觀察 观察
to observe; to watch; to survey
⇒ 觇 占 遵 看在眼里 守 察 一睹 持守 观测 探察 体察 睹 观 尊从 忧 恪遵 静默 守寡 临视 细察 考察 拜祭 临眺 观摩 越礼 看准 居丧 克己复礼 审度 守职 守丧 守孝 收看 察看 观看 伺 看 候 观赏 㗂 密切注视 看护 迫视 望风 追剧 把风 看顾 追 看守 放哨 守候 坐镇 守望 盯 逼视 提神 干瞪眼 看戏 收视 注视 刷剧 探测 探勘 放眼 调查 测 勘探 概观 观望 环顾 看看 勘察 勘测 勘 纵观 测绘 勘定 踏勘 眺望
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 observe; watch; survey:
- 观察地形 survey the terrain
- 观察动静 watch what is going on
- 这个病人需要住院观察。 This patient should be hospitalized for observation.
- 观察机 observation aircraft
- 观察家 observer (a pseudonym for a political commentator)
- 观察哨 【军】 observation sentry (or outpost)
- 观察所 【军】 observation post
- 观察仪 (also观察器) observer
- 观察员 diplomatic observer (who can speak, but not vote)
- 观察病房 observation (or probationary) ward
- 观察光学 viewing optics
- 观察卫星 observation satellite
- 观察误差 malobservation; observation (or observational) error
动 observe; watch; survey:
- 观察地形 survey the terrain
- 观察动静 watch what is going on
- 这个病人需要住院观察。 This patient should be hospitalized for observation.
- 观察机 observation aircraft
- 观察家 observer (a pseudonym for a political commentator)
- 观察哨 【军】 observation sentry (or outpost)
- 观察所 【军】 observation post
- 观察仪 (also观察器) observer
- 观察员 diplomatic observer (who can speak, but not vote)
- 观察病房 observation (or probationary) ward
- 观察光学 viewing optics
- 观察卫星 observation satellite
- 观察误差 malobservation; observation (or observational) error
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 物理学→物理学通类
【所属学科】 物理学→物理学通类
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 自然辩证法→科学哲学→科学哲学总论
【所属学科】 自然辩证法→科学哲学→科学哲学总论
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
仔细察看(事物或现象) {observe carefully; watch; survey}:
- ~地形 {survey the terrain}
- ~动静 {watch what is going on}
- ~问题。 {look into a problem; study a problem}
仔细察看(事物或现象) {observe carefully; watch; survey}:
- ~地形 {survey the terrain}
- ~动静 {watch what is going on}
- ~问题。 {look into a problem; study a problem}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 observe; watch; examine
- 观察蚂蚁的习性 observe the habits of ants
- 观察动静 watch what is going on
- 观察孩子的反应 observe the reaction of the children
- 住院观察 be hospitalized for observation
- 联合国观察部队 UN observer force
- 这些问题有待观察研究。 These questions await more careful observation and study.
- 只要你留心观察,就会发现别人注意不到的东西。 You will find things that others fail to notice as long as you are observant.
动 observe; watch; examine
- 观察蚂蚁的习性 observe the habits of ants
- 观察动静 watch what is going on
- 观察孩子的反应 observe the reaction of the children
- 住院观察 be hospitalized for observation
- 联合国观察部队 UN observer force
- 这些问题有待观察研究。 These questions await more careful observation and study.
- 只要你留心观察,就会发现别人注意不到的东西。 You will find things that others fail to notice as long as you are observant.
名 viewport
名 viewport
名 observation aircraft
名 observation aircraft
名 observer
- 政治观察家 political observer
名 observer
- 政治观察家 political observer
名 period under observation
名 period under observation
名 sentry; observation post
名 sentry; observation post
名 <军事> observation post
名 <军事> observation post
名 observer
- 官方观察员 official observer
- 军事观察员 military observer
名 observer
- 官方观察员 official observer
- 军事观察员 military observer
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
be observed; espial; look into; look-in; observe; take stock of
be observed; espial; look into; look-in; observe; take stock of
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
guān chá
- 我小时候可以蹲上几个小时,观察蚂蚁的一举一动。 When I was a boy I could squat for hours to watch every move of ants.
- 参观者在这里可以通过一台130毫米的折射望远镜观察天象。 Here visitors can watch the sky through 130 mm reflecting telescope.
- 火山学家们一直在观察喷发的迹象,一天有好几次。 The volcanologists have been watching signs of eruption several times per day.
- 这时候,他开始观察到一种奇怪的现象。 Then he began to observe a curious phenomenon.
- 如果你观察鸟类的习性,你会发现鸟类在高兴与恐惧时是截然不同的。 If you observe the behavior of birds, you'll find it's quite different when they are in joy or in fear.
- 病人每次服用一种新药后医生都要观察药物对病人的效应。 Every time after patients take a new kind of medicine the doctor will observe its effect on them.有时,observe还可表示观察能力。
- 他观察敏锐,但很少说话。 He observes keenly but says very little.
examine,原意为observe closely,因此常指细致入微的观察。
- 指挥员用望远镜观察敌人的阵地。 The commander examined the enemy position through telescope.
- 我们在决定购买以前,对整幢房屋,从地窖到顶楼都做了观察。 We examined the whole house from cellar to attic before deciding to purchase it.
- 人们总是根据自己的经验来观察问题、解决问题的。 People always examine and handle problems in the light of their own experience.
- 的确,马克思主义应该是作家观察和认知现实世界的方法。 Indeed, Marxism must be the writer's way of perceiving and knowing the real world.
- 一个婴儿远在他能把物体当作特定的人和物来观察以前就见到这些物体了。 An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive them as definite persons and things.
- 只有艺术家才能观察到画中细微的色调。 Only an artist could perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
- 战前,指挥员陪着将军观察了地形。 The commanders accompanied the general surveying the terrain before the battle.
- 我们在采取任何步骤之前应正确观察当前的形势。 We have to correctly survey the current situation before we can take any steps.
- 我们可以从山顶观察全城。 We can survey the city from the top of the mountain.
- 有段时期,我曾相当仔细地观察过他。 I studied him pretty closely at one time.
- 专家们观察了这幅油画,都认为是件赝品。 The experts studied the oil painting and decided it was a forgery.
- 用阶级分析的方法去观察问题和解决问题,难道永远是对的吗? Can it be always correct to study and solve every problem with the method of class analysis?
guān chá
- 我小时候可以蹲上几个小时,观察蚂蚁的一举一动。 When I was a boy I could squat for hours to watch every move of ants.
- 参观者在这里可以通过一台130毫米的折射望远镜观察天象。 Here visitors can watch the sky through 130 mm reflecting telescope.
- 火山学家们一直在观察喷发的迹象,一天有好几次。 The volcanologists have been watching signs of eruption several times per day.
- 这时候,他开始观察到一种奇怪的现象。 Then he began to observe a curious phenomenon.
- 如果你观察鸟类的习性,你会发现鸟类在高兴与恐惧时是截然不同的。 If you observe the behavior of birds, you'll find it's quite different when they are in joy or in fear.
- 病人每次服用一种新药后医生都要观察药物对病人的效应。 Every time after patients take a new kind of medicine the doctor will observe its effect on them.有时,observe还可表示观察能力。
- 他观察敏锐,但很少说话。 He observes keenly but says very little.
examine,原意为observe closely,因此常指细致入微的观察。
- 指挥员用望远镜观察敌人的阵地。 The commander examined the enemy position through telescope.
- 我们在决定购买以前,对整幢房屋,从地窖到顶楼都做了观察。 We examined the whole house from cellar to attic before deciding to purchase it.
- 人们总是根据自己的经验来观察问题、解决问题的。 People always examine and handle problems in the light of their own experience.
- 的确,马克思主义应该是作家观察和认知现实世界的方法。 Indeed, Marxism must be the writer's way of perceiving and knowing the real world.
- 一个婴儿远在他能把物体当作特定的人和物来观察以前就见到这些物体了。 An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive them as definite persons and things.
- 只有艺术家才能观察到画中细微的色调。 Only an artist could perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
- 战前,指挥员陪着将军观察了地形。 The commanders accompanied the general surveying the terrain before the battle.
- 我们在采取任何步骤之前应正确观察当前的形势。 We have to correctly survey the current situation before we can take any steps.
- 我们可以从山顶观察全城。 We can survey the city from the top of the mountain.
- 有段时期,我曾相当仔细地观察过他。 I studied him pretty closely at one time.
- 专家们观察了这幅油画,都认为是件赝品。 The experts studied the oil painting and decided it was a forgery.
- 用阶级分析的方法去观察问题和解决问题,难道永远是对的吗? Can it be always correct to study and solve every problem with the method of class analysis?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典