玅 妙
variant of 妙[miào]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
⇒ 小聪明 伶俐 机灵 聪明伶俐 颖 㑩 𫍽 乖 俐 惺惺 㑇 妙趣 心灵手巧 灵通 灵利 玲珑 快 灵妙 猴儿精 乖觉 乖巧 巧妙 别具匠心 灵敏 有心眼 聪明 聪 慜 撇步 詊 珠玉 灵机
⇒ 美妙 真棒 姶 精彩 佳妙 拍案惊奇 够意思 俱佳 棒 奇 胜 再好不过 奇妙 灵妙 奇景 胜景 拍案叫绝 奇丽 珍馐美味 美事 古里古怪 珍馐美馔 花好月圆 空谷足音 妙不可言 神机妙算 奇思妙想 拍案
⇒ 小聪明 伶俐 机灵 聪明伶俐 颖 㑩 𫍽 乖 俐 惺惺 㑇 妙趣 心灵手巧 灵通 灵利 玲珑 快 灵妙 猴儿精 乖觉 乖巧 巧妙 别具匠心 灵敏 有心眼 聪明 聪 慜 撇步 詊 珠玉 灵机
⇒ 美妙 真棒 姶 精彩 佳妙 拍案惊奇 够意思 俱佳 棒 奇 胜 再好不过 奇妙 灵妙 奇景 胜景 拍案叫绝 奇丽 珍馐美味 美事 古里古怪 珍馐美馔 花好月圆 空谷足音 妙不可言 神机妙算 奇思妙想 拍案
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 wonderful; excellent; fine:
- 妙极了! Wonderful! Amazing!
- 这主意真妙。 That's an excellent idea. or What a good idea!
2 ingenious; clever; subtle:
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
- 他回答得很妙。 He gave a clever answer. or His answer was adroit.
1 wonderful; excellent; fine:
- 妙极了! Wonderful! Amazing!
- 这主意真妙。 That's an excellent idea. or What a good idea!
2 ingenious; clever; subtle:
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
- 他回答得很妙。 He gave a clever answer. or His answer was adroit.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 好;美妙 {wonderful; excellent; fine}:
- ~品 {fine-quality goods; excellent goods; fine work of art; exquisite work}
- ~境 {wonderland; dreamland}
- ~不可言 {wonderful beyond description; too good for description}
- 这个办法真~。 {That's an excellent way (or approach).}
2. 神奇;巧妙;奥妙 {ingenious; clever; subtle}:
- ~计 {excellent idea; clever idea; brilliant idea; good idea}
- ~策 {brilliant idea; good plan; wonderful scheme}
- ~用 {wonderful effect; good effect; magic effect}
- ~算 {clever idea; wonderful scheme; excellent plan}
- ~诀 {knack; secret formula; clever way of doing sth.}
- ~手回春 {magic cure; effective cure brings the dying back to life; effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life}
- 莫名其~。 {baffling; mysterious; for no apparent reason}€+7
1. 好;美妙 {wonderful; excellent; fine}:
- ~品 {fine-quality goods; excellent goods; fine work of art; exquisite work}
- ~境 {wonderland; dreamland}
- ~不可言 {wonderful beyond description; too good for description}
- 这个办法真~。 {That's an excellent way (or approach).}
2. 神奇;巧妙;奥妙 {ingenious; clever; subtle}:
- ~计 {excellent idea; clever idea; brilliant idea; good idea}
- ~策 {brilliant idea; good plan; wonderful scheme}
- ~用 {wonderful effect; good effect; magic effect}
- ~算 {clever idea; wonderful scheme; excellent plan}
- ~诀 {knack; secret formula; clever way of doing sth.}
- ~手回春 {magic cure; effective cure brings the dying back to life; effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life}
- 莫名其~。 {baffling; mysterious; for no apparent reason}€+7
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 fine and subtle; exquisite and ingenious
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
形 excellent; fine; wonderful; fantastic
- 妙极了 wonderful; excellent
- 情况不妙。 The situation is not very encouraging.
- 多妙的主意! What a marvellous idea!
形 clever; ingenious; miraculous; subtle
- 答得很妙 make a clever answer
形 fine and subtle; exquisite and ingenious
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
形 excellent; fine; wonderful; fantastic
- 妙极了 wonderful; excellent
- 情况不妙。 The situation is not very encouraging.
- 多妙的主意! What a marvellous idea!
形 clever; ingenious; miraculous; subtle
- 答得很妙 make a clever answer
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
clever; excellent; fine; subtle; wonderful
clever; excellent; fine; subtle; wonderful
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典