
驅散 驱散
[qū sàn]
to disperse (a crowd etc)
疏开 抛散 散开 四散 疏散 飞散 吹散 散播 散落 分散 发散 散会 散逸 一哄而散 尽欢而散 逃窜无踪
(fig.) to dispel (misgivings etc)
驱离 消解 冰释 消释 祛除 化解 驱除 打消 排遣 释除 难解 解惑 遣闷 释疑 祛寒 解疑 祛疑 祛痰 祛痰药 祛瘀 祛风 消愁解闷 拨云见日
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 disperse; dispel; break up:
- 驱散人群 disperse a crowd
- 阳光驱散了薄雾。 The sun dispelled the mist.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 赶走,使散开 {scatter; disperse; dispel; dissipate; break up}:
- ~围观的人 {disperse the crowd of onlookers}
- 大风~了乌云。 {A gale dispelled the dark clouds.}
2. 消除;排除 {get rid of; banish; dispel; drive away; dissipate}:
- 习习的晚风~了一天的闷热。 {The gentle evening breeze dispelled the suffocating heat of the day.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
disperse; scatter; break up
- 驱散暴徒 disperse the rioters
- 驱散抗议者 break up the protesters
- 驱散人群 break up/disperse/scatter a crowd
dispel; disperse; dissipate; drive away
- 驱散乌云 dispel/dissipate/disperse dark clouds
- 风驱散了雾气。 The wind dispersed/dissipated the fog.
- 阳光驱散了薄雾。 The sun dispelled/dissipated the mist.
- 她温柔的话语驱散了他的忧愁。 Her sweet words dispersed his melancholy.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
blow away; break up; dispel; dispersion; dissipate
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
qū sàn
- 警察驱散了看热闹的人群。 The police scattered the crowd watching the fun.
- 一阵大声喧哗驱散了鸽群。 A loud noise scattered the pigeons.
- 这场雷雨暂时驱散了游泳的人群。 The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
- 这场挫折驱散了成功的一切希望。 This setback scattered all hopes for success.
- 警察驱散了示威的群众。 The police dispersed the demonstrators.
- 微风驱散了大雾。 The breeze dispersed the heavy fog.
- 来了一场雷雨,把野餐的人群驱散得无影无踪。 A thunderstorm came up and dispersed the picnickers.
- 这一解释至少驱散了人们的不安之感。 This explanation had at least dispersed the uneasy feeling of the people.
- 部队以持续的炮火驱散了乌合之众。 The troops dissipated the disorderly band by unremitting gunfire.
- 风儿驱散了云层,天空整天都是晴朗的。 The wind dissipated the clouds, and the sky was clear all day.
- 他平静的话语驱散了我们的恐惧。 His calm words dispelled our fear.
- 冉冉升起的太阳驱散了黑暗。 The slowly rising sun dispelled the darkness.
break up,指以分开拆散的方式驱散。
- 警察驱散了打群架的人群。 The police broke up the crowd engaged in a gang fight.
- 便衣警察驱散了集会。 The police in plain clothes broke up the meeting.
drive out, 指由内到外的赶走。
- 她竭力想驱散心中的恶念。 She tried to drive out the evil thoughts out of her mind.
- 一见他开朗的笑脸他们的疑虑都被驱散了。 All misgivings they might have felt were driven out by his cheerful face.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典