彎 弯
to bend
⇒ 挠曲 折 揻 弯折 弓 戾 抈 匽 诎 弯曲 拳曲 掰弯 窝 翘棱 翘曲 哈腰 挫 锩 俯身 扑 毛腰 鞠躬 猫腰 探身子 侧耳 捥 打擦边球 弯道超车 弓腰 屈体 折腰 随风倒
⇒ 枸 屈 踠 乙 曲 骫 觩 厔 曲棍 一心一意 居心 死心塌地 唯利是图 剑拔弩张 乙状结肠 曲肱而枕
a bend; a turn (in a road etc)
⇒ 汀曲 乪 转角 弯道超车 渨 鞠躬尽瘁 鞠躬尽力 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 人情 拐弯 翻跟斗 翻篇儿 打跟头 翻跟头 拉磨 拐角 翻筋斗 出漏子 反手 听而不闻 回车 急转弯 帮忙 转机 化蛹 睁一只眼闭一只眼 翻桌 成灾 充耳不闻 起色 反脸无情 睁一眼闭一眼 转面无情 睁只眼闭只眼 调转 悔过自新 脱骨换胎 坐视无睹 脱胎换骨
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 (弯儿) turn; curve; bend:
- 这胡同有个弯儿。 There's a curve in the lane.
II 动 bend; flex:
- 弯着腰插秧 bend over to transplant rice 弯弓
III 形 curved; tortuous; crooked:
- 弯弯的小路 winding path
- 累累的果实把树枝都压弯了。 Clusters of fruit weighed the branches down.
IV 量 [for sth. curved, such as the moon, etc. ]:
- 一弯新月 a crescent moon
I 名 (弯儿) turn; curve; bend:
- 这胡同有个弯儿。 There's a curve in the lane.
II 动 bend; flex:
- 弯着腰插秧 bend over to transplant rice 弯弓
III 形 curved; tortuous; crooked:
- 弯弯的小路 winding path
- 累累的果实把树枝都压弯了。 Clusters of fruit weighed the branches down.
IV 量 [for sth. curved, such as the moon, etc. ]:
- 一弯新月 a crescent moon
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 弯曲 {curl; curve; winding}:
- ~路 {winding road}
- 树枝都被雪压~了。 {The branches were weighted down by the snow.}
2. 使弯曲 {bend}:
- ~腰 {bend one's waist}
- ~着身子。 {(of one's body) bend over}
3. (~ㄦ {wānr})弯子 {turn; wind}:
- 转~抹角 {full of twists and turns; beat about the bush}
- 这根竹竿有个~ㄦ。 {There is a bend in the bamboo pole.}
4. 〈书 fml.〉拉(弓)。 {pull (a bow)}
1. 弯曲 {curl; curve; winding}:
- ~路 {winding road}
- 树枝都被雪压~了。 {The branches were weighted down by the snow.}
2. 使弯曲 {bend}:
- ~腰 {bend one's waist}
- ~着身子。 {(of one's body) bend over}
3. (~ㄦ {wānr})弯子 {turn; wind}:
- 转~抹角 {full of twists and turns; beat about the bush}
- 这根竹竿有个~ㄦ。 {There is a bend in the bamboo pole.}
4. 〈书 fml.〉拉(弓)。 {pull (a bow)}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 curved; tortuous; crooked
- 弯弯的眉毛 curved brows
- 弯弯的月亮 crescent moon
- 厚厚的积雪把树枝都压弯了。 The branches are weighed down by a heavy layer of snow.
动 bend; flex
- 弯下身子 bend over
- 把金属线弯成环状 bend a wire into a loop
- 他的背弯得厉害。 He has a serious stoop.
名 turn; curve; bend
- 拐弯儿 turn a corner
- 绕一个大弯儿 make a long turn
- 急拐弯 abrupt/sudden/sharp curve
- 跑道转弯处 bend of a race course
量 [used for sth curved]
- 一弯新月 a crescent moon
形 curved; tortuous; crooked
- 弯弯的眉毛 curved brows
- 弯弯的月亮 crescent moon
- 厚厚的积雪把树枝都压弯了。 The branches are weighed down by a heavy layer of snow.
动 bend; flex
- 弯下身子 bend over
- 把金属线弯成环状 bend a wire into a loop
- 他的背弯得厉害。 He has a serious stoop.
名 turn; curve; bend
- 拐弯儿 turn a corner
- 绕一个大弯儿 make a long turn
- 急拐弯 abrupt/sudden/sharp curve
- 跑道转弯处 bend of a race course
量 [used for sth curved]
- 一弯新月 a crescent moon
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
bend; curve; flex; ply
bend; curve; flex; ply
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
- 他的嘴都笑弯了。 His lips were curved in a smile.
- 他把钢筋弯成了弧形。 He curved the bars in an arch.
- 她没料到路上突然有个弯道。 She had not anticipated the sudden curve along the road.
- 相对论认为所有直线实际上都是弯的。 The theory of relativity has it that all straight lines are really curved.
bend, 指有角度的弯曲。
- 这些钢管安装前要弯成所需的角度。 Bend the pipes at the angle as required before they are installed.
- 护士弯下身子,吻了吻那个病孩。 The nurse bent down and kissed the sick child.
- 这硬币弯了,塞不进电话的硬币槽里。 The coin is bent and doesn't 6t into the slot of the telephone.
- 她弯身进了汽车。 She was bowed into the car.
- 这里常刮西风,树都弯向东面。 The west wind that prevails here bows all trees towards the east.
- 树枝都被雪压弯了。 The branches were bowed down with the weight of the snow.
- 那男孩把铁丝弯成一个星形。 The boy twisted the wire into the shape of a star.
- 她的嘴角弯下来,似乎要哭了。 Her mouth twisted at the comer as though she was going to cry.
- 那条羊肠小道在岩石中弯来弯去。 The narrow trail twists in and out among the rocks.
- 他朝我弯弯手指,招呼我过去。 He crooked his finger at me to tell me to come over.
- 小溪弯弯曲曲地流过谷地。 The stream crooks through the valley.
- 他的家在弯街。 His house is in Crooked Street.
- 他的嘴都笑弯了。 His lips were curved in a smile.
- 他把钢筋弯成了弧形。 He curved the bars in an arch.
- 她没料到路上突然有个弯道。 She had not anticipated the sudden curve along the road.
- 相对论认为所有直线实际上都是弯的。 The theory of relativity has it that all straight lines are really curved.
bend, 指有角度的弯曲。
- 这些钢管安装前要弯成所需的角度。 Bend the pipes at the angle as required before they are installed.
- 护士弯下身子,吻了吻那个病孩。 The nurse bent down and kissed the sick child.
- 这硬币弯了,塞不进电话的硬币槽里。 The coin is bent and doesn't 6t into the slot of the telephone.
- 她弯身进了汽车。 She was bowed into the car.
- 这里常刮西风,树都弯向东面。 The west wind that prevails here bows all trees towards the east.
- 树枝都被雪压弯了。 The branches were bowed down with the weight of the snow.
- 那男孩把铁丝弯成一个星形。 The boy twisted the wire into the shape of a star.
- 她的嘴角弯下来,似乎要哭了。 Her mouth twisted at the comer as though she was going to cry.
- 那条羊肠小道在岩石中弯来弯去。 The narrow trail twists in and out among the rocks.
- 他朝我弯弯手指,招呼我过去。 He crooked his finger at me to tell me to come over.
- 小溪弯弯曲曲地流过谷地。 The stream crooks through the valley.
- 他的家在弯街。 His house is in Crooked Street.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典