本質 本质
[běn zhì]
⇒ 菁华 精 实质 脑 精英 精髓 素 真髓 性 粹 精华 精神 国粹 理 素质 内核 真谛 元神 取其精华 实相 太虚 悟入 房劳 鸡精 由表及里 唯意志论
⇒ 自然 自然界 性状 天性 造化 品性 本性 性格 性质 素 天生 品 性情 性 大自然 质 野性 成性 斗争性 习惯成自然 同性 本就 醍醐 二重性 习惯自然 习惯若自然 自然保护区 稚气 人之常情 灵性 人性 真容
innate character
⇒ 秉性
intrinsic quality
⇒ 品质
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality:
- 本质上 at the root; in essence
- 本质差别 an essential distinction; a fundamental difference
- 本质方面 an essential aspect
- 非本质方面 a non-essential aspect; minor aspect
- 透过现象看本质 see through appearances to the essence; penetrate to the essential; see past appearances
- 本质论 【哲】 naturalism
名 essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality:
- 本质上 at the root; in essence
- 本质差别 an essential distinction; a fundamental difference
- 本质方面 an essential aspect
- 非本质方面 a non-essential aspect; minor aspect
- 透过现象看本质 see through appearances to the essence; penetrate to the essential; see past appearances
- 本质论 【哲】 naturalism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
指事物本身所固有的、决定事物性质、面貌和发展的根本属性。事物的本质是隐蔽的,是通过现象来表现的,不能用简单的直观去认识,必须透过现象掌握本质。 {essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality; innate essential property of a thing that decides its nature, features and development, which is both concealed and revealed by its superficial appearance; one must see beyond the surface to get to the essence, rather than perceiving directly through the senses}
指事物本身所固有的、决定事物性质、面貌和发展的根本属性。事物的本质是隐蔽的,是通过现象来表现的,不能用简单的直观去认识,必须透过现象掌握本质。 {essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality; innate essential property of a thing that decides its nature, features and development, which is both concealed and revealed by its superficial appearance; one must see beyond the surface to get to the essence, rather than perceiving directly through the senses}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 nature
- 认识世界的本质 discover the true nature of the world
- 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to the essence; see the essence through the phenomenon
- 抓住问题的本质 grasp the essentials of a problem
- 本质差别 essential distinction
- 本质方面 essential aspect
- 本质特征 intrinsic characteristics
- 社会主义的本质 essence of socialism
- 从本质上讲 in essence/nature
- 他本质并不坏。 He is not intrinsically bad.
- 幸福的本质就是忘我。 The very essence of happiness is self-forgetfulness.
名 nature
- 认识世界的本质 discover the true nature of the world
- 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to the essence; see the essence through the phenomenon
- 抓住问题的本质 grasp the essentials of a problem
- 本质差别 essential distinction
- 本质方面 essential aspect
- 本质特征 intrinsic characteristics
- 社会主义的本质 essence of socialism
- 从本质上讲 in essence/nature
- 他本质并不坏。 He is not intrinsically bad.
- 幸福的本质就是忘我。 The very essence of happiness is self-forgetfulness.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
entity; essence; substance; essential; intrinsic; substantial; substantive
entity; essence; substance; essential; intrinsic; substantial; substantive
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
essence; genius; hypostases; hypostasis; inbeing; ingrain; metal
essence; genius; hypostases; hypostasis; inbeing; ingrain; metal
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典