
[kǎo chá]
to inspect
监督 验核 检查 检验 检察 核查 检视 省视 排查 视察 巡视 点查 检阅 清查 商检 自查 私行 洞鉴 查房 踏勘 研考 检票 验收 查帐 检讨 验证
to observe and study
on-the-spot investigation
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   inspect; make an on-the-spot investigation; investigate:
- 考察地形 investigate the terrain
- 考察群众情绪 watch the mood of the masses
- 出国考察 go abroad on a tour of investigation
- 科学考察 scientific investigation
2   observe and study:
- 考察任命 appointment after observation
- 在日常工作中考察和识别干部 test and judge cadres in day-to-day work
- 考察团 investigation (or observation) group
- 考察组 study group
- 考察报告 trip report
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 实地观察调查 {inspect; make an on-the-spot investigation}:
- 他们到各地~水利工程。 {They went on a fact-finding tour of water conservancy projects in various places.}
2. 细致深刻地观察 {observe and study}:
- 进行科学研究工作,必须勤于~和思索,才能有成就。 {Only by diligent study and deliberation can you amount to something in scientific research.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
inspect; make an on-the-spot investigation
- 考察地形 investigate the terrain
- 考察水利工程 inspect a water conservancy project
- 进行考察 carry out inspection
- 出国考察 go abroad on a tour of investigation; go abroad on a study tour
- 实地考察 make an on-the-scene investigation
- 巡回考察 make a circuit of inspection
- 科学考察 scientific investigation
observe and study
- 考察和识别干部 test and judge government officials
- 他在提升之前经过了严格的考察。 He has undergone a stiff examination before promotion.
kǎochá bàogào
inspection report; report on an investigation
- 农民运动考察报告 inspection report on the peasant movement
investigation/observation/study group; exploratory mission; inspection team
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
review; seeing about
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
kǎo chá
inspect, inspection,指检查性质的考察。
- 政府官员考察了当地的工厂和矿山。 Government officials inspected the local factories and mines.
- 昨天有人来我校考察。 Someone came to inspect our school yesterday.
- 代表团对医院和学校作了考察。 The delegation made an inspection of hospitals and schools.
investigate, investigation,指调查性质的考察。
- 地质勘探队到达后立即开始考察工地的地形。 On arriving, the geological prospecting team began at once to investigate the terrain of the construction site.
- 考察团考察了当地的水利工程。 An observation group has investigated the local water conservancy projects.
- 领导干部退休前照例要出国考察。 As a rule, leading cadres go abroad on a tour of investigation before they are retired.
- 一个人在选择职业时应对自己的性情有所考察。 In choosing a profession one must study his temperament.
- 代表团去美国考察工业。 The delegation went to the U.S.A. to study the conditions of industry.
- 他写的这本书是考察蜜蜂习性的成果。 The book he has written is the fruit of the study of the habits of bees.
- 你不会在意我对你的考察吧? You won't mind my testing you, will you?
- 我们一般都是在日常工作中考察和识别干部的。 Usually we test and judge cadres in day-to-day work.
- 我们进行了一系列的考察,但现在还不能肯定他的问题出在哪里。 We have run a number of tests but are not yet sure what is wrong with him.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典