- abandonment
- abatis
- able seaman
- abort
- abortive
- about face
- absent without leave
- absentee
- absolute accuracy
- absolute altitude
- absolute ceiling
- absolute coordinate system
- absolute error
- absolute height
- absolute motion
- absorbed dose
- abysm
- academy
- access
- access authority
- access control
- access procedure
- access road
- access time
- accessibility
- accessories
- accessory
- accessory equipment
- accessory substance
- accident
- accident prevention
- accident report
- accolade
- accommodation ladder
- account balance
- account code
- account current
- account title
- accountability
- accountable
- accounting
- accounting document
- accounting equation
- accounting machine
- accounting period
- accounting policy
- accounting procedure
- accounting record
- accounting report
- accouter
- accrual accounting
- accrual basis
- accrued interest
- accumulation
- accuracy life
- ace
- ack-ack
- acknowledgment
- acoustic absorptivity
- acoustic bearing
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic field
- acoustic frequency
- acoustic frequency generator
- acoustic mine
- acoustic signature
- acoustic sounding
- acquisition
- acquisition radar
- acrobatics
- action
- action item
- action limit
- action potential
- action shot
- activate
- activation
- activation detector
- activator
- active
- active agent
- active duty
- active filter
- active guidance
- active homing
- active jamming
- active material
- active repair time
- active satellite
- active service
- active sonar
- active system
- active transducer
- activity
- actual loading test
- actual range
- actual speed
- actual time of arrival
- actual time of departure
- actuating mechanism
- actuating system
- acute dose
- acute exposure
- ad hoc committee
- adaptive jamming
- Adcock antenna
- additive manufacturing
- address
- address indicating group
- addressee
- adjacent sea
- adjusting device
- adjusting mechanism
- adjustment
- adjustment in groups
- adjutant
- adjutant general
- administrative action
- administrative boundary
- administrative cost
- administrative officer
- administrative support
- administrative time
- administrative unit
- administrator
- admonition
- adrift
- advance
- advance guard
- advanced ignition
- advanced timing
- advancing blade
- advancing wave
- advantage
- adversaria
- adversary
- adverse weather
- advisory area
- aegis
- aerial bomb
- aerial camera
- aerial map
- aerial mapping camera
- aerial mine
- aerial network
- aerial photograph
- aerial photograph interpretation
- aerial photography
- aerial reconnaissance
- aerial survey
- aeroballistics
- aerobatics
- aeroboat
- aerocade
- aerocartograph
- aerocraft
- aerodone
- aerodonetics
- aerodrome
- aerodrome beacon
- aerodrome control tower
- aerodrome reference point
- aerodynamic braking
- aerodynamic center
- aerodynamic coefficient
- aerodynamic force
- aerodynamic heating
- aerodynamic turbine
- aerofoil
- aerogram
- aerogun
- aerolite
- aeromedicine
- aerometeorograph
- aeromotor
- aeronaut
- aeronautical beacon
- aeronautical chart
- aeronautical engineering
- aeronautical fixed service
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical meteorology
- aeronautical mile
- aeronautical mobile service
- aeronautical planning chart
- aeronautical station
- aeropause
- aerophare
- aerophotography
- aeroplane
- aeroprojector
- aeropulse
- aerosol bomb
- aerospace medicine
- aerospace plane
- aerosphere
- aerostat
- aerotow
- affirmative
- aft trimming tank