玅 妙
variant of 妙[miào]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

小聪明 伶俐 机灵 聪明伶俐 𫍽 惺惺 妙趣 心灵手巧 灵通 灵利 玲珑 灵妙 猴儿精 乖觉 乖巧 巧妙 别具匠心 灵敏 有心眼 聪明 撇步 珠玉 灵机
美妙 真棒 精彩 佳妙 拍案惊奇 够意思 俱佳 再好不过 奇妙 灵妙 奇景 胜景 拍案叫绝 奇丽 珍馐美味 美事 古里古怪 珍馐美馔 花好月圆 空谷足音 妙不可言 神机妙算 奇思妙想 拍案
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT


1   wonderful; excellent; fine:
- 妙极了! Wonderful! Amazing!
- 这主意真妙。 That's an excellent idea. or What a good idea!
2   ingenious; clever; subtle:
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
- 他回答得很妙。 He gave a clever answer. or His answer was adroit.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 好;美妙 {wonderful; excellent; fine}:
- ~品 {fine-quality goods; excellent goods; fine work of art; exquisite work}
- ~境 {wonderland; dreamland}
- ~不可言 {wonderful beyond description; too good for description}
- 这个办法真~。 {That's an excellent way (or approach).}
2. 神奇;巧妙;奥妙 {ingenious; clever; subtle}:
- ~计 {excellent idea; clever idea; brilliant idea; good idea}
- ~策 {brilliant idea; good plan; wonderful scheme}
- ~用 {wonderful effect; good effect; magic effect}
- ~算 {clever idea; wonderful scheme; excellent plan}
- ~诀 {knack; secret formula; clever way of doing sth.}
- ~手回春 {magic cure; effective cure brings the dying back to life; effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life}
- 莫名其~。 {baffling; mysterious; for no apparent reason}€+7
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

fine and subtle; exquisite and ingenious
- 深得其中之妙 have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety
excellent; fine; wonderful; fantastic
- 妙极了 wonderful; excellent
- 情况不妙。 The situation is not very encouraging.
- 多妙的主意! What a marvellous idea!
clever; ingenious; miraculous; subtle
- 答得很妙 make a clever answer
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

clever; excellent; fine; subtle; wonderful
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典