禮讓 礼让
[lǐ ràng]
to show consideration for (others)
to yield to (another vehicle etc)
⇒ 滋长 听任 出 低头 让 让步 屈从 退后 屈服 松口 降服 弃守 屈挠 避让 让位 诎 挠 出产 迁就 俯就 到期收益率 收效 服硬 开花结果 比威力 互让 寸步不让 出息 不遑多让 推贤让能 半推半就 随波逊流
⇒ 礼貌 礼遇 礼 台甫 爱心伞 表字 礼多人不怪 答礼 拜 班荆相对 中山 关云长 仲尼 林琴南 孔明 字 见外 希仁 赵子龙 孔融让梨
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 give precedence to sb. out of courtesy or thoughtfulness:
- 礼让老人 show priority to senior citizens
- 国际礼让 the comity of nations
- 中速行驶,安全礼让。 Drive at moderate speed; yield right of way for safety's sake.
动 give precedence to sb. out of courtesy or thoughtfulness:
- 礼让老人 show priority to senior citizens
- 国际礼让 the comity of nations
- 中速行驶,安全礼让。 Drive at moderate speed; yield right of way for safety's sake.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
表示礼貌的谦让 {give priority to a person out of courtesy or consideration}:
- 互相~ {give each other the right of way politely}
- 在人行横道处,机动车应~行人。 {Motor vehicles are advised to make way for pedestrians at the crossings.}
表示礼貌的谦让 {give priority to a person out of courtesy or consideration}:
- 互相~ {give each other the right of way politely}
- 在人行横道处,机动车应~行人。 {Motor vehicles are advised to make way for pedestrians at the crossings.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 give precedence to sb out of courtesy/politeness; practise comity; give up sth for the sake of courtesy
- 礼让老人 give priority to senior citizens
- 国际礼让 comity of nations
- 中速行驶,安全礼让。 Drive at a moderate speed and yield/cede right of way for safety's sake.
动 give precedence to sb out of courtesy/politeness; practise comity; give up sth for the sake of courtesy
- 礼让老人 give priority to senior citizens
- 国际礼让 comity of nations
- 中速行驶,安全礼让。 Drive at a moderate speed and yield/cede right of way for safety's sake.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
comity; courtliness
comity; courtliness
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典