輪 轮
wheel; disk; ring
车轮 转轮 轮子 轮盘 车轮子 轱辘 摩天轮 轮辐 前轮 砂轮 车辙 色轮 钢圈 飞轮 滚轮 四轮定位 转向盘 轮毂 纺轮 回旋 砣子 𫐓 叶轮 后轮 磁盘 圆盘 腰椎间盘突出 软磁碟 视神经乳头 视神经盘 刻录机 硬磁盘 扇区 腰椎间盘 硬盘 映象文件 硬式磁碟机 硬碟 激光唱片 研磨盘 光磁碟 椎间盘 磁碟机 软盘 磁盘驱动器 磁碟 软碟 软磁盘 磁片 腰椎间盘突出症 蓝光光盘 圆环 电话铃声 铃声 戒子 戒指 指环 圈子 篮圈 擂台 芳香环 环形 环状 滑环 令牌环 外环线 气圈 环路 烟圈 变焦环 主环 环线 鼻环
轮船 汽船 班轮
to take turns; to rotate
轮换 轮流 倒换 轮替 倒替 穿插 轮值 同乐会 旋转 转动 换位 回转 打转 转圈 周转 轮转 轴旋转 自转
classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 名
1   (轮儿) wheel:
- 十轮卡车 ten-wheel truck
2   sth. resembling a wheel; disc; ring:
- 光轮 halo
3   steamboat; steamer:
- 渔轮 fishing vessel
II 动 take turns:
- 一个人轮一天 each person takes their turn for a day
- 今天轮到我值班。 It's my turn to be on duty today.
- 下一个就轮到你了。 It will be your turn next.
1   [for the sun, the moon, etc. ]:
- 一轮红日 a red sun
- 一轮明月 a bright moon
2   (轮儿) round:
- 第一轮比赛 the first round of the match
- 新的一轮会谈 a new round of talks
3   (轮儿) [a circle of 12 years]:
- 我比你大一轮儿。 I'm twelve years your senior.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. (~ㄦ {lúnr})轮子 {wheel}:
- 车~ {wheel}
- 齿~ㄦ {gear}
- 三~摩托车 {three-wheeled motorcycle}◇历史的巨~。 {the wheel of history}
2. 形状像轮子的东西 {sth. resembling a wheel; disc; ring}:
- 日~ {sun disk}
- 月~ {full moon}
- 年~ {annual ring; growth ring}
- 耳~。 {helix}
3. 轮船 {steamboat; steamer; ship}:
- 江~ {river steamer}
- 油~ {oil tanker}
- ~渡 {ferry}
- ~埠。 {port; wharf; harbour}
4. 依照次序一个接替一个(做事) {take turns; by turn}:
- ~换 {take turns; rotate}
- ~班 {in shifts; by turns; in rotation}
- ~值 {be on duty by turns}
- ~训 {training in rotation}
- 一个人~一天 {each person on duty for a day by turns}
- 你快准备好,马上~到你了。 {Get ready quickly. It will soon be your turn.}
5. 〈量词<posen>classifier</posen><biaoqian>a)</biaoqian>多用于红日、明月等 {[oft. used for the sun, the moon, etc.]}:
- 一~红日 {red sun}
- 一~明月。 {bright moon}<biaoqian>b)</biaoqian>(~ㄦ {lúnr})用于循环的事物或动作 {round; sth. or movement that goes in a cycle}:
- 头~影院 {top-class cinema (which has the priority to show new films)}
- 我大哥也属马,比我大一~(即大十二岁) {My elder brother was also born in the Year of Horse and 12 years older than I.}
- 篮球冠军赛已经打了一~ㄦ。 {The basketball championships has finished its first round. or The first round of the basketball championships has finished.}垥
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

- 备用轮 fifth wheel; spare wheel
- 前/后轮 front/rear wheel
- 自行车轮 bicycle wheel
- 十轮大卡车 ten-wheel truck
- 四轮马车 four-wheeled carriage
take turns
- 轮到她了。 Her turn came.
- 清扫工作,一人轮一天。 Each one will be on duty for one day to do the cleaning.
- 轮到我了。 It is my turn.
wheel-shaped object; disc; disk; ring
- 光轮 halo
steamboat; steamer
[for the sun, the moon, etc]
- 一轮红日 a red sun
- 一轮明月 a bright moon
- 第一轮辩论 the first round of debate
- 新一轮谈判 a new round of talks
- 新一轮增长 a new cycle of growth
- 比赛第一轮他就把对手打倒了。 He knocked down his opponent in the first round of the match.
a cycle of twelve years
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

annulus; ring; wheel
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
lún (lún dào )
one's turn, 指顺着次序一个接一个地轮,因此顺序感明显,并必须严格遵守。
- 今天轮到我值班。 It's my turn to be on duty today.
- 他正在医生候诊室里等着轮到叫他。 He was waiting his turn in the doctor's office.
- 显示屏上显示就要轮到他了。 It is shown on the display screens that his turn is to come.
- 下一个轮到你了。 It will be your turn next.
- 整个晚上都不能让他一个人待着,你们得轮着守夜。 He mustn't be left alone all night and you shall have to take your turns at sitting up.
by turns, 也指一个接一个地轮,但顺序感已不明显,因此次序可循可不循。
- 我们船上有12人,大冢轮着划。 There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
- 李明和我同意星期六轮着在公司加班。 L Ming and I agreed to work extra hours at the office on Saturday by turns.
- 士兵们轮着挖战壕。 The soldiers dug trenches by turns.
in turn,也指一个接一个地轮,但这时的“轮”,已无次序可言。
- 我将轮着接见你们全体。 I shall see you all in turn.
- 紫蝴蝶四下翻飞,轮着光顾每一朵花。 The purple butterflies fluttered about, visiting each flower in turn.
- 他们轮着回答老师的问题。 They answered the teacher's questions in turn.
take turns,指轮着来做某事。
- 班上发言不要一起讲,要轮着来。 In class we should not talk all at the same time, we should take turns.
- 我和妹妹轮着照顾生病的母亲。 My sister and I took turns at looking after our sick mother.
- 由于我们三人轮着开车,这次出门也就不太累。 Since we three took turns driving, we did not find the trip too tiring.
it is the time for sb. ... to... ,指“该轮到…做…的时候了”。
- 现在正是该轮到那位骄傲的公主怀着嫉妒,瞪着眼瞅灰姑娘了。 It was now the time for the proud princess to gaze at Cinderella with jealousy.
- 该轮到我们显身手了。 It is the time for us to display our consummate skill.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典