- abandon
- ability
- ability grouping
- abnormal psychology
- absolute value
- abstraction
- academic freedom
- academic rank
- academy
- accessibility
- accommodation
- accountability
- accreditation
- acculturation
- accuracy
- ace
- achievement
- achievement age
- achievement motivation
- achievement quotient
- achievement test
- acquired character
- acquired characteristic
- act
- action
- action research
- action space
- active learning
- active load
- active principle
- activity
- activity analysis
- activity level
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adaptive behavior
- adjustment
- adult education
- advance
- advanced
- advanced skills teacher
- advancement
- advantage
- adventure playground
- adviser
- advisory committee
- aesthetics
- affection
- affectivity
- affidavit
- affirmative action
- after image
- age discrimination
- age distribution
- age group
- agency
- aggression
- agility
- aids
- aiming
- air
- air pistol
- air pollution control
- air rifle
- air shot
- albatross
- algebra
- algebraic topology
- algorithm
- alienation
- aligner
- all-around
- alley-oop
- allocation
- allowance
- alma mater
- altruism
- aluminum
- alumna
- alumni
- alumnus
- amateur
- amateurism
- amnesia
- amplitude
- anabolic steroid
- anabolism
- anaerobic metabolism
- analogy
- analysis of variance
- analytic geometry
- analytic method
- analytic psychology
- anchor
- anchor line
- anchoring
- anemometer
- angle of attack
- angling
- angular velocity
- animism
- announcer
- anomalies
- anomie
- antagonistic muscle
- antenna
- anthroposophy
- anti-intellectualism
- antisocial personality disorder
- anxiety
- aphasia
- Apollonian
- appeal
- appeals
- appel
- apperception
- applied mathematics
- applied psychology
- applied research
- applied science
- apprentice
- apprenticeship
- approach
- approve
- approximation
- apraxia
- aptitude
- aptitude test
- Arabic numerals
- arc
- arena
- argument
- argumentation
- arithmetic
- arithmetic expression
- arithmetic function
- arithmetic mean
- arithmetic series
- arithmetic unit
- arrow
- arrows
- artifacts
- artificial intelligence
- artistry
- ascender
- ascent
- asceticism
- ascription
- assessment
- assignment
- assimilation
- assist
- assistant professor
- assistive technology
- associate professor
- association law
- association of ideas
- associationism
- associative learning
- assumed mean
- assumption
- asymptote
- at bat
- atavism
- athletics
- atomic structure
- atomic theory
- atomism
- attachment
- attack
- attainment target
- attendance
- attendance officer
- attention
- attention span
- attest
- attitude
- attitude scale
- attribute
- attribution theory
- audiology
- audit
- auditor
- auditorium
- augmented reality
- authoritarianism
- authority
- authorized agent
- autism
- autonomy
- autosuggestion
- auxiliary equipment
- average
- average deviation
- axle