
企圖 企图
[qǐ tú]
to attempt
尝试 试图 试作 妄想 自杀 寻死 劝导 重整旗鼓 以卵击石 设法 缘木求鱼 问鼎轻重 一举成功 苟且偷安 一把抓 逐鹿中原 螳臂当车 跳轨 依样画葫芦 维新变法 戊戌变法 戊戌维新 百日维新 四一二事变 华北事变 戊戌政变 大跃进 黄泛区 张勋复辟
to try
尝试 审讯 试图 设法 试着 加大力度 试衣 加大努力 审判 试探 重试 努力 试玩 试行 亲测 攻心 揣摩 力图 耍滑 文攻武吓 查考 图存 求得 取悦 临门一脚
妄图 尝试 壮举 试图 试作 妄想 自杀 寻死 劝导 重整旗鼓 以卵击石 设法 人为 缘木求鱼 问鼎轻重 一举成功 苟且偷安 一把抓 一锤子买卖 逐鹿中原 螳臂当车 跳轨 依样画葫芦 维新变法 戊戌变法 戊戌维新 百日维新 四一二事变
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 〈常贬〉 attempt; try; seek:
- 企图推翻政府 seek to overthrow the government
- 企图掩盖事实 try to conceal the facts
- 敌军企图突围,但未得逞。 The enemy failed in their attempt to effect a breakthrough.
- 在这部作品中,作者企图表现的主题并不突出。 The theme which the author has intended to express in the book does not stand out.
II 名 〈常贬〉 attempt; try:
- 别有企图 have other intentions; have ulterior motives
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
图谋;打算 {seek to; attempt; intention}:
- 敌军逃跑的~没有得逞 {The enemy troops made a vain attempt at escaping.}
- 在这篇作品中,作者~表现的主题并不突出。 {This piece of creative writing failed to bring into focus the theme the author intended to portray.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
attempt; seek; try
- 企图东山再起 try/attempt to stage a comeback
- 企图谋害性命 make an attempt against sb's life; attempt sb's life
- 企图推翻政府 seek to overthrow the government
- 企图掩盖事实 attempt to conceal the facts
- 企图自杀 make an attempt at suicide; attempt to take one's own life
attempt; try
- 别有/另有企图 have an ulterior motive; have other intentions
- 挫败企图 foil/thwart/frustrate an attempt
- 放弃企图 abandon one's attempt (to do sth)
- 企图成了泡影 fail in one's attempt
- 自杀企图 suicide attempt
- 他的企图失败了。 His attempt proved an abortion.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
attempt; intend to; try; attempt; trial
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
attempt; compass; design; essay; offer; purpose; try-on
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
qǐ tú
- 囚犯企图组织越狱,但以失败告终。 The prisoners attempted to organize a jailbreak but ended in failure.
- 他企图做几乎不可能的事,不过他做成了。 He attempted to do the almost impossible and brought it off.
- 那位歇斯底里的妇女几次企图结束自己的生命以引起别人注意。 The hysterical woman attempted to kill herself several times in order to get attention.
- 一开始我们以为这次企图可能会失败,但最后我们还是成功了。 At first we felt that the attempt must have failed, but we finally succeeded.
- 敌军企图突围,但未得逞。 The enemy failed in his attempt to effect a breakthrough.
- 永远也别企图过河拆桥。 Never try to pull down the bridge after crossing the river.
- 她总是企图把他捏在手心里。 She always tries to get him in the palm of her hand.
- 你掩盖事实的企图是愚蠢的。 It is foolish for you to try to conceal the facts.
- 大获全胜的共和党企图跟民主党搞联合。 The Republican Party, now completely victorious, sought to consolidate the Democratic Party.
- 罪犯企图谋杀同伙灭口,但没有成功。 The criminal sought to kill his accomplice to keep his mouth shut but he failed.
- 在这部著作里,作者企图表现的主题并不突出。 The theme which the author has intended to bring forth in the book does not stand out.
- 本节的讨论并不企图对这个题目作无所不包的评述。 The discussion in this section is not intended to be an all-inclusive review of the subject.
- 我怀疑他是不是别有企图。 I doubt whether he has an ulterior motive.
- 审问他时,他隐瞒了作案的动机。 Being questioned, he concealed his motive for committing the crime.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典