[fēn sàn]
to scatter
⇒ 打散 分布 散射 炸 散 挥 抛散 播撒 播 奔窜 乱窜 疏散 撒 散钱 退散 四散奔逃 四散 灒 鸟兽散 飏 如鸟兽散
to disperse
⇒ 疏开 挥 抛散 散开 四散 疏散 飞散 驱散 散 吹散 散播 散落 发散 潵 散会 散逸 一哄而散 尽欢而散 逃窜无踪
to distribute
⇒ 散发 经销 分送 分布 施与 分配 发布 发给 配发 发行 俵 施 派送 流通 下发 分 分发 罗布 匀 均摊 分地 印发 印行
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动
1 disperse; distribute (opp. 集中):
- 分散兵力 dispersion of forces
2 become separated or disunited:
- 他和这位朋友分散多年。 He and his friend have been separated for many years.
3 distract (one'sattention) (opp. 集中):
- 分散注意力 with one's attention diverted (or distracted) to something else
II 形 scattered; dispersed; diverted; decentralized:
- 分散经营 decentralized management
- 分散指挥 decentralized command
- 分散剂 【化】 dispersing agent
- 分散染料 disperse dyes
- 分散主义 decentralism
I 动
1 disperse; distribute (opp. 集中):
- 分散兵力 dispersion of forces
2 become separated or disunited:
- 他和这位朋友分散多年。 He and his friend have been separated for many years.
3 distract (one'sattention) (opp. 集中):
- 分散注意力 with one's attention diverted (or distracted) to something else
II 形 scattered; dispersed; diverted; decentralized:
- 分散经营 decentralized management
- 分散指挥 decentralized command
- 分散剂 【化】 dispersing agent
- 分散染料 disperse dyes
- 分散主义 decentralism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 药学→药剂学
【所属学科】 药学→药剂学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 动物学→动物胚胎学
【所属学科】 动物学→动物胚胎学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 古生物学→古生态学、埋藏学、遗迹学→埋藏学
【定 义】 不是由单一壳或骨骼元素组成的生物骨骼,而由两个以上多部分组成的骨骼。如:双瓣壳类(腕足类、双壳类),节肢动物、棘皮动物、海绵动物、脊椎动物等。这些多组分的骨骼其连接组织和铰合韧带由于腐烂,加上生物扰动和自然作用力(如风吹、浪打、水流搬运等)作用,会很快分离。
【所属学科】 古生物学→古生态学、埋藏学、遗迹学→埋藏学
【定 义】 不是由单一壳或骨骼元素组成的生物骨骼,而由两个以上多部分组成的骨骼。如:双瓣壳类(腕足类、双壳类),节肢动物、棘皮动物、海绵动物、脊椎动物等。这些多组分的骨骼其连接组织和铰合韧带由于腐烂,加上生物扰动和自然作用力(如风吹、浪打、水流搬运等)作用,会很快分离。
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 化学工程→传递过程与单元操作→流体动力过程→搅拌与混合
【所属学科】 化学工程→传递过程与单元操作→流体动力过程→搅拌与混合
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 生理学→中枢神经系统
【所属学科】 生理学→中枢神经系统
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→操作系统
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→操作系统
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 地质学→地球化学
【所属学科】 地质学→地球化学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 地理学→环境地理学
【定 义】 物质分形成极微小的质点而分布于另一物质中。
【所属学科】 地理学→环境地理学
【定 义】 物质分形成极微小的质点而分布于另一物质中。
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 散在各处;不集中 {scatter; decentralize}:
- ~活动 {carry out individual (or small group) operations; act on one's own}
- 山村的人家住得很~。 {Families of mountain villages live far scattered.}
2. 使分散 {disperse; divert}:
- ~注意力。 {distract (or divert) one's attention}
3. 散发;分发 {distribute; hand out}:
- ~传单。 {distribute leaflets}
1. 散在各处;不集中 {scatter; decentralize}:
- ~活动 {carry out individual (or small group) operations; act on one's own}
- 山村的人家住得很~。 {Families of mountain villages live far scattered.}
2. 使分散 {disperse; divert}:
- ~注意力。 {distract (or divert) one's attention}
3. 散发;分发 {distribute; hand out}:
- ~传单。 {distribute leaflets}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 divert; distract; scatter
- 分散公众注意力 distract/divert public attention
- 分散精力 diffuse one's energies
- 分散学习的注意力 distract one's attention from studying
- 分散掩护 scatter for cover
- 分散管理/经营 decentralized management/operation
- 分散的居民点 scattered settlements
- 责任分散 diffusion of responsibility
动 disperse; distribute; give out
- 分散传单 distribute handbills/leaflets
动 divert; distract; scatter
- 分散公众注意力 distract/divert public attention
- 分散精力 diffuse one's energies
- 分散学习的注意力 distract one's attention from studying
- 分散掩护 scatter for cover
- 分散管理/经营 decentralized management/operation
- 分散的居民点 scattered settlements
- 责任分散 diffusion of responsibility
动 disperse; distribute; give out
- 分散传单 distribute handbills/leaflets
名 <化学> dispersing agent; dispersant
名 <化学> dispersing agent; dispersant
fēnsàn rǎnliào
名 <化学> disperse dye
fēnsàn rǎnliào
名 <化学> disperse dye
fēnsàn tǐxì
名 <化学> disperse system
fēnsàn tǐxì
名 <化学> disperse system
名 decentralism
名 decentralism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
decentralization; detract; disperse; distract from; separate; spread around
decentralization; detract; disperse; distract from; separate; spread around
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
fèn sàn
be scattered,常指带有偶然性的分散,强调状态。
- 小农经济是分散的。 The small-scale peasant economy is scattered.
- 我的亲属分散在全国各地。 My relations are scattered all over the country.
- 有几幢房屋分散在谷地里。 A few houses are scattered in the valley.
- 我们的政权是分散而又孤立的山地或僻地政权, 没有外界的任何支援。 Our political power existed in scattered and isolated mountainous or remote regions and received no outside help whatever.
- 农业机械化决不能建立在分散落后的个体经济基础之上。 Mechanization of agriculture can never be established on the basis of a scattered and backward individual economy.
- 我们只经过几座分散的村子。 We passed only a few scattered villages.
- 小山上有几座分散的农庄。 There are some farms scattered on these hills.
disperse, divide (up),常指多少带有目的性的分散,强调动作。
- 放学后,他们分散回家去了。 After school they all dispersed to their homes.
- 孩子们都分散度假去了。 Children dispersed for the holidays.
- 棱镜能分散光线。 A prism disperses light.
- 世界上所有的船只分散到海上可做到一只瞧不见一只。 All the ships in the world might be so dispersed on the sea that no one ship could see another.
- 兵力的分散与集中之所以必要,是为了改变敌我形势。 Dispersion and concentration of forces are necessary for the purpose of reversing the situation between the enemy and ourselves.
- 红军以集中为原则,赤卫队以分散为原则。 The principle for the Red Army is concentration, and that for Red Guards dispersion.
- 我们应以集中兵力打运动战为主,以分散兵力打游击战为辅。 The concentration of our forces for mobile warfare should be primary, and the dispersal of our forces for guerrilla warfare should be supplementary.
- 人人皆知,以多胜少是最好的办法,然而很多人不能做到,相反地每每分散兵力。 Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary, often divide their forces up.
- 我们的方针是集中领导,分散经营。 Our policy is to unify the leadership and decentralize management.
- 国家工业的布局应该合理分散。 The nation's industry should be rationally decentralized.
- 分散使用建设资金不是明智之举。 It is unwise to decentralize the use of construction funds.
- 学习时不要分散思想。 Don't distract your mind from your study.
- 一位邻居突然来访,分散了他的思想。 The sudden arrival of a neighbor distracted his thought.
- 外面的吵闹声分散了小学生的注意力。 The noise outside distracted the schoolboys' attention.
- 我们往往在小事上分散精力。 We often dissipate our energies in trivial occupations.
- 你不应瞎起劲,分散精力。 You should not dissipate your energy in futile efforts.
fèn sàn
be scattered,常指带有偶然性的分散,强调状态。
- 小农经济是分散的。 The small-scale peasant economy is scattered.
- 我的亲属分散在全国各地。 My relations are scattered all over the country.
- 有几幢房屋分散在谷地里。 A few houses are scattered in the valley.
- 我们的政权是分散而又孤立的山地或僻地政权, 没有外界的任何支援。 Our political power existed in scattered and isolated mountainous or remote regions and received no outside help whatever.
- 农业机械化决不能建立在分散落后的个体经济基础之上。 Mechanization of agriculture can never be established on the basis of a scattered and backward individual economy.
- 我们只经过几座分散的村子。 We passed only a few scattered villages.
- 小山上有几座分散的农庄。 There are some farms scattered on these hills.
disperse, divide (up),常指多少带有目的性的分散,强调动作。
- 放学后,他们分散回家去了。 After school they all dispersed to their homes.
- 孩子们都分散度假去了。 Children dispersed for the holidays.
- 棱镜能分散光线。 A prism disperses light.
- 世界上所有的船只分散到海上可做到一只瞧不见一只。 All the ships in the world might be so dispersed on the sea that no one ship could see another.
- 兵力的分散与集中之所以必要,是为了改变敌我形势。 Dispersion and concentration of forces are necessary for the purpose of reversing the situation between the enemy and ourselves.
- 红军以集中为原则,赤卫队以分散为原则。 The principle for the Red Army is concentration, and that for Red Guards dispersion.
- 我们应以集中兵力打运动战为主,以分散兵力打游击战为辅。 The concentration of our forces for mobile warfare should be primary, and the dispersal of our forces for guerrilla warfare should be supplementary.
- 人人皆知,以多胜少是最好的办法,然而很多人不能做到,相反地每每分散兵力。 Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary, often divide their forces up.
- 我们的方针是集中领导,分散经营。 Our policy is to unify the leadership and decentralize management.
- 国家工业的布局应该合理分散。 The nation's industry should be rationally decentralized.
- 分散使用建设资金不是明智之举。 It is unwise to decentralize the use of construction funds.
- 学习时不要分散思想。 Don't distract your mind from your study.
- 一位邻居突然来访,分散了他的思想。 The sudden arrival of a neighbor distracted his thought.
- 外面的吵闹声分散了小学生的注意力。 The noise outside distracted the schoolboys' attention.
- 我们往往在小事上分散精力。 We often dissipate our energies in trivial occupations.
- 你不应瞎起劲,分散精力。 You should not dissipate your energy in futile efforts.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典