讓步 让步
[ràng bù]
to concede
⇒ 牵就 认输 服输 退让 承认 不服气 甘拜下风 伏 让球 争持 下风
to give in
⇒ 就范 低头 偃旗息鼓 服软 徇 报以 争持 施舍 不服 回赠 回敬 下风 辍耕 疏财重义 跨刀 援助交际
to yield
⇒ 滋长 听任 出 低头 让 屈从 退后 屈服 松口 降服 弃守 屈挠 避让 让位 诎 挠 出产 迁就 俯就 礼让 到期收益率 收效 服硬 开花结果 比威力 互让 寸步不让 出息 不遑多让 半推半就 推贤让能 精诚所至,金石为开
a concession
⇒ 容让 让利 退步 租界 巡捕房
(linguistics) concessive
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 make a concession; give in; give way; yield:
- 各让步一步 meet each other halfway
- 作出必要的让步 make necessary concessions
- 不向无理要求让步 not yield to any unreasonable demand
- 我已经让了一大步,还要我怎么样? I've already given in this far. What more could you want of me?
动 make a concession; give in; give way; yield:
- 各让步一步 meet each other halfway
- 作出必要的让步 make necessary concessions
- 不向无理要求让步 not yield to any unreasonable demand
- 我已经让了一大步,还要我怎么样? I've already given in this far. What more could you want of me?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
ràng∥bù在争执中部分地或全部地放弃自己的意见或利益 {concede; give in; yield; give up one's own opinion or interest partially or entirely in an argument}:
- 相互~ {make mutual concessions}
- 在原则问题上决不~。 {Never make concessions on matters of principle.}
ràng∥bù在争执中部分地或全部地放弃自己的意见或利益 {concede; give in; yield; give up one's own opinion or interest partially or entirely in an argument}:
- 相互~ {make mutual concessions}
- 在原则问题上决不~。 {Never make concessions on matters of principle.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 compromise; make a concession (to); give in; give way (to sb/sth); yield (to sb/sth)
- 不肯让步 be unwilling to make concessions
- 拒绝让步 refuse to give any ground
- 作出最大限度的让步 make the greatest/maximum concessions (to sb)
- 向舆论让步 yield to public opinion
- 向某人的要求让步 give way/concede to sb's demand
- 在次要问题上让步 compromise on lesser questions
- 在价格上让步 make a concession in price
- 在原则问题上不让步 not budge on issues of principle; not compromise one's principles
- 当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象。 The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapper's demands.
- 要解决争执,双方就要互相让步。 If the dispute is to be solved, there must be some give and take.
动 compromise; make a concession (to); give in; give way (to sb/sth); yield (to sb/sth)
- 不肯让步 be unwilling to make concessions
- 拒绝让步 refuse to give any ground
- 作出最大限度的让步 make the greatest/maximum concessions (to sb)
- 向舆论让步 yield to public opinion
- 向某人的要求让步 give way/concede to sb's demand
- 在次要问题上让步 compromise on lesser questions
- 在价格上让步 make a concession in price
- 在原则问题上不让步 not budge on issues of principle; not compromise one's principles
- 当局对绑架者的要求丝毫没有让步的迹象。 The authorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnapper's demands.
- 要解决争执,双方就要互相让步。 If the dispute is to be solved, there must be some give and take.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cede; give way; make a concession; yield; cession; concession
cede; give way; make a concession; yield; cession; concession
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
come to terms; concede to; concession; give in; yield
come to terms; concede to; concession; give in; yield
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
ràng bù
- 公司答应增加我们的工资是对工会的一次让步。 The company's promise to increase our pay was a concession to the trade union.
- 由于双方互相让步,问题解决了。 The matter was settled because both sides made mutual concession.
yield to,指因屈服而让步。
- 我们决不向无理要求让步。 We'll never yield to any unreasonable demand.
- 他们可不是向威胁让步的那种人。 They are not the kind of people to yield to threat.
give way, give in,口头用语,说法比较随便,没有上面两个词正式,均指因退让而让步。
- 他可能会设法威胁你顺着他的意思来,但你不能让步。 He will probably try to bully you into complying, but you mustn't give way (give in)to him.
- 我们一直请求妈妈让我们去看电影,她最后让步了。 We kept asking our mother if we could go to the movies and she finally gave way (gave in).
- 我一直让王教授留下来吃饭,他终于让步了。 I kept inviting Professor Wang to stay for dinner, and he finally gave in (gave way).
ràng bù
- 公司答应增加我们的工资是对工会的一次让步。 The company's promise to increase our pay was a concession to the trade union.
- 由于双方互相让步,问题解决了。 The matter was settled because both sides made mutual concession.
yield to,指因屈服而让步。
- 我们决不向无理要求让步。 We'll never yield to any unreasonable demand.
- 他们可不是向威胁让步的那种人。 They are not the kind of people to yield to threat.
give way, give in,口头用语,说法比较随便,没有上面两个词正式,均指因退让而让步。
- 他可能会设法威胁你顺着他的意思来,但你不能让步。 He will probably try to bully you into complying, but you mustn't give way (give in)to him.
- 我们一直请求妈妈让我们去看电影,她最后让步了。 We kept asking our mother if we could go to the movies and she finally gave way (gave in).
- 我一直让王教授留下来吃饭,他终于让步了。 I kept inviting Professor Wang to stay for dinner, and he finally gave in (gave way).
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典