[dōu fān]
to expose
⇒ 露 曝露 袒露 露出 拆穿 举发 揭露 展露 踢爆 揭发 道破 扒粪 擿 裸裎 露馅 揭穿 揭 暴露 兜底 曝光 徇 走光 示众 揭批 引蛇出洞 暴 打假 清算 晒黑 剥蚀 诛心之论 抉搞
to turn over
⇒ 折过儿 翻过 翻腾 翻转 复 翻 翻搅 交 转体 翻身 折 翻遍 倒粪 掀翻 夗 折跟头 反手 翻老账 捣腾 打跟头 翻旧账 翻桌 悔过自新 脱骨换胎 脱胎换骨 洗心革面 弃旧图新 革面洗心 改过自新 改邪归正 翻篇儿 思谋
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 〈方〉
1 rummage through (old things)
2 dig up (old stories)
3 expose (a secret)
动 〈方〉
1 rummage through (old things)
2 dig up (old stories)
3 expose (a secret)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
dōu·fɑn〈方 dial.〉
1. 翻弄(旧存的东西) {rummage through (old things)}:
- 老太太又在开箱子~她那点ㄦ绣花的活计。 {The old lady is rummaging through the chest for her embroidery work again.}
2. 重新提起(旧事旧话) {dig up (old stories); bring up again; mention again}:
- 过去的那些事别~了。 {Don't dig up the past.}
3. 揭穿(隐讳的事情) {expose; disclose; reveal (disreputable things)}:
- 把他的老底都给~出来了。 {His past has been revealed.}H
dōu·fɑn〈方 dial.〉
1. 翻弄(旧存的东西) {rummage through (old things)}:
- 老太太又在开箱子~她那点ㄦ绣花的活计。 {The old lady is rummaging through the chest for her embroidery work again.}
2. 重新提起(旧事旧话) {dig up (old stories); bring up again; mention again}:
- 过去的那些事别~了。 {Don't dig up the past.}
3. 揭穿(隐讳的事情) {expose; disclose; reveal (disreputable things)}:
- 把他的老底都给~出来了。 {His past has been revealed.}H
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 rummage (through old things)
- 她在包里兜翻着找汽车钥匙。 She rummaged in her bag for the car key.
动 dig/rake up (old stories)
- 过去的事就不要再兜翻了。 Don't dig up past things.
- 记者兜翻出关于这个恶棍的一些令人毛骨悚然的事。 Journalists have dug up some hair-raising facts about the gangster.
动 expose (a secret)
- 他们走私汽车牟取暴利的事被兜翻出来了。 Their highly profitable dealings in smuggled cars were exposed.
动 rummage (through old things)
- 她在包里兜翻着找汽车钥匙。 She rummaged in her bag for the car key.
动 dig/rake up (old stories)
- 过去的事就不要再兜翻了。 Don't dig up past things.
- 记者兜翻出关于这个恶棍的一些令人毛骨悚然的事。 Journalists have dug up some hair-raising facts about the gangster.
动 expose (a secret)
- 他们走私汽车牟取暴利的事被兜翻出来了。 Their highly profitable dealings in smuggled cars were exposed.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典