調查 调查
[diào chá]
⇒ 调研 调查核实 刑侦 鉴证 本底调查 考察队 经查 政审 视察 普查 待考 经侦 突击检查 刑事局 特侦组 刑事警察局 专案组 立案侦查 极深研几 考察 联邦调查局 侦讯 深究 检警调 出访 取保候审 拔出萝卜带出泥
⇒ 询盘 咨询 查询 询价 拦柜 叮问 探访
to investigate
⇒ 廉 追究 勘验 调查核实 查究 核 查访 谉 侦查 查勘 按察 讨究 推寻 查探 调 辨证 考究 侦破 钩稽 查 查考 探讨 纠 一探究竟 勘测 勘 研考 审 辩证 探究 检察 审查 追
to survey
⇒ 探测 探勘 放眼 观察 测 勘探 观测 概观 观望 环顾 看看 勘察 勘测 勘 纵观 测绘 勘定 踏勘 眺望
⇒ 测量 概论 通论 探测 探勘 放眼 勘界 观察 测 巡测仪 勘探 面面观 普查 观测 概观 观望 环顾 纵览 看看 测量船 勘察 流调 勘测 勘 考察船 中国地质调查局 纵观 测绘 美国地质调查局
(opinion) poll
⇒ 民意测验 轮询 民调 人头税 出口调查 民意调查 票数 舆论调查
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 investigate; inquire into; look into; survey:
- 调查事故原因 investigate the cause of an accident
- 进一步调查某事 inquire further into a matter
- 调查表 questionnaire
- 调查会 fact-finding meeting
- 调查团 fact-finding mission
- 调查组 investigation team
- 调查报告 findings report
- 调查结果 findings
动 investigate; inquire into; look into; survey:
- 调查事故原因 investigate the cause of an accident
- 进一步调查某事 inquire further into a matter
- 调查表 questionnaire
- 调查会 fact-finding meeting
- 调查团 fact-finding mission
- 调查组 investigation team
- 调查报告 findings report
- 调查结果 findings
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
为了了解情况进行考察(多指到现场) {investigate; enquire into; look into; survey; (usu. on-the-spot) examine carefully to learn the facts}:
- ~事实真相 {probe into the truth of sth.}
- 没有~,就没有发言权 {No investigation, no right to speak.}
- 事情还没有~清楚,不能忙着处理。 {We should not handle this matter hastily without a thorough investigation.}
为了了解情况进行考察(多指到现场) {investigate; enquire into; look into; survey; (usu. on-the-spot) examine carefully to learn the facts}:
- ~事实真相 {probe into the truth of sth.}
- 没有~,就没有发言权 {No investigation, no right to speak.}
- 事情还没有~清楚,不能忙着处理。 {We should not handle this matter hastily without a thorough investigation.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 inquire/look into; investigate; survey
- 调查此事 inquire/look/probe into the matter; investigate the matter
- 调查事实 find out the fact; investigate into the fact
- 进行调查 conduct/do/make/take a survey; carry out/conduct/do/make an investigation; hold an inquiry
- 开展调查 launch an investigation (into sth)
- 有待调查 await investigation
- 着手调查 institute an enquiry into (sth)
- 调查工作 investigation (work)
- 彻底调查 investigate thoroughly
- 抽样调查 sampling survey
- 法庭调查 judicial inquiry (into)
- 全面调查 make a full investigation (into sth)
- 实地调查 field survey/investigation
- 市场调查 market survey
- 现场调查 on-the-spot investigation
- 刑事调查 criminal investigation
- 事故原因正在调查之中。 The cause of the accident is under investigation.
动 inquire/look into; investigate; survey
- 调查此事 inquire/look/probe into the matter; investigate the matter
- 调查事实 find out the fact; investigate into the fact
- 进行调查 conduct/do/make/take a survey; carry out/conduct/do/make an investigation; hold an inquiry
- 开展调查 launch an investigation (into sth)
- 有待调查 await investigation
- 着手调查 institute an enquiry into (sth)
- 调查工作 investigation (work)
- 彻底调查 investigate thoroughly
- 抽样调查 sampling survey
- 法庭调查 judicial inquiry (into)
- 全面调查 make a full investigation (into sth)
- 实地调查 field survey/investigation
- 市场调查 market survey
- 现场调查 on-the-spot investigation
- 刑事调查 criminal investigation
- 事故原因正在调查之中。 The cause of the accident is under investigation.
diàochá bàoɡào
名 investigation/research report
diàochá bàoɡào
名 investigation/research report
名 form of questionnaire; inquiry schedule; questionnaire
名 form of questionnaire; inquiry schedule; questionnaire
diàochá chénɡxù
名 inquiry procedure
diàochá chénɡxù
名 inquiry procedure
diàochá fǎtínɡ
名 court of inquiry
diàochá fǎtínɡ
名 court of inquiry
diàochá fànwéi
名 field of investigation
diàochá fànwéi
名 field of investigation
diàochá jìlù
名 record of investigation
diàochá jìlù
名 record of investigation
diàochá jiéɡuǒ
名 findings
diàochá jiéɡuǒ
名 findings
名 writ of inquiry
名 writ of inquiry
名 inquirer; investigator
名 inquirer; investigator
名 investigation group; fact-finding mission
名 investigation group; fact-finding mission
diàochá wěituōshū
名 rogatory letter
diàochá wěituōshū
名 rogatory letter
diàochá wěiyuánhuì
名 fact-finding board; board of investigation/inquiry; inquiry commission; commission of inquiry/investigation; investigation committee
diàochá wěiyuánhuì
名 fact-finding board; board of investigation/inquiry; inquiry commission; commission of inquiry/investigation; investigation committee
名 investigation team; fact-finding panel
名 investigation team; fact-finding panel
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
inspect;investigate;look into;probe;search;sit on;survey;inquest;inquiry; inquisition; inspection; investigation; research; search; screening; survey;fact-finding;investigative; investigatory
inspect;investigate;look into;probe;search;sit on;survey;inquest;inquiry; inquisition; inspection; investigation; research; search; screening; survey;fact-finding;investigative; investigatory
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
indagate; inquiry; inquisition; investigate; research; survey
indagate; inquiry; inquisition; investigate; research; survey
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
diào chá
look into,常用语,侧重审视、观察,含义较广,包括大小事件的调查。
- 这件事替我调查一下,你不会在意吧? Perhaps you would not mind looking into it for me?
- 我们一起来调查这件事。 We will look into this matter together.
- 警方正在调查她的来历。 The police are looking into her background.
- 你的申诉正在调查。 Your complaint is being looked into.
- 全国正在调查人口问题。 The population problem is being looked into all over the country.
- 警方正在调查与诈骗案有关人员的档案。 The police are looking into the records of all those involved in the swindle.
inquire into, make an inquiry,指一般的调查,侧重询问、打听。
- 我们决定彻底调查这一事件。 We decided to inquire thoroughly into the matter.
- 我们应该更加深入地调查这一事件。 We must inquire much deeply into the affair.
- 警方正在调查她的来历。 The police are inquiring into her background.
- 必须调查案情的是非曲直才能做出决定。 One must inquire into the merits of a case before deciding upon it.
- 卫生部门对麻疹这种流行病的传播作了调查。 The health department made an inquiry about the spreading epidemic of measles.
- 市卫生局对抽烟引起的疾病进行了调查。 The public health bureau of the city made an inquiry into the diseases caused by smoking.
investigate, make an investigation,正式用语,侧重有条理的重要的全面调查,旨在了解情况,弄清事实。
- 我国政府已开始调查此案。 Our government has begun to investigate the case.
- 警方正在调查死因。 The police are investigating the cause of death.
- 已成立特别小组调查边境事件。 A special group has been set up to investigate the border incident.
- 去年暑假许多大学生都下乡作社会调查。 During last summer vacation many college students went to the countryside to make a social investigation.
- 法院对罪犯进行了全面调查。 The court made a full investigation of the criminals.
- 警方调查了作案现场。 The police surveyed the scene of the crime.
- 咱们全面调查一下引起作案的一系列事件吧。 Let's survey the events leading up to the crime.
diào chá
look into,常用语,侧重审视、观察,含义较广,包括大小事件的调查。
- 这件事替我调查一下,你不会在意吧? Perhaps you would not mind looking into it for me?
- 我们一起来调查这件事。 We will look into this matter together.
- 警方正在调查她的来历。 The police are looking into her background.
- 你的申诉正在调查。 Your complaint is being looked into.
- 全国正在调查人口问题。 The population problem is being looked into all over the country.
- 警方正在调查与诈骗案有关人员的档案。 The police are looking into the records of all those involved in the swindle.
inquire into, make an inquiry,指一般的调查,侧重询问、打听。
- 我们决定彻底调查这一事件。 We decided to inquire thoroughly into the matter.
- 我们应该更加深入地调查这一事件。 We must inquire much deeply into the affair.
- 警方正在调查她的来历。 The police are inquiring into her background.
- 必须调查案情的是非曲直才能做出决定。 One must inquire into the merits of a case before deciding upon it.
- 卫生部门对麻疹这种流行病的传播作了调查。 The health department made an inquiry about the spreading epidemic of measles.
- 市卫生局对抽烟引起的疾病进行了调查。 The public health bureau of the city made an inquiry into the diseases caused by smoking.
investigate, make an investigation,正式用语,侧重有条理的重要的全面调查,旨在了解情况,弄清事实。
- 我国政府已开始调查此案。 Our government has begun to investigate the case.
- 警方正在调查死因。 The police are investigating the cause of death.
- 已成立特别小组调查边境事件。 A special group has been set up to investigate the border incident.
- 去年暑假许多大学生都下乡作社会调查。 During last summer vacation many college students went to the countryside to make a social investigation.
- 法院对罪犯进行了全面调查。 The court made a full investigation of the criminals.
- 警方调查了作案现场。 The police surveyed the scene of the crime.
- 咱们全面调查一下引起作案的一系列事件吧。 Let's survey the events leading up to the crime.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典