
surname Gong
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

a bow (weapon)
弓状 舰首 船头 收山 彀中 杯弓蛇影 惊弓之鸟 上弦
to bend
挠曲 弯折 弯曲 拳曲 掰弯 翘棱 翘曲 哈腰 俯身 毛腰 鞠躬 猫腰 探身子 侧耳 打擦边球 弯道超车 弓腰 屈体 折腰 随风倒
to arch (one's back etc)
弓背 挺腰 打挺儿 赵州桥
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 名
1   (also 步弓) bow:
- 弓弩 bow and crossbow
2   (弓儿) anything bow-shaped:
- 弹棉花用的绷弓儿 bow used to tease cotton
3   〈旧〉 wooden land-measuring tool
II 量 〈旧〉 gong (unit of length for measuring land, equal to five chi (尺))
III 动 bend; arch; bow:
- 弓背 arch one's back; bend low
- 弓腰 bend over (or down)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 射箭或发弹丸的器械,在近似弧形的有弹性的木条两端之间系着坚韧的弦,拉开弦后,猛然放手,借弦和弓背的弹力把箭或弹丸射出 {bow; apparatus for shooting arrows or balls, with taut string fastened between two ends of a flexible arched strip of wood, operated by pulling back the string and letting it go suddenly, so the arrow or ball is shot off with the power of the string and the arching of the bow}:
- ~箭 {bow and arrow}
- 弹~ {catapult}
- 左右开~。 {shoot first with one hand, then with the other; hit with both hands}
2. (~ㄦ {gōngr})弓子 {sth. bow-shaped}:
- 弹棉花的绷~ㄦ。 {bow used to tease cotton}
3. 丈量地亩的器具,用木头制成,形状略像弓,两端的距离是5尺。 {gong; wooden land-measuring divider, bow-shaped, the length between the two ends equal to five chi;}也叫 also: 步弓 {bùgōng}。
4. 〈旧时 old〉丈量地亩的计算单位,1弓等于5尺。 {unit of length for measuring land, equal to five chi}
5. 使弯曲 {bend; arch; bow}:
- ~背 {arch one's back}
- ~着腰 {bend one's waist}
- ~着腿坐着。 {sitting with arched legs}
6. (Gōng)姓。 {a surname}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

- 一张弓 a bow
- 拉弓 draw a bow
- 反曲弓 recurve bow
- 复合弓 compound bow
- 强弓 heavy bow
anything bow-shaped
gong [a bow-shaped wooden measure for land]
gong [a unit of measure for land, equal to five chi 尺]
bow; arch; bend
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典