码。
11. 不及物动词 If someone's voice breaks when they are speaking, it changes its sound, for example, because they are sad or afraid. (嗓音因悲伤、害怕等而) 变调
- Godfrey's voice broke, and halted. 戈弗雷的嗓音变了调,然后停了下来。
12. 不及物动词 When a boy's voice breaks, it becomes deeper and sounds more like a man's voice. (男孩) 变声
- He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn't quite broken. 他紧张不适地唱着, 嗓音像个还未完全变声的人。
13. 不及物动词 If the weather breaks or a storm breaks, it suddenly becomes rainy or stormy after a period of sunshine. (天气) 突变; (暴风雨) 骤起
- I've been waiting for the weather to break. 我一直在等待下雨。
14. → see also broke, broken, heartbreak, heartbreaking, heartbroken, outbreak
15. to break even → see even
16. to break new ground → see ground
17. to break someone's heart → see heart
18. all hell breaks loose → see hell
19. to break the ice → see ice
20. to break ranks → see rank
21. to break wind → see wind
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
break, rest, pause, interval, recess, cease, stop
break → 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。
rest → 指统称的休息。
pause → 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。
interval → 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。
recess → 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。
cease → 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。
stop → 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。
break → 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。
rest → 指统称的休息。
pause → 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。
interval → 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。
recess → 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。
cease → 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。
stop → 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典
break, destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil
break → 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。
destroy → 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。
ruin → 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。
wreck → 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。
damage → 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。
spoil → 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。
break → 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。
destroy → 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。
ruin → 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。
wreck → 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。
damage → 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。
spoil → 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典
break, burst, crack, crush, fracture, shatter, smash
break → 常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。
burst → 指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。
crack → 多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。
crush → 指用力把东西压破或变形。
fracture → 比crack的破裂程度更深更严重,常指断裂,医学上指骨折。
shatter → 指破裂为许多支离破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。
smash → 指突然而猛烈地重击某物,使之破碎或完全变形。
break → 常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。
burst → 指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。
crack → 多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。
crush → 指用力把东西压破或变形。
fracture → 比crack的破裂程度更深更严重,常指断裂,医学上指骨折。
shatter → 指破裂为许多支离破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。
smash → 指突然而猛烈地重击某物,使之破碎或完全变形。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典