[wèi miǎn]
⇒ 不可避免
can't help
⇒ 不禁 不由自主 不由得 不由 绷不住 禁不住 不得不 情非得已 牡丹虽好,全凭绿叶扶持 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持 牡丹虽好,终须绿叶扶持 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶
⇒ 真个 确实 简直 寔 诚 委实 硬是 的确 非常 倍儿 确乎 真 真正 果然 实属 真的 其实 够 真真 端的 真是的 实在 信然 着然 果真 实 果 真棒 没说的 不含糊 没得说 实属不易
⇒ 着呢 而是 颇具 怪 颇为 有一些 颇 较 较比 不简单 慢半拍 情愿 与其 宁肯 毋宁 恍若 宁愿 似的 宁可 较差 宁 恍如 宁死不屈 民间 宁左勿右 誓死不从 重义轻利 守株待兔 宁拆十座庙,不毁一桩婚 丁宠家庭 舍生取义 不患寡而患不均
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 rather; a bit too; truly:
- 这未免太过分。 This is really going too far.
- 他的话未免太多。 He's too talkative.
- 你这样做未免操之过急。 That is doing things too hastily.
2 〈书〉 unavoidable
1 rather; a bit too; truly:
- 这未免太过分。 This is really going too far.
- 他的话未免太多。 He's too talkative.
- 你这样做未免操之过急。 That is doing things too hastily.
2 〈书〉 unavoidable
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 实在不能不说是…(表示不以为然) {[imply disagreement, objection] rather; a bit too; truly}:
- 你的顾虑~多了些 {You are perhaps a little overcautious.}
- 他这样对待客人,~不礼貌。 {He was really impolite, treating his guests like that.}
2. 不免 {naturally; unavoidably}:
- 如此教学,~要误人子弟。 {Teaching in this way would unavoidably mislead the younger generation.}
1. 实在不能不说是…(表示不以为然) {[imply disagreement, objection] rather; a bit too; truly}:
- 你的顾虑~多了些 {You are perhaps a little overcautious.}
- 他这样对待客人,~不礼貌。 {He was really impolite, treating his guests like that.}
2. 不免 {naturally; unavoidably}:
- 如此教学,~要误人子弟。 {Teaching in this way would unavoidably mislead the younger generation.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
副 rather too; a bit too; a little
- 未免太多了 be rather too many/much
- 这未免太离奇了。 This is rather weird.
- 这未免太过份了。 This is really going too far. / This is rather too presumptuous.
- 他未免太多心了。 He's a bit oversensitive.
- 你这样做未免太操之过急了。 You were a bit too impetuous in doing that.
- 这故事未免太荒唐了。 The story is a little too absurd.
副 unavoidably; naturally
- 未免多情 could not help being sentimental
- 如此说话,未免要得罪人。 Such remarks are bound to offend others.
- 谁碰到这种事情都未免感到不快。 Anyone who gets involved in an issue like this would feel displeased.
副 rather too; a bit too; a little
- 未免太多了 be rather too many/much
- 这未免太离奇了。 This is rather weird.
- 这未免太过份了。 This is really going too far. / This is rather too presumptuous.
- 他未免太多心了。 He's a bit oversensitive.
- 你这样做未免太操之过急了。 You were a bit too impetuous in doing that.
- 这故事未免太荒唐了。 The story is a little too absurd.
副 unavoidably; naturally
- 未免多情 could not help being sentimental
- 如此说话,未免要得罪人。 Such remarks are bound to offend others.
- 谁碰到这种事情都未免感到不快。 Anyone who gets involved in an issue like this would feel displeased.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典